Oh you’re having an election? Who’s the fucking based rightwing guy? Is he gonna win? Hope he BTFOs your lefdisds!!

>Oh you’re having an election? Who’s the fucking based rightwing guy? Is he gonna win? Hope he BTFOs your lefdisds!!
Why do Americans do this, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


>he wants to raise funding on public services? thats big government, LEFT=FASCIST
>republicans proceed to raise military spending
what do american conservatives mean by this?

>hey guys! [country] is having an election! let’s give [right wing candidate] our meme majic!!!

come on, they probably mean well be that

t. American stationed in germany

It's funny because once the GOP got in power they made no cuts to the budget, they actually increased it because despite pretty much every government agency seeing cuts of 5-30% or even being outright abolished all those savings went into increasing the military budget, despite shit like Boeing charging us $100 each for tools like hammers and screwdrivers.

>self-loathing yanks

>Why do Americans do this, Sup Forums?
because the average american is a fat dumb sharter? just my guess


Because Americans have no national culture, they adopt muh heritage and political identities instead.They are more loyal to Foreigners with the right politics than to their fellow Americans, and take joy in events that could be percieved as hurting "muh libruls" or "muh conservatives".

Remember to follow the teachings of Varg and keep them away

Bipartisan system promotes my side vs your side which is the only thing americans understand

honestly i can't be angry at that, they are like well meaning mentally disabled kids. "send your meme magic based ameribros " and walk away

The American left is "liberalism", just think about that.
An ideology which naturally, slowly but surely devolves towards the right as time goes by.

You can't spend centuries celebrating the strength of the individual, berating collectivism in any form, and still have a proper left.
"Who is Good always wins against evil" easily turns into
"Who wins is always good against evil".

Their right has solid political ideology, while their ""left"" is full of hypocrisy and contradictions. Nobody can take the American left to its conclusion, because then it turns into the right. And if it ever DOES turn left, "socialist" has been an insult in the USA for 100 years.

The United States can choose between a fake left and a real right.

Furthermore, materialism for one reason or another has never taken foot in the USA.
As long as this "believe in yourself", "there has to be something higher", neo-buddhist, half-calvinist mixed bag of spiritualism infests American culture, nobody in the lower classes will ever have a serious critical outlook on society. Too much individual introspection + accepting any situation with positivity equals no desire, or even fear, of a society changing.

>nobody in the lower classes will ever have a serious critical outlook on society. Too much individual introspection + accepting any situation with positivity equals no desire, or even fear, of a society changing.
So much for the revolutionary spirit

pretty succinct analysis
we live in a post truth era and america is the biggest example of that

ahhh you know we do have unions

My guess is, in the mutt mind, a leftist is a hipster Tumblrette with glowing beard, weak and a cuck, while a right winger is a full test strong 6 pack chad

The American revoluion and the French revolution are fundamentally and ideologically different.

And remember that the French revolution is the model of any European revolutionary movement from then on. Marx wouldn't shut up about it.

The American Revolution is based around the idea that Britain didn't recognise the natural rights of American citizens, that Britain didn't uphold its own traditional system of law.
It is a conservative revolution, that protects the eternal rights of the citizens, "born equal".

The French revolution is an ACT OF WILL. An ACT OF POWER. It doesn't happen because it's "right", it happens because it happens. Because the people WANT IT. The French aren't "born equal", they are MADE EQUAL by the revolutionary state.
France shapes the French, it engineers them, it represses the revolts in the Vendée, it forcefully recruits them, it educates them, it IMPOSES a language. It's not "restoring" anything, it's not "protecting" anything. It's the people, taking what they want and building a better nation.

The European revolutionary takes, shapes, builds, destroys.
The American revolutionary protects, restores the "natural justice" society should be in.

The French have had MANY constitutions, because they change it, they can write a new one WHENEVER THEY WANT. They are a Sovereign People.

Americans wrote ONE. In the name of GOD. It is the NATURAL ETERNAL ORDER.

>I just parrot everything my local media says
>They must be right
>They just act in the interest of people like myself

Why do Europeans do this?

tbqh yanks just didn't want to pay £0.0000001 customs duties and made up a bunch of waffle after the fact


Probably because our two party system is so fucked, most of us assume its the same around the world.

based franklin

Europeans used to do the same shit here , in 2014 and 2015 the board was pretty right-wingish and everyone was sucking the dick of peeople like geret,lepen, farage.... It only changed when trump won and Europeans started to change. They should stop their hypocrisy desu.

