The only good Flash episode this season was directed by Kevin fucking Smith

>the only good Flash episode this season was directed by Kevin fucking Smith
How did it all go so wrong?

Right around the time Flash started airing.

lol no
the non-speedforce scenes of the episode were shit

Kevin Smith's got some pretty great ideas for capeshit when he has a producer/editor to reign in all his awful ones.

Literally every Earth 2 had a negative effect on the show.

Even long lost secret crackbaby son wasn't as offensive as all that Zoom bullshit.

I liked the one with Snart's dad, the Weather Wizard /Trickster team-up, Eobard Thawne's return and the episode where Barry traveled back to Season 1 where he led Wellsobard and reformed Hartley.

Nah, season two had plenty of good individual episodes like King Shark, Trickster/Weather Wizard Christmas Special, Grodd, Dr Light, Barry going back to ask advice from Thawne-Wells, Earth-2 visit, it's just that the overall storyline just ended up being pretty bland. CW really ought to focus more on doing done in one eps or do two smaller arcs within the season instead of dragging a 22 episode long storyarc that could have been done in maybe seven or nine episodes, depending how much focus you wanted to give it.

How is a Vertigo show that only takes the comic's name and vaguely adapts the original premise become the only cape show to have 2 consistently great seasons and 2 spectacular season finales?

Arguably overall better villains too, EvilWells was great and Slade was cool until his masterplan reveal and his autism for his waifu but Merlyn is pretty gay and so was Zoom waifu'd Caitlin and had a boner for Barry. Like wtf Savage was the worst, like for an immortal super villain he never felt at all threatening.

Blaine, Vaughn Du Clark, Mr. Boss and the looming zombie apocalypse just more interesting

plus Liv and her scooby gang have more chemistry than Felicity and friends or Cisco's pop culture Star Wars boner

do you even know how TV directors work...they mostly just manage the crew to get whatever shots they're assigned that day, he had no major creative input

Well he also had Stentz writing the episode and he is no slouch either. Bringing Stentz on as a producer for next season is probably literally the best thing they have done staffing wise yet

>tfw you knew that but nobody had put it that way

Now if only we could rid ourselves of the Gugg on the other shows.

That episode was garbage

The best episode of Season 2 was the finale, because they closed all the holes the idiot interim writers opened AND addressed the problems with the season 1 finale and time travel at the same time.

Barry making a time remnant to sacrifice himself was a perfect inversion of Zoom's antics that doesn't also make enemies trivial (Barry can't use a time remnant unless he KNOWS it is going to die)

I hope they don't start a season 3 and ruin the fucking flawless ending to season 2. Barry finally had the courage to sacrifice his life to save his mom and right the timeline. That's the end of this Flash's story. Don't expand. End.

>Barry finally had the courage to sacrifice his life to save his mom and right the timeline

What? You do know that Barry next season is going to become the future Barry who tells past Barry to not intervene, right? Because he knows from personal experience aka season 3.

Post your fucking face when Thawne is back for season 3 thanks to le Flashpoint

Post your fucking face when [reverse helicopter noises intensify]

Good writing and writers

no, that Barry was the one from original timeline before RF found out who Barry was. When RF changed the past that Barry was reduced to a time remnant

>You do know that Barry next season is going to become the future Barry who tells past Barry to not intervene, right?
They would essentially be forced to do that, yes, and that would ruin fucking everything.

Flashpoint isn't caused by Barry saving his mom, it's caused by Barry fucking up when time-travelling.

The story so far in terms of timelines on Earth-1 is as such:
-Prime timeline. Wells does not get killed by Eobard. The Accelerator goes off way later in a controlled explosion giving Barry his powers when he's older. He has both parents and is married to Iris.
-Prime Eobard goes back in time to try to kill Barry, fails, kills Barry's mom instead. This changes history and the future, stops Barry from becoming the Flash, and cuts Thawne off from the Speed Force, creating timeline 2
-To regain his connection and prevent a paradox Thawne takes Wells' appearance and sets off the accelerator as early as possible
-Season 1 happens, at the end Barry-2 goes back and sees Barry-Prime fighting Eobard. In the end Barry isn't willing to give up his timeline to fix errything (which was a huge criticism of the finale, and why it fell so flat).
-Season 2 happens, at the end Barry-2 goes back again and this time he stops Thawne from killing anyone. He watches his timeline fade out of existence as Thawne's time fuckery is undone.

They're obviously going to continue the show which means they have to double down on "Barry can't save his mother, or Wells, or anyone affected by the explosion" even though they've repeatedly failed to establish a real reason why. They'll also have to establish a causal loop that won't make sense because the prime timeline DID exist.

It'd be far more satisfying as a story if they ended it here. Flash has saved the multiverse, gotten with Iris, and saved his mother and the prime timeline. That's the peak. Close the book.

>the episode where Barry traveled back to Season 1 where he led Wellsobard and reformed Hartley.

that one was great.

>It'd be far more satisfying as a story if they ended it here. Flash has saved the multiverse, gotten with Iris, and saved his mother and the prime timeline. That's the peak. Close the book.

That's...pretty good.
Anyone coming back for Season 3 is an idiot.

Trajectory episode had the best cinematography in the entire show, scrub

>really want to get into iZombie
>mfw the brain eating
I don't know why; it's not like I have a weak stomach. But that shit bothers me on some primal level that I can't explain. Feels Batman...

Flash sucks

>No tease of Wally and Jesse getting powers

jfc the one thing I thought was a shoe in

Youre a fucking idiot. This season was atill good.

eventually you get over it and want to eat brains

What? Are you retarded or just a casual? Barry subconsciously called down the lightning and gave them powers cause he thought they deserved it. They'll get them next season.

brain prions are no fucking joke, user

>that pic
I seen gore but for some reason this shit is even more gross

I know but i feel it's stronger to tease it at the end of this season and start groundwork

>How is a Vertigo show that only takes the comic's name and vaguely adapts the original premise become the only cape show to have 2 consistently great seasons and 2 spectacular season finales?

Because they focused on making a good TV show and know how to do so. Hell a really good way to see the difference in writing quality is with how the shows handle relationships.

Is there relationship drama in IZombie?
Yes there is.
How is it handled?
Our main character's love interest actually has his own story and character arc. He's trying so hard to keep his sanity, end the zombie plague, and cure the main character of her super STD that is keeping them apart.

Major is a supporting character and yet he has his own B plot in most of the show to make us, the viewers, get engaged in him and his motivations. You actually care about there relationship drama because you've seen Major's struggles w/o Liv being around. He's not just a sex doll that talks.

How does Flash handle relationship drama?
Barry's main love interest is Iris West, the literal girl next door that he moved in with when his mom died when he was 10. Iris is a fairly standard love interest. When she has a b-plot focused on her its about some little thing like arguing with her boss about the head line of the next paper. Her character motivation is work, get laid, and give pep talks.
Why is it Barry can't be with her?
Because he spilled his spaghetti too hard before then she hooked up with someone else, then that someone else died, then she mourned, now they are togetherish. He also had another love interest but that didn't last becuase she wasn't endgame Iris.

Iris is boring and every scene with her is boring. As a result anything involving her and Barry is boring and somewhat annoying.

Then there is Arrow...