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wow it's fucking nothing.jpg

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>How much of that what we will see on screen will depend on you?

I am now acting as a face of this project, but the important decisions are not only mine. American style of working on a series is a job for a whole team, with its members being involved on various stages. It works the best when people are focused on dialog and cooperation. It is about a team, not about individuality, I can’t be a person who pulls all the strings.

>The project , which was supposed to be a film became a series. How much did it change your work?

The main difference is in different division of responsibilities. More people are engaged in making creative decisions. The work is faster and the story is built in different way. Modern series is rarely a one hero story. More common are many characters plots. Like in Game of Thrones. Modern Hollywood is Event. You want to pinch a viewer every 2-3 minutes, so he laughs or jumps from fear. The Cinema is built like a roller coaster.

>The emotions have to compensate the Coke and popcorn expenses…

We go to cinema to have fun. It is similar with our YouTube materials, we constructed the plot to out “Legends” this way. A joke every few minutes to encourage to watch further while he is sitting with his phone in a subway.

>The creator of a series has more freedom?

We live in a time of series renaissance. It is a very rich and diverse medium, touching various subjects. That allows for creative freedom. Of course, because of the team work “real crazies” won’t find place in this industry. You need dialogue. The role of director and script writer is very different. The biggest freedom you can see when we want to broaden storylines and deepen a character emotionally. It is something incredible, because it allows for getting in a deeper relationship with characters, that a two hour film would allow. A of course am a fan of film, but I think those are two different languages.

legit scared of that guy



Who cares, faggot? lol
I care, I care deeply about this

Bad books, bad show, bad games, soon to be bad show again.


Will Geralt be /swole/ or not?

I hope a cgi arnold plays him.

Geralt is not going to be in this series

This TV series will feature black nigress as witcher MC, mark my words

>It is a very rich and diverse medium,
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand DROPPED

I really want this show to be great. I love the games.

they should make him a muslim and make the outcast of witchers be a metaphor for the horrible treatment of muslims in the west

Outcast Muslim Lesbian Negress Witcher fighting the good fight for all, while other witchers only do it for the money

Can't niggers just fuck off, they've got a million other black shows on netflix.

It's weird that he feels the need to defend TV as a medium, while also saying you need to throw a joke in every 3 minutes because television audiences are so braindead. It's hard to look past the PR speech. Either he's defending TV because he thinks other people will criticize it, or he's defending TV because he wants to hide his own internal criticisms.

Either way it's TV, so we know it'll turn out shit at worst and mediocre at best.

I would kill for them to adapt Hearts of Stone.

Anson Mount for Geralt
Steven Tucci for Gaunter
If he can act, David Beckham as Olgierd

The projects he was talking about were 10-20 minute long commercials basically.

Aren't witcher potions steroids anyway?

Don't witchers have higher testosterone than average men, that's why their libido and energy levels are so high?


They'll fuck it up. Poland literally never made anything culturaly relevant. It's just bunch of racists and homophobes inside some poor shithole.

They made the Witcher

>It's just bunch of racists and homophobes
Implying there's literally anything wrong with that

Who the fuck is that? Not from wolf school assuming that isn't wolf's head on the necklace?

Judging by King Authur David Beckham cannot act and also has an off putting voice.

Bonhart, head-hunter.



He's not a witcher.

Bonhart, a villain from the novels. He took medallions from other witchers because he's that good of a swordsman.

Thank you, I've only read the forst two books.
seems like a pretty dope guy.