>LMAO those stupid leftists actually believed the polls that said Hillary would win, everyone knows polls are just Jewish tricks and only a good goy would believe them
>WTF the polls said Moore was going to win but he didn't REEEEEEEEE

>in 2014 and 2015 the board was pretty right-wingish and everyone was sucking the dick of peeople like geret,lepen, farage....

You know, there's the possibility that a large percentage of those were Russian shills.

They appeared almost overnight in 2011.

I remember /new/ and the early Sup Forums when it was less racist than even Sup Forums, today.

>I remember /new/ and the early Sup Forums when it was less racist than even Sup Forums, today.
that's because people were on their best behaviour after shitting up /n/

Very good posts.

I was a Sup Forumstard at that time but when i came in 2013 up to 2016 most europeans were right wing . i don't know if they are chills or but but your european generals even now are still pretty much right wing and super edgy but when the thread is about >why do americans x
>why are americans why
everything changes

Huh? Most European generals on here are right-wing, but they're also anti-american as well. /deutsch/ is probably the best example.

yeah I know about that tho actually before trump's election , there were some general with cringy pro trump pics in their OP , the french copied the pro trump memes for lepen

>Oh you’re having an election? lol

Stop being so corrupt and easily bought and you wouldn't have to worry.

I'm also corrupt and easily bought so I'll shut up too.

Very good post.


>The American revolutionary protects, restores the "natural justice" society should be in.
>Americans wrote ONE. In the name of GOD. It is the NATURAL ETERNAL ORDER.
nothing wrong in this


It's great because this happens every fucking time. I think it's because it was babies first election for a ton of people that wouldn't have voted if it weren't for candidates like trump

Because Sup Forums is mostly right-wing/centrist nowadays? And by right-wing I don't mean fiscally conservative neoliberals or GOP lizards but rather people with values nowadays associated with the "right-wing". One could argue it goes beyond imageboards and the internet, leftism isn't as overwhelmingly predominant among younger people as 10-15 years ago and recent waves of terrorism and 3rd world migration create further pushback.

>Left wing vs Right wing meme
American education everyone

What did he mean by this

I just don't see that in my area. Younger people by me are generally more liberal. I do live in a non-flyover city though.


I'm glad you're able to elucidate your thoughts so well. I fucking hate how people here treat the constitution as some fucking bastion of morality that can never be surpassed.

People on Sup Forums are not the normie majority though. I think it's safe to say there is a counter-movement among young people but that's against the majority opinion of their peers.

times change dude, and theocracies are bad mkay

besides in the name of god , there is nothing theocratic about our constitution

/brit/ is quite left wing

>tfw your most "right wing" party would still be basically communists in an american context

>One could argue it goes beyond imageboards and the internet, leftism isn't as overwhelmingly predominant among younger people as 10-15 years ago

This is what shills on the Internet are trying to make you believe. This is their whole spiel. Don't fall for this Russian trickery.

>the only thing you have to know about net neutrality is that Soros supports it and based Trump is against it

not really /brit/ is a mix and it's more rightwing then left wing

A few leftypol shitposters sure, but there is plenty of rorkes there as well. I see lots of Mosley posting, and strangely enough occasional strasserist posting.

Our right-wingers try to say National Socialists are actually left wing because of their government programs. Also because the word socialist is in it.

yeah by left wing I meant that it wasn't ALL Sup Forums tier like the rest of Sup Forums

what did he mean by this

obviously not much considering Sup Forums is entirely basically /stormfrontchan/ now.

who is that?

He probably sold it because of that. He didn't want to be associated with NAZIs.

yeah, no
Sup Forums is hated by pretty much every board, and hating the "ess jay dubba yous" doesnt make someone a white supremecist

Only Sup Forums and boards like Sup Forums which widely accept Sup Forums garbage. I'm still here and nazifags can fuck off.

he made bebo

When I first came to Sup Forums it was basically left leaning and bush bashing. Under Obama it got more and more right. Maybe during this administration it will go more and more left. Seems to have already gone that way, I don't see MAGA anime getting posted much anymore.

>i base my political views off of what one speaker says because he is anti the things i dont like

One of the most ridiculous posts I've read all year

*cut to the moment the right wing guy loses*

>Ahahaha [country] is dead, Europe is commiting suicide, enjoy your muslim refugees :))))

You as pic related

me as a bottomless pit

Why do Americans like to have 2 rights?

The god that you outlawed in your first amendment you mean?

It's not theocratic in the slightest. The 'natural justice' spoken about is not rooted in any particular religion but in the fundamental laws of nature.

