>daily reminder that you will live to see whites become a minority in america

>daily reminder that the american political system is so corrupt that even the highest branch of intelligence cant prosecute because muh vagina = KEKED

>daily reminder that america is literally and has always been THE JEW

>daily reminder that Trump is shill for jews and Israel

>daily reminder that BLM is cucking law enforcement and half the country supports it

>daily reminder that it is America who invented the concept of cuckoldry

>daily reminder that America is the root of SJW

>daily reminder that America has become infested with literal communism

>daily reminder that America is 21 trillion dollars in debt which they owe to the jews who run their money cartels (and a small percentage to other countries, but mainly jews but most americans dont know this so they think that they military can scare away the debt LOL)

>daily reminder that America has elected a nigger as president

>daily reminder that America will probably also now elect a vagina for president

>daily reminder that the US government let 9/11 happen

>daily reminder that the US government is solely responsible for ISIS, the immigration crisis and the power vacuum in the ME all for the purpose of pleasing Israel

>daily reminder that Israel controls America

>daly reminder that murikeks likes to post their guns on here because they compensate for lack of girth

>daily reminder that most americans can´t point out China on a map

>daily reminder that America is the fatest and most unhealhty nation on earth

>daily reminder that America is on the verge of civil chaos

>daily reminder that Americans will believe and do anything the major news networrks will tell them (jews)

>daily reminder that America is home of the numale movement

>daily reminder that you shall never despair when an American calls you a cuck, because deep down, we all know who the worlds greatest cucks are

Thats right


*Drops mic*


>1 billion
>a lot

You would know if you had a military

Our dear fuhrer

Thats good Goym, its only a billion dollars. Out of all the other billions of course ;-)

>daily reminder every country envies the US so much they can't help but pay attention to the shit that happens here

Ariel sharing his profound wisdom

You're in denial mate, you won't solve any of your country's problems if you don't first acknowledge their existence.

Yes, indeed, your political sharades are so amusing, but only because we outsiders who observe it know its a show for the goyim and nothing more. All an american politician has to say is "I AM FROM THE GREAT STATE OF______"


Literally sheeps

Exatcly. They say we're cucks but they're tbe ones consuming our media and obsessing over us. They're the ones who get arrested for writing mean things on the Internet so they have to post about America on an American website. They're the ones who are effected by our presidents decisions more than their own leaders. They're the ones who are being overridden by shit skins because we rekt the mudslims. KEKED