>Past a certain age a man without a family can be a bad thing
What did he mean by this
Past a certain age a man without a family can be a bad thing
That past a certain age, a man without a family can be a bad thing.
Hes calling u a loser
you dont want teenage offspring when youre in your 60s, because thats when those faggots become unbearable
25. Anything under might as well still be considered a teenager.
Especially if his parents still pay for his internet.
That past a certain age, a man without a family can be a bad thing.
something rather pointless considering he couldn't resist cheating and would go full retard if the girls he cheated with were so much as talking to someone else.
We'll what age was he referring to
That objectively every normal human being wants a family past a certain age (around 28-30 usually). A man who seems to not want it, is mentally ill, probably a misanrthrope or a pscychopath, and might be planning to kill somebody one day.
What's the cut off age for man who's never had a girlfriend?
>Past a certain age a man without a family can be a bad thing
its been a while but is that the actual quote? cause that would be as meaningless as saying "a car hitting you can be a bad thing" of course it can, but it doesnt has to, you know
He don't mean it as a correlation, but the fact of being unmarried in itself can cause men to go off and do some damage.
Yeah exact quote from episode one, I guess it's open for interpretation
younger than everyone on Sup Forums
Reflection on his own shitty life and how he fucked up the good thing he had and then projecting his situation and values onto other men to make generalizations on the right way to live.
In Rust's case it was the fact that he was kind of a dangerous individual (both because he's very capable and everyone thinks he's a deranged psycho). Without a family he can run wild.
Your insecurities are showing. I'm guessing you are a proud MGTOW.
Thing is, he was one of the world's worst fathers whose daughter had a sexual dysfunction from being molested by someone under his watch, he had a banging wife but he had to bang young sluts to prove his masculinity and his wife lusted for his autistic psychopathic partner he was insulting with this sage observation. Whose the man with the family now?
He means get laid.
There is nothing pointless about what he said. Marty is hypocrite, absolutely. But he's right. If you're getting on in age, and people around you (co-workers, friends, family) notice you aren't seeing anyone, it raises flags.
Fucking hate this stupid excuse for lack of good parenting. Kids only become little shits if they don't respect you. They don't respect you if you don't love them when they're still young enough to want to be around you.
Recently rewatched this. Why do some ppl say that Martys daughter was raped or sexually assaulted? I get the dolls thing, but what other proof is there to support that theory. If we disregard that she grew up to be a slut.
Because people want things to be extraordinary instead of just seeing things for what they are: Audrey ends up a slut because Marty (and to a lesser extent her mother) aren't there for her.
I have never had a gf and I'm 21.
You have to remember the context. So Marty tells them this after talking about seeing Rusts apartment for the first time and how it made him feel for Rust. He's comparing that to his life of having a wife and two kids and living the suburban lifestyle at home. My guess is he's assuming Rust is the way he is because he's alone living in this shit hole apartment surrounded by his work and studies. By not having a family he's switched "on" 24/7 and doesn't have that family at home to come to and turn off being a detective for a bit and just enjoy life.
In short I believe his theory is that a family balances a man out, and without having one to even things your vices and obsessions build and compound until they define you due to never having others to worry about and take care of.
What if I'm 19 and had a girlfriend when I was 15 and haven't touched a woman since?
if you haven't got one by then it's never gonna happen just accept that you're going to be alone forever
Considering the only time Marty talks about evening things out is fucking sluts, I think this was more of a way to exonerate his actions than anything else.
Another hot label from the Reddit arsenal. Should just stick to calling everyone and everything alt-right, nobody knows or cares about mgtow.
Stop, just some men like or can only be alone
I disagree. My parents didn't get married until they were in their mid thirties.
he say you blade runner
It means you should make this thread over and over again.
It gets funnier every time.
What if I'm 28 and haven't had sex or a girlfriend ever?
41, same
Whatever age Leonardo DiCaprio is
Do you feel better or worse now than when you wwere younger
Better. I don't give a shit anymore
Mostly an ironic, possibly unintentional self-observation. Marty seems to go a little dull after his wife leaves him.
Based wizard
Bill burr used to say this in his shows.
Guess he was wrong...
I wish I was good enough to have a gf
He's basically saying that people might assume you're gay and not take you seriously.
how many black cocks did your mom get used and abused by before she cashed in your father?