Does the Joker love Harley Quinn or is he just using her?

Does the Joker love Harley Quinn or is he just using her?


As much as something like the Joker can love someone.

Unless it's Batman.

Everyone has seen the Joker laugh.
Only Harley has seen him cry.

I think he uses her for emotional support. But then he realized his mistake and kinda hates her. But at the same time he has some inkling of like for her.

She's his creation and helped him out more than once. A perfect, loyal follower.

The Joker loves Harley like a car it's his property sure he doesn't always take care of it and tends to neglected it, but it's his not yours!


Which one?



Whichever one is funnier.

It depends on the writer.

My favorite is "Using her but inexplicably fond of her anyway." just because that's the setup that pisses the Joker off the most.

Of course he loves her.

Like most things comics, depends on the writer

A curious question
Joker has a lot of fanboy and fangirls who worship him in continuity but he's only ever paid special interest to Harley

he does

Even the edgy n52 shit version does.

>As much as something like the Joker can love someone.
>Unless it's Batman.

Agree with this 100%. Outside of Batman, obviously, Harley comes the closest anyone can to meaning something to him.

I don't know how to feel about this.

someone post the obligatory "joker raping harley" and "closet full of harley skeletons" panels


he does not. she is a tool, nothing more. a very irritating, sycophantic, and unpredictable tool, but a tool regardless. or an object/possession, depending on the writer.

i prefer incarnations of joker where there is no harley, because otherwise it muddles his love for batman.

>Point 9.9

He stole our memes, man

Joker isn't capable of love, only obsession. And he's obsessed with Batman.

clown in love

I always liked Greg Rucka's interpretation, which was that Joker could be endlessly cruel to Harley yet she would always thank or fawn over him. He had broken her so far that if he killed her she'd thank him for that too, and to the Joker's what's the point of killing someone if they don't even get the Final Punchline?

No and you're fooling yourself if you believe otherwise.

Yes and you're fooling yourself if you believe otherwise.

No and you're fooling yourself if you believe otherwise.

Yes and you're fooling yourself if you believe otherwise.

No and you're fooling yourself if you believe otherwise.

Yes and you're fooling yourself if you believe otherwise.

No and you're fooling yourself if you believe otherwise.

No because the Joker is a psychopath who spurns love and caring. I liked that one episode of the animated series when he gets turned on after she betrays him.

And then

Happens in the same storyline

also, yes, he does love her and you're fooling yourself if you believe otherwise.

Yep, and this happens in the same issue.

I can do this all night but I actually have a life.

And then this happens.
Come on, don't chicken out.

I prefer the arkham game storyline where joker is describing his infatuation with Bats to Harley, and she mistakenly believes he's talking about her.

Whether he loves her is based on the exact form of his insanity, which has been left unresolved, purposefully

In the same game there's a section where you can see Joker's fears and this is one of 'em.

This is objectively the best way to write it

and it's true.

This man. Paul Dini made it clear

Which of the three jokers are we talking about?

He can be loving famm