How the hell it grew so fast?
I didn't understand.
How the hell it grew so fast?
I didn't understand.
it's a fucking movie
Well user, you can't have the movie lose time waiting for the bloody thing to grow up can you?
This isn't the 80s anymore. Audiences have an attention span of 5 minutes.
It's an imaginary creature that can do anything the filmmakers want it to because it's not real.
>most of crew dies
>barely escape planet
They fucked up this scene
I was expecting the ayylmao to grab the guy from the drain
>people stop having sex just because a bunch of bad shit happened
virgin spotted. funeral crashing is a thing for a reason
those guys were the whole movie up there doing nothing
>How the hell it grew so fast?
>no quarantine protocols after leaving an alien planet plagued with hazardous biological bacteria
Ok, but it wasn't logical even in the Alien universe.
Fuck off bigot.
It's a well-known fact that all alien bacteria is a criminal.
would unironically prefer death by xenomorph to illegal mexican cuckery, desu
Did the alien at the end came out of that faggot? David infected him offscreen?
It cam from Billy Crudup.
Does this mean that the xenomorphs in the other Alien movies is de-evolved?
Movie should have made the David/Walter swap in the first 40 minutes, acts 2 and 3 should have been on the Covenant with David infecting 1-2 on planet and them getting sick, rest of the movie is a horror thriller about the crew getting picked off by David and his aliens, ultimately reaching the same conclusion as the actual movie, which was awesome
>kills the coalburner
Is he /ourguy/?
>funeral crashing
Sick reference bro. Your references are out of control everyone knows that.
He gets face hugged for like 5 seconds right before we see a full grown Xeno for the first time.
this film didn't do a good job of continuity, they kept doing jumps in time with nothing to indicate time has passed
Makes sense desu. They would want to fuck to get all that crazy shit off their head.
She's black too though so she's not a coal burner
>How the hell it grew so fast?
We don't know how much time passed. Could have been over a day for all we know.
Shitty answer but it works.
Yes it is.
The original alien grows up very ast too.
The cuck calling the cuckold black
This is a human biological drive.
It kicks in whenever your body feels safe, which might not actually be when you're actually safe.
It grows as fast as the script needs.
The same thing happens off camera in Alien. It's the size of a hand and then one scene later it's bigger than a man despite having no food source.
Doesn't the Xeno in the original Alien go from chest burster to full grown in like 5 minutes?
5 minutes in the movie. It could be a few hours since the dinner scene. Even a day.
In Covenant, it was like automatic: born and in the next minute...boom! Giant Xeno and slaughter in the showers.
They still seem to be adjusting to the scanner and the cut is pretty swift. It doesn't seem like more than an hour or so has passed, really.
Because it doesn't....
So this is considered black now?
Didnt Mother wake up the captain whatever her name was to alert about the alien? I got the Impression it was at least a few hours later.
Ripley says that all of Alien after the dinner scene was less than 24 hours.
Honestly, I don't see any other reason why it couldn't have been a few days, maybe even weeks.
What about in Aliens?
Colonists were still cocooned and alive despite having to wait until the Marines arrived