what do you think when you see someone driving one?
What do you think when you see someone driving one?
Nice car, I hope he's happy with it.
Nice car
Either they have poor priorities, it's not actually theirs or I'm witnessing a 1%er
Call the cops because he probably stole it from my garage.
Cool car... Looks like fun
wonder how many people he had to screw over to make enough money to afford that
Whenever I see a pastel coloured car I die a little inside.
nice Audi
Wherever I go, I must hoon.
1. rented
2. slow
3. tacky
4. impractical for driving most places (too low to the ground)
5. the retard who's driving is always some army fuck who's blowing his whole salary on a weekend
Almost everyone I know with enough cash for a lambo would never buy one
"Cool car Ahmed. Drive it to the white house and show it to me"
With a faggy color like that I bet he makes apps
>I must steal it
If the someone is a young woman: has a sugar daddy.
If the someone is a middle-aged woman: has a sugar daddy
If the someone is a young man: has rich parents
If the someone is an older man: must be rich as fuck.
If black/hispanic: must have a shit house
If arabic/Chinese: rich parents
Nice car, gay color
I wonder what kind of brain malfunction made him buy a Craporghini
the new ones are hard as fuck to steal as they have multiple ways to track them
I mind my own business, Im not a retarded socialist that gets mad because some people are wealthier than me.
Most people driving those here are kids with rich parents, usually kids of rich saudis
dont think at all, dont care,
cuz the real rich elite dont spoil themselves publically
Nice one, buddy. But if I was you I would convert it to LPG
>sombody has something cool and im jealous, let me project my insecurity onto them!!
Fucking loser
Neighbor has a Ferrari F430, he's a nice guy, don't think much about it as he was born into wealth
A "two-bob millionaire"
depends who is driving it.
>Young white dude
Daddies car
Where did you steal that?
>Young woman
Daddies car
>Brown person
Where did you steal that, you gypsy!
>White middle aged man in business suit
Nice car, you've earned it.
>Old man/woman
Fuck off the road!
What a shit color.
>too low to the ground
Oh god this. I can drive it around certain roads but always scrape everywhere that isn't perfectly paved. I end up enjoying driving my polestar volvo more.
Usually never an evil jew, so I usually give em a thumbs up. Vroom vroom mr rich dude
Mid-life crisis.
1. Thank fuck I put my money into properties that earn me rent every month.
2. I hope he doesn't crash that thing into my bike because it's too much car for his actual driving skills.
3. Ok, it looks nice, hope he enjoys himself.
eleventh post best post
>let's pretend everyone is jealous because i need that to be true to allow my pointless quest of owning stupid material shit whilst chasing the American dream to have a validated purpose.
I hear the rat race is full of rats.
Maserati is better
How much would someone have to be earning a year to afford a Lambo?
>half these anons could not name this car
Cars are terrible investments. Their value constantly drops and you have to pay for gas, road taxes and so on.
Thank god for my cunts public transportation.
Why aren't they driving the superior automobile?
So that's what Bernie Sanders did with his donations
i remember, for the thousandth time that day, that we are the greatest inventors in history.
>Just because somebody drives something you will never be able to afford means they're overcompensating
you can only find this kind of logic on Sup Forums
>everything you buy has to be an investment
You have one?
Pics or gtfo
this post if the kind of envy id expect from a canafuck socialist faggot whos in favor of wealth redistribution and is assblasted at rich people
i have a summer home in you
there is literally no point to that car other than showing other people that you have a lot of money and a small penis
I think he's referring the the car specifically. Typically the type of person who owns one is going through a mid-life crisis.
That doesn't look like Miata :^)
"This car wouldn't last 1 hour in Brazil"
You know he has 5 inches at most
I'd like to have a quick spin in it, but I'd much rather have my Kia sportage.
I'd like to have a quick spin in it, but I'd much rather have my Kia sportage.
>>Sup Forums
A new one costs about £300,000 (and about that much again in maintenance).
So to properly afford one (as in can afford to buy and drive it, and not bankrupt yourself in the process) you're talking multi-millionaire.
that my dear user is a Lamborghini Huracan (keyboard can't do the accent on the a) Spyder and the jury is still out on whether it will have the same clutch issues as its predecessors
Americans would rage at him for not buying a Chevy.
