Would you let this girl suck your dick knowing she's sucked 36 dicks before you?

Would you let this girl suck your dick knowing she's sucked 36 dicks before you?

Well goddamn, she must be good at it!


she must be pretty fucking good at it, i bet she cradles the balls and puts a finger up your ass too

>Would you let this girl suck your dick
stopped reading there

At once?

Most girls over the age of 21 have sucked well more than 30 dicks

In a row?

She can't pass on any STS's by blowjob right ?

>abstinence only sex-ed education at its finest

>Would you eat this girls pussy knowing 36 dicks has been there?

better question

Blowjobs really don't do much for me so no. I get off to the girls pleasure and there's not much pleasure to be had from having a fucking cock in your mouth. Don't get me wrong they're nice but I don't really cum from them and the 50/50 chance of catching something just isn't worth it. She has the standards of Dante Hicks and Grizzly Adams for fucks sake, you'd really let that slobber all over you? Imagine the 35 other guys if we have an idea of those two


>I get off to the girls pleasure
*tips fedora*

I don't give a shit as long as she doesn't have STDs. Only Betas ask how many guys their gf has been with.

None of your baby dicks are gonna make a vagina "loose". Its made to snap back after pushing out a baby.

>I get off to the girls pleasure
I do too but I definitely have some form of erectile dysfunction because I almost always get soft after a few pumps. So I have to use my fingers and my mouth in order to make the experience good for her.

How many partners do you think an average looking girl has had by the time she is 25?

>sex-ed education

>a finger up your ass too

checked. best feeling desu.

I really don't see what's wrong with that and I think you're trying too hard to fit in on a stupid image board. I get more turned on from seeing a girls legs twitch and toes curl from eating her out than I do from her sucking my cock. Sorry that things end at the blowjob for you, must be really disappointing for the girl

Would your girlfriend let you stick your dick inside her after it having been in numerous vaginas previously?

Oh... haha... oh wait. LOL nevermind pal ;)

Dante fucked 12 chicks and Veronica fucked 3 dudes.

i like how with these kinds of posts you can tell they're ironic from the first few words

Lmao how many do YOU think you fucking virgin

>im a virgin who will never get laid because i am a lying MRA baffoon: the post

Your gf is a whore user

I'd say enjoy your herpes, but I'm thinking you might be safe

That guy is a virgin and will never know the feeling of plowing your sow just right and hearing her mewl in pleasure.

Poor sap.

ditto here.

here's some tips tho. since we're browsing Sup Forums i suspect we're somewhat alike. one, ease up on the fapping and porn. two, if you gotta fap, do it with your imagination. three, take better care of yourself. this is probably the most important. go to a doctor, make sure your cholesterol and blood pressure levels are all right. stop eating like shit. four, invest in some research chems. do some digging, find a reliable source, and use them. once you find out being chad thundercock is awesome, it will motivate you to do the first three steps so you become natty.
good luck.

What's the difference with any other girl? Chances are that she's sucked dicks before. Maybe not 36 exactly, but maybe 10, maybe 50...and yes, she might be very good at it.

Is she that dead actress from Clerks? He fucked a dead hobo lmao

Herpes is very common, user. Don't behave like it's a disease that can't be treated.

We have had pretty much the same number of sexual partners. So if she is so am I. And I don't care. Pussy still tight, no STDs. What the fuck do I care?


I know this feel. I eventually figured out I was just stressed as fuck from the relationship and school.

>tfw relationship is ogre and it hurts but my stress levels have tanked so I enjoy life

it's a weird set of feels.

That's low for the average female, kid
To put in perspective, your mom has probably sucked ten times as many and you still kiss her.

She's lying to you, buddy. Sorry.

Probably around 20

Hate to break it to you but you're probably just gay. Search your feelings you know this to be true.

yeah who gives a shit

I don't think so I have had great sex with women where I didn't go soft but most of the time I do.

Having sex with girls who have been with other men is gross.

It means that you've got hang-ups, user. Did it ever occur to you that girls get off by giving guys pleasure? Sex is a two way street, and you have to be able to give and receive pleasure to / from the other person if you want to have a good time.

Some girls love sucking cock. They get plenty of pleasure from it.

You're retarded and really didn't bother to read my post. I said they're nice, I just don't cum from them. If you cum from blowjobs I honestly think you're inexperienced

Well I think I know your problem. If you get off to their pleasure, then lose your erection after a few pumps, then you are clearly acutely aware of the fact that you are not giving them pleasure.

Must be their reaction to your tiny penis or something which indicates this fact to you. Sorry bro.

>then you are clearly acutely aware of the fact that you are not giving them pleasure.
I think this is part of the problem. I become self-aware and go too deep into my head during the act itself which kills my erection. I don't think my dick is bad though, many have told me it's a good dick.

>RIP in peace

Hardly. Mouth and hands are way better at manipulating a penis than the inside of a vagina. Do you think that when girls cum from getting eaten out it's because they haven't experienced dick yet. Fedoras get tipped to people like you because you're basically saying, "don't worry about me, you can't make me really feel good anyway. Let me just focus on you," and that's a crap thing to do to somebody because giving somebody an orgasm is a huge part of sex.

And in what world is getting a blowjob 50/50 disease transmission? It's probably even safer than kissing, just because oral herpes is the same and it's more likely you two both have bleeding gums than you have cuts on your dong and her gums are bleeding.

It's cute that you retards don't fuck off back to BuzzFeed

>you can't make me really feel good anyway.
That's fucking sad though. There's something tragic about a man who can't be pleasured.


Go back to your shitty Facebook group.

You're trying way too hard dude, I just don't cum from them - honestly can you read? I'm more than happy to have a girl give me pleasure yet you're acting like I give a lengthy explanation on why they won't be able to make me cum. They suck my dick, it's nice, but there's a point where I get bored with the act and just wanna get some pussy. I don't even know why I'm explaining myself to you, it's not gonna make any difference in your mind cause you clearly can't read and interpret things correctly

Plus I have good enough dick where my girl just wants it and doesn't wanna waste time having it in her mouth where she can't even feel the pleasure that comes from having it inside her. You're building up blowjobs to be the pinnacle of sex when they're foreplay for a reason moron

wow you really care about that guys blowjobs

where are the spoilers.

im a lifelong star wars fan but im not giving kennedy more of my autismbucks.

False. It can become roasted out after a baby. The vagina can reshape but the area around the labia minor and major will be stretched out.

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