>character gets locked into a room by an invisible entity
Horror movie tropes
>bloody message on the wall/mirror
> "But, X, YOU are the Y..."
>has the option to call the authorities
>"n-no w-we must investigate this ourselves!"
>"But, mirror, YOU are the blood..."
>let's split up
>jump scare
>its a friendly neighbour passing by
>monster taking out 200lb guys in full riot gear left and right
>100 lb girl destroys it
>black people watching scary movie
>bad guy enters the room the hero is hiding in and just wanders about for a bit instead of tearing the place apart trying to find them
>token black guy
>"I seen this movie, the black dude dies first!"
>Rated R flick
>monster instantly decapitates random victims
>MC only gets flung across the room with everything intact
Kek. And then there's the
>bad guy enters the room the hero is hiding in
>slowly about to open the closet/look under the bed/etc where they're hiding
>"Hey fellow antagonist, come look at this!"
adding onto this one
>invisible entity apparently can ignore physics
> makes it completely impossible for trapped character to break down a door or even shatter a window
never happened
> Hey why did you close that door?
> I didn't
Prove it
>character gets raped in the ass by a ghost
>character isn't scared by a jumpscare, it's purely directed at the audience
Name 4 documentaries where this happens.
>character is close to the camera in focus
>spooky figure moves in background out of focus and the character doesn't notice
>character is in front of their bathroom mirror, getting ready for bed
>opens the medicine cabinet, mirror goes out of view
>when they close it, there's a figure behind them accompanied by a jumpscare musical clue
>it's just their husband/wife
>bathroom scene
>mirror jump scare
>anything that has to do with mirrors and camera trick fuckery based on them
>and you other the others
>hot chick listening to loud music or has headphones on
>doesn't realize villain/ghost/demon is five feet away, slowly closing in on her to kill her
>second before she's about to die, someone gets her attention and she exits the situation
>characters "cheat" death of victims
>death spends the rest of the movie killing the characters in random ways
>repeats exact same premise over x number of movies
Didn't people debunk that myth?
Scary Movie and The Entity. Ok fine they aren't documentaries and it's only vaginal, not anal
Name 5 movies where this happens
>it's behind me isn't it?
>supernatural entity/ghost/monster virtually always has malicious intentions and just hurts or kills people
>"But Captain, YOU are my other gun."
>character slowly getting close to something like a door
>building up to a jump scare
>charater opens door and seemingly nothing happens
>character breathes sigh of relief
>suddenly jumpscare
>some bush start moving.
>the creepies ost of the movies starts
>building up to a jump scare
>it's just a cat
every time
>Is set in rural america
>no guns to be seen in miles
>movie begins with retarded teenagers doing shit they weren't supposed to and then are hunted by the "villain"