What pretentious garbage this movie is. Couldn't even finish watching it, it was so boring

What pretentious garbage this movie is. Couldn't even finish watching it, it was so boring.

>I didn't understand a movie
>It must be pretentious

Finally someone not afraid to speak the truth. Good on you!

what was the point of the big cheeked woman

I'm not saying it's great but "Boring" is not a legitimate criticism.

If you want people to take your opinion seriously work on formulating something with even a small amount of thought

>What pretentious garbage this movie is. Couldn't even finish watching it, it was so boring.
Maybe you should stick to watching capeshit, little faggot.

Is that the small one that was dancing behind the radiator or something?

About the time I switched off actually

yeah, pretty disturbing desu

Very few explosions
Almost zero Robert Downey Jr one-liners
I give it.... 1/10
It would be 0 but at least now I can tell people I've seen it

You know this kind of post is most likely made by a redditor, it exudes cringe

I wasn't shocked or creeped out by any of the surrealist bullshit, so all that screentime devoted to it was grating

That good enough for you?

I switched off because I was getting so fucking bored at that point, I couldn't take the annoying edge much longer

>Liking a lel so randumb movie that faggot hipsters like to pseudo-intellectually brag about watching, attributing some deep meaning to it thinking they're cool
Any capeshit movie is better than this one.


>"I didn't finish a movie"
>giving any opinion on said movie

Isn't it about how having a baby is terrible

Escapism. He stared at the radiator when he wanted to stop thinking about what he got himself into, at which point she shows up and starts singing about how everything is fine.

honestly same

Why are you so easily intimidated and small minded?

He wasn't ready and didn't want to have a baby. He would stare at his radiator and imagine a singing woman to escape his responsibilities.

You fucking disgust me, you little pleb shit. Die.

So it's actually a pretty simple to understand movie

Pretty much. Just that things are exaggerated and done in a very different, artistic way.

>too retarded to understand movies
>breaks out in shitposting
Go back to watching capeshit, leddit.

Wow you're so easily intimidated and scared by something so borderline intellectual.There's nothing random about it you're just a fucking moron that can't grasp a simple story without everything spelled out for you. Go watch Captain America faggot

It's about how commitment/following life script in general is terrible. Man in the Planet represents the mechanic process of having babies, getting married, etc. That's why you can see him pull the lever during the conception scene at the start, it shows the mechanical process being started. Then there's all the uncomfortable shit with the X family which shows the pressure of conformity. The Lady in the Radiator represents being free and unburdened. Henry escapes into the dreamscape with the lady and gets encouraged to break free, his interaction with the lady across the hallway also helps with this. When he kills the baby at the end you can see the Man in the Planet's shit get fucked up and Henry gets with the lady, which obviously shows him becoming uncucked and regaining control of his own life.
The man-made mini-chicken thing is foreshadowing for when Henry stabs the baby at the end. The eraser scene that the movie is named after is just a non-sequitur based on a dream that Lynch had that he decided to shoehorn in. This part probably throws a lot of people off.
The above is just my own interpretation of the scenes so I'm sure some will disagree but the general idea is the same for everyone.
The cinematography is absolutely beautiful, sound design is top-notch, and the special effect of the baby is obviously incredible. Even if you don't follow the story I can't imaging someone watching this and not being entertained enough to at least finish it.

The movies shit

It's my second least favorite Lynch film behind Inland Empire. Highly overrated.

>his attention span is so short it won't even let him finish a 90 minutes long boring movie

Second worst movie I've ever seen, after Tetsuo. Just pure pointless garbage that only the most desperate of hipster will try to find some deep meaning behind. It's simply antikino. The literal opposite of entertainment.


Death. She embraces him at the end.

>people think David Lynch is kino
my fucking sides

He is beyond kino. He is pure enlightenment.

>worst Lynch
>not Dune
>not Fire Walk With Me
>not Twin Peaks Season 2

>shocked or creeped out by any of the surrealist
You're retarded

>you just don't get it

Yeah sure thing sweetheart



Inland Empire is his best movie by a lot.