If you buy a supercar as a throwaway toy you are both stupidly rich and not for long.
afford doesn't mean you have the money
it means you won't miss the money
remember the presidental car failed because it was too low?
same thing
the one time I saw one, was when there was a local pikey fair in the area. (anyone in NW england will know it).
He pulled into the gas station I was working at, filled it up, pulled out a thick brick of £50 notes, paid for the gas, went to our exit. We had two exits, one towards the centre of town, one directly onto the biggest busiest roundabout in the area.
He took the roundabout exit, pulled out, and a shitty vauxhall corsa hit the side of his lambo. Found out afterwards, it was rented, and his insurance wouldn't cover it.
He was a pikey though, so he wasn't paying for it in the end.
no we wouldn't
just laugh when he gets beat by a lightly modified corvette
That's it. No need to get all analytic about it.
Google is cheating. Nice try.
1.Has shit taste
2.Either rich or poor who wants to feel rich
3.Can't drive stick
4.You can buy a better car with a budget of 40K
5.Good for them though
>Evo 9 or lower version
>GTR r32/33/34
>any classic muscle car
^Any of those will have my respect before a 200k """""exotic""""
>Saw this car today
>check the licence plate
a fucking poo!!!
Hence "won't bankrupt yourself in the process".
actually the aventador and huracan have much better steering than the older lambos you're thinking of. it's 2016 after all.
I see it as a likely culmination of thousands of hours of sacrifice. The idea of one day getting that car prolly motivated him when he couldn't find the energy to skip another weekend...
Otoh if it's a relatively young person, I realize his parents are doing it wrong.
>Buy a vette for 20K
>Throw 10K of parts at it
Would drive
>Too broke for a Veyron
No need to cheat.
Major petrol head.
Also if I had cheated I would've done a copy paste and gotten that damn accent thing right
small dick
I see these cars all the time in the gated condo my parents live. They have alarms and all kinds of tracking devices, the only problems here are the brazilian speedbumps and the poor faggots that would key your car
they aren't that cheap
An expensive toyota/whatever other city car. all they do with it is stand in traffic and drive at 60km/h to occasionally take it for a spin on a highway.
Nice car but he's probably a douchenozzle
beat at which?
going in a straight line on a drag track, or picking up syphillis-ridden redneck pussy?
>what a fuckin faggot
If you have the money to buy such a car, buy a real one, like a old Rolls Royce or a jaguar, or some America musclecar or a old Porsche 911 or some other car that doesn't say "hey look everyone, I suck cocks on a regular basis"
Nice car. And ten I think "What a moron, no room to really get going AND it's a fucking convertable". I just don't like cars without a proper cabin.
I avoid looking at it because that's what the dickhead driver wants me to do
>falling for the LamBERGhini jew
faggot! he should have bought the yellow/black one
I think of the more tasteful vehicles which could have been afforded with that money. So help you if you vinyl wrapped it.
I always find the sound that these cars make very funny. Like a broken moped.
Other than that I don't think much about it. Some people spend money on a car, I spend lots on my PC. To each their own.
>not getting a proper white man's car like an XJS coupe, putting 30k into it, and BTFO of any exotic
Nice car, probably doesn't know anything about cars and is a piss poor driver. Most likely bought as a status symbol, not because he enjoys driving.
Most guys tuning their cars are fuckin retards which is why it's so popular among hillbillies and turkroaches in Germany
Buy real car faggot
you're certain the most flamboyant, but, see
>euro socialist babble
I drive this to work drunk everyday
I'll admire it for a moment as it BRRRMMMS past but aside from that it does nothing for me. Even if I could afford one I wouldn't buy one. I'd rather a comfy sedan and chauffeur.
nice car
This really made me think.
It's like when girl shows their body but you're not allowed to look at it.
my best friend owned a lambo
pretty cool car, but too much fucking attention
everybody on the highway, rolling their windows down, taking pictures
random strangers want to talk to you constantly
fuck that, give me a 911 turbo s, imma quietly zoom past yo ass
'pathetic wog'