>daily reminder that you will live to see whites become a minority in america
>daily reminder that the american political system is so corrupt that even the highest branch of intelligence cant prosecute because muh vagina = KEKED
>daily reminder that america is literally and has always been THE JEW
>daily reminder that Trump is shill for jews and Israel
>daily reminder that BLM is cucking law enforcement and half the country supports it
>daily reminder that it is America who invented the concept of cuckoldry
>daily reminder that America is the root of SJW
>daily reminder that America has become infested with literal communism
>daily reminder that America is 21 trillion dollars in debt which they owe to the jews who run their money cartels (and a small percentage to other countries, but mainly jews but most americans dont know this so they think that they military can scare away the debt LOL)
>daily reminder that America has elected a nigger as president
>daily reminder that America will probably also now elect a vagina for president
>daily reminder that the US government let 9/11 happen
>daily reminder that the US government is solely responsible for ISIS, the immigration crisis and the power vacuum in the ME all for the purpose of pleasing Israel
>daily reminder that Israel controls America
>daly reminder that murikeks likes to post their guns on here because they compensate for lack of girth
>daily reminder that most americans can´t point out China on a map
>daily reminder that America is the fatest and most unhealhty nation on earth
>daily reminder that America is on the verge of civil chaos
>daily reminder that Americans will believe and do anything the major news networrks will tell them (jews)
>daily reminder that America is home of the numale movement
>daily reminder that you shall never despair when an American calls you a cuck, because deep down, we all know who the worlds greatest cucks are
Thats right
*Drops mic*