Why are poo in loos obsessed with BMW cars?

Why are poo in loos obsessed with BMW cars?

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small penis

Because they are better than Audi or Mercedes.

we all are. well not me i like old volvos

Niggers and arabs chase ownership of those vehicles here, also jews. Jews LOVE German luxury for some reason.

Most if not all of those "luxury" vehicles are manufactured in Mexico, for the American markets. The only "made in Germany" vehicles they offer are SUVs.

BMW = plastic shit tier mode of transportation.

Brand whores, at least in the US. Every Indian, or brown person for that matter, is a total and complete brand whore

I fucking hate BMW drivers

a country that still has a caste system is naturally going to be a slave to status symbols, and, even if they only symbolize "above average middle class" in the western world that's still a moon shot when you just took a shit at the beach.

I am not. I like Aston Martin.

They're a status symbol