Why is this better than 99% of comedy?
Why is this better than 99% of comedy?
Because 99% of comedy has to interject propaganda into it and anything that doesn't belong takes away from the comedic value. And that pretty much goes for most tv and film.
Because it's about science!
because you have shit taste and don't watch a lot of comedy
Am I banned?
it was a big reveal
Because old timey comedy gave way to being edgy. Dice was the only funny edgy comic, and even then it was ironic. Then being a cynical piece of shit took over. Louis was the king until he started injecting mainstream lefty shit, killed his own racket. Now comedy is just a vehicle for leftist dogma. And of course race comedy was always cashing in, which never evolved and got hackey as fuck.
Irreverence and silliness are making a comeback, Norm, Pickle Rick, Jim Norton. The only thing holding them back is that the kids are getting so brainwashed that even being apolitical is offensive to them.
Consider for a second just how awful a lot of comedy is
>watching cartoons for adults
the show in general or the picklerick thing? half the show is just stupid and undeserving of the constant memeing it inspires. The handful of clever jokes are the ones the show's halfwit audience doesn't even seem to appreciate
This will suffice.
>You're a big reveal
>For you
Can you give me an example of a clever joke in this series?
most of the atheism jokes are clever, pickle rick, shwifty
Wubba lubba dub dub
Because it attempts to speak to a certain philosophy or truth while other comedy only plays on memes that are currently relevant, like fads 8)
>C......PIK RIK
none of those things are clever though
>mom walk in
>"i need dildo"
>*sees pickle rick*
>"this will do"
>no dildo