Did he get what he deserved at the end of 90?
This Is England Series
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>le racists are evil meme
Please. They're the only ones stopping the packis from invading. Felt sorry for that black guy tho
He got his west indian cousins to chop combo into little bits though
It's more the fact that he beat someone almost to death for no reason
absolutely not, and everyone who thinks so is a fucking soulless bastard.
can't remember but i think milky didn't know combo took the fall for lol? maybe knowing that would've helped him forgive him, but either way the revenge was overblown
such a depressing series
I don't think him taking the fall for Lol would have changed a thing since Milky said a lot of promises were made around his hospital bed. Milk will probably an hero soon.
Not really, he redeemed himself. Milky was a cunt.
Finally a thread talking about this show. I hated 90
reminder that Milky was the true antagonist of TIE
weird that they turned those two lads into such gimps in the later series'
they're propa ard nuts here
Combo did nothing wrong
What happened to him at the end of 90? I don't care about spoilers I'm never going to watch this show, so tell me.
They find out he's quarter wog and quarter him
No he already repented after taking that manslaughter rap, couldnt stand Milky. I wanted to beat all those coons at the end, it was horrible to watch
He gets murdered by some of Milky's family after he gets out of prison. He's basically reformed and very sympathetic at that point. You can tell that Milky doesn't want it to happen but he doesn't do anything to stop it as he's angry (due to Combo almost killing him before) and his family are angrier.
I couldnt beat a coon, I love their music too much
he's in some soft of offenders institution/rehabilitation thing where he's teaching kids to play footie and that, generally looks pretty happy with himself, last scene in there is him saying goodbye to the qt behind the counter, you can see he's a reformed bloke, he's walking down the street, think he's going to the cafe and a car pulls up, it's Milky and he says to get in because he wants to "chat" - Combo gets in and they go to the cafe, and they're talking, Combo's apologising and stuff and then Milky says that when he got beaten up certain "promises" were made (to get revenge) and even though he sort of wants to because he knows Combo is reformed, he cant stop his family fucking him up, then all these black lads come in, Combo is crying but reluctantly goes with them, they take him to some ruined old factory and then the series ends. No one knows what happens to Combo but it's safe to assume he's dead
they handed him over to the skinheads
warning: major feels ahead
Combo didn't deserve what he got. I'm not racist, but fuck that nigger.
this, I hope with the guilt he hangs himself