Overrated movies
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john wick wasnt horrible, not deserving of a 90%..
id have to say boyhood is the most overrated piece of shit. people fell for the muh 12 years meme or however long it took. quite frankly i couldnt care less if it was that long, its retarded
>wasnt horrible
yes it was and is
shin was the best kaiju film since 1954 my guy
Three Colors Trilogy
The 500 Blows
Dog Day Afternoon
Strangers on a Train
Annie Hall
Le Scaphandre et le Papillon
Das Leben der Anderen
Lawrence of Arabia
The best after gmk and the gamera trilogy, yes
Whatever your favorite movie is, user
You two could not have worse taste. They are Animiationkino and capekino respectfully.
this. although it was a pretty good movie, it is not a masterpiece
Everything's good but get out deserved a 73%
Overrated doesn't mean it's shit you autist.
Out of the 4 movies you selected, only John Wick was TRULY overrated, as in it did not deserve any critical praise.
>inb4 Get Out was race-baiting lefty propaganda
Get Out was pretty based. Maybe not a MASTERPIECE, but I actually enjoyed it for a horror/comedy.
Fuck off retard John Wick 2 is the best out of the bunch
How does one develop this bad of taste?
Doctor Strange - 90%
This is when I stopped going to Rotten Tomatoes to see whether I should watch a movie or not.
Rogue One, Mad Max Fury Road, Blade Runner, Alien
I will never understand people who says john wick 2 is better then the first. Just stop with that shit
Not bait
..it is.
>enjoys animated furry movie
>enjoys dying breath of super hero trash
>having taste
good god that's awful
The force awakens
Star Wars in general has to be the most overrated movies
fuck off to >>Sup Forums or /reddit/
>Entire scene devoted to Common and John Wick shooting little guns at each other in a crowd of people with nobody noticing at all
>"Fuck off retard John Wick 2 is the best out of the bunch"
Contrarianism can only stretch so far, my guy.
Definitely not better, but I thought it compared well. Didn't feel stale to me.
The action in general
the Sequel was more like it tried too much to be like the first one but i feel like it didn't do justice. It was kinda stupid and boring
yeah get out and john wick grossly overrated
Arrival quite a bit higher but not too overrated
don't know about the lizard cunt
>hating on a modern masterpiece
Its movie guns with movie silencers...Nice try autismo
The moment Vivaldi's Summer started playing as and the whole mirror maze scene elevated it to pure kinographiè.
this is just stupid
Yeah, it was a typical i'm an old loner man and now i have to take care of this child. It was good, but just normal good. People tend to get confused when a movie makes them cry, and call it kino just because of that.
>Shin Godzilla
I watched get out and thought it was a mediocre film with poor acting, cliche and predictable plot and little depth. Wasn't even scary or memorable in any way. It was a solid 4/10.
This is not kino, this is pretty idiotic my dude.
The first Avengers movie
Cringe inducing.
This. And the fact that it was violent people think it was a masterpiece
>the film is universally acclaimed
You're the only contrarian here you projecting retard.
>Rogue One
>The Force Awakens
Especially the latter, which somehow has like a 90 on rotten tomatoes when it truly deserves a 0.
>a movie by a jap studio that most normies don't even know about
It was a fucking good movie too
John Wick 2 is actually underrated
Shin Gojira was very refreshing. Turning a monster movie into a bureaucratic drama was unusual.
This desu. I'm not a weebfag but I unironically enjoyed Shin more than 2014 Godzilla.
no arrival was pretty good