>Their right has solid political ideology
No it doesn't.

There is being naive and then there is being downright fucking dishonest. Pull your head in.

Two of the best posts I've read on Sup Forums in a long time

Sup Forums has always been contrarian more than anything else. And I've been here too long for my own good.

Honestly the only time you should worry about the left is when the candidate is a literal commie.


Not sure that is true. I'm a mixed bag of politics, but I also run a business and one of the biggest concerns I have with left leaning candidates is that they regulate me out of business. Meaning, they put so many environmental, health, and workers rights items into play that I can't turn a profit. There needs to be a balance of caring about the earth, making sure people are safe working, and so forth - but it can't go so far that I have to have full time staff members just keeping up with the paperwork the government makes me do. At that point I'm going to call you up and we can start doing this shit in Mexico like everyone else.

literal commies don't exist. However, when there's one who seems to be one, don't doubt he's actually a far right fucker trying to cash in.

I have no idea what you're implying. The first five presidents had no strong religious affiliations, with one of them (Jefferson) being an outright blasphemer.

no need to even argue with him , the guy just hates america and will argue with an american on everything

French "revolution" overthrew a monarchy and made a new monarchy. Its regime change, the same thing happens in third world countries every year.

>american intellectuals

Jefferson wasn't a "blasphemer" at all, he was a kind of secular Christian. He was a rapist and a slaver though.

Go back to Russia

>and hating the "ess jay dubba yous" doesnt make someone a white supremecist
Yea it makes you muslim who has to go back

I'm not sure wether I like the fact that Sup Forums is just contrarian to whatever the status quo is.
On the other hand, conservative politics aren't really that popular yet and yet Sup Forums has gone full "everyone os a Sup Forumstard" outside generals.

>Haha based Trump xD ten more years libtards haha stay triggered XDD

>stop being so corrupt and easily bought
>so that we can replace you with someone who is corrupt and easily bought
>by murdering you and your family
Good strategy here, comrade.


British kings obtained, like every other kings in europe, their power and their legitimacy from God.
Kings makes the laws.
Americans chimp out because muh taxes, but as that italian user said, don't want to change anything and keep laws made from God.

>right wingers are glad when leftists lose in other countries
Okay, that makes sense. What is your point?

Very good post. Burgers are confused that our Liberal party is centre-right.

Le right wing bad, me contrarian
Me nu-Sup Forums

Pre 2008-2010 Sup Forums was leaning the angry nihilistic hippy politics side ala George Carlin. Then it took a hard veering to being anti-Obama especially with the rise of Sup Forums. Trump just happened to be a shitposter irl and that was enough for all the meme-obsessed fags here. I would not be surprised if there ends up being a big Trump backlash in one or two years, because this is Sup Forums and being contrarian is what we do best.

that's mostly r/thekike refugees

they are americans for the most part though, that's true

I've seen Poles who are happy Merkel won because she is "ruining Germany".
I mean, it's not like we can't leave while they will be stuck with them or anything.

I fucking hate American right-wingers.

If the right-wing here in Denmark ever begins to REEEEE at Jews and race mixing they will never get elected again.

They want their views to be vindicated elsewhere, and they have hard time realizing that politics in other countries aren't the same in theirs since they are burgerstanis


>Americans wrote ONE. In the name of GOD. It is the NATURAL ETERNAL ORDER.
>The French have had MANY constitutions, because they change it, they can write a new one WHENEVER THEY WANT. They are a Sovereign People.

That's a bit misleading, don't you think? France had several changes from democracy to authoritarian regime in its history since the revolution, and got occupied too. The US didn't suffer from that and had an uninterrupted democratic power handover for a few hundred years now. Not to mention that their constitution have had many amendments added to it, and others repealed. The basic rights amendments have nothing to do with Americans being less sovereign than their french counterpart, one would argue in favor of Americans being more sovereign than French due to their preservation of their basic rights, which the "sovereign" french or European people relinquished at several occasions after the revolution. Their willingness to protect their basic rights or amendments in the constitution have prevented them from making the same mistakes that "European shapers, builders, and destroyers" did in the past few hundred years. And what's happening now from constitutional challenges by the American president is due to them turning into a more active and "European destroyer" like. The president is challenging the free press and democracy foundations, which is something unprecedented in a protectionist America, but happened many times in "Shaper Europe" and still do until today.

>leftism isn't as overwhelmingly predominant among younger people as 10-15 years ago
If anything, it’s more prominent.