Dc rebirth dr. manhattan questions

since geoff johns says manhattan's not the villain what are the odds he's working for someone else

Look in your hand. See how empty it is?

Johns said he is the antagonist, not the villain. More likely he is doing the Alex Luthor equivalent of slamming together different worlds to create new ones like we saw in Infinite Crisis.

that was my thought too

>what are the odds he's working for someone else
zero to none.

that would be stupid

>Johns said

So confirmed lie

and you're basing that on what?

The fact that in his current position he is in the most literal sense the most powerful being in the DC universe.

That's like asking "what is the likelihood that God is actually just working for someone else?"

there are multiple beings that exist more powerful than him

This is geoff johns we are talking about and that more critically was the central plot of his Infinite Crisis where villain made a machine to let him him slam together worlds. What happened to the DCU is already a retread of the idea when Vertigo, Wildstorm and DCU merged together at the end of Flashpoint.

you say that like God not being the most powerful thing around is unheard of in fiction

wally said there was a darkness infecting everyone even beofre the new 52 I don't think he was talking about manhattan


>more powerful than thawne. more powerful than Darkseid
Johns just wrote a Justice League story where Darkseid and the Anti-Monitor got jobbed hard.

>That's like asking "what is the likelihood that God is actually just working for someone else?

My parents sent me to a private catholic school from grades 5 to 8, and since 13 year old me was super edgy I would write these deviantart-tier faux anime comics in private about how stupid I thought religion was as some misdirected act of rebellion

The concept was that the Catholic Chruch was secretly the illiminati and this group of teenagers decide to find a way to sneak into heaven to convince God to intervene and set things straight, but it turned out that God was also evil and he started sending angels after the main characters to keep them from telling anyone else. It was about as stupid as you would expect from something a thirteen year old trying to rebel against his catholic school education, but my favorite stupid thing about that comic I remember looking back was the "twist" that God wasn't even the main bad guy. I can't remember if I ever made it that far while writing it, but I distinctly remember that God turned out to be working for Zues, because the Greeks rebelled against the Greek gods for being assholes and killed them all except for Zues, and Zues convinced the last demigod to absorb the powers of the other dead gods and pretend to be an all-powerful benevolent deity so he could go into hiding but rule the world from behind the scenes. Zues was actually less powerful but kept God in line by threatening to reveal that God's son Jesus was gay.

It was the dumbest shit but I thought I was writing cutting-edge commentary back then because I was dumb and thirteen.

>I don't think he was talking about manhattan
He was talking about Grant Morrningson

He's just an uncaring scientist fucking with the universe

please keep this discussion serious

that has nothing to do with what we're talking about

manhattan I hope dc gives him pants..

Why do people overstate Manhattan's abilities.

He can see past and future within his own timeline yet he can't do anything but what he knows he will do.

He can transmute and transport matter with thought, but it basically has to be around him, he can't just do it from afar, he has to be physically there, which being able to exist in multiple places at once helps with.

And his temporal awareness can be blocked.

Mxyzptlk would fuck him up.

>he has to be physically there
He can be physically anywhere in the universe. Remember when he was on Mars, but also came to Earth because Laurie thought about wanting to talk to him.

He main thing keeping him relatively low-key is his utter apathy for everything around him. He doesn't really care enough to do truly amazing things during the part of his life we saw. His whole character was that he was the kind of person who was lead around through life, bored, doing what people tell him to do because it's easy that way. He didn't really start to make his own decisions and explore his abilities until after mars, and we barely see him scratch the surface.

>And his temporal awareness can be blocked.
>Mxyzptlk would fuck him up.
Probably, does that really matter? That doesn't invalidate what he is.

If Manhattan isn't the big bad, just an antagonist, would Johns make the big bad as the guy who created Dr Manhattan?

nah. Moore is the mad wizard who meddled with forces he didn't understand and whose creation ran amock out of his control

The stealing time thing makes me think he's trying to delay something in the future.

Honestly it might just be Johns himself at this rate. Khouri (who I do realize is a DC employee of course and is doing his job by throwing stuff like this out there) pointed out that some people have seen Rebirth as a self-criticism as well.

>Dr Manhattan is beaten
>Rasputin shows up