*blocks your path*
*blocks your path*
Dr. Kylo I'm S K Y
Heh, nothin' personnel, uncle!
what is she doing?
She has boobs? I don't believe it!
shes so fugly
and her costume sucks
Reminder that the next potentially non shit SW movie will only come out in the next decade.
This photoshoot is pretty brilliant
Everyone here is gonna have a SW wiki article
>not even one finger on the trigger
>lightsaber on
fuck disney and fuck jews
do i see a twi'lek? far right
look at all those black people...
Poe now dresses like Han Solo?
>Han Solo
Why did Disney even had to buy the entire company if they were not going to use not even one single alien race of the prequels, originals or the EU?
Why couldn't they just bought the license to make 7 movies?
Those are 6 total new species I see there.
What's wrong with your FAAAAACE
Not a Twi'lek.
New trilogy so far has made a point of not showing any of the alien species fro the previous films, save for chewie. Guess they don't care about continuity when it doesn't appeal to nostalgiafags.
Is this a Bane? reference?
These pictures do not make her look good at all.
When has she looked good?
looks like somebody's been making extra trips to craft services
I appreciate that they want to put new aliens into the universe, but it'd be nice to occasionally see a rodian or a duros or a twi'lek.
a shout-out to David Lynch's Dune and the book, it looks like.
Really loving Kylo's Medieval Gambeson look, with him being called a Knight of Ren and all
those were the creation of white hetero males and we are better than this
why would phantom even continue to be in the new order after what she did?
Is this from Force Awakens or Rogue One?
if it's R1 then that was the prop used when we first seem Darth Vaders body in a tube on Mustafar.
Why does Phasma look like she had a stroke?
Come on guys let me walk off the cliff
Damn, looks like something out of Quake 4
It's probably from Game of Thrones' quasi-medieval aesthetic.
Did you forget Admiral Akbar and Nien Nunb?
I can't get over how ugly the gook looks, jesus. They couldn't find one mildly attractive Chinese plug-in?