Be Korean

>Be Korean
>Loli and Porn are illegal
>No good music
>Shitty work environment
>I just want to leave here

>Be Germany
>Porn and loli are legal
>Good music(Mozart, Beethoven and Wagner)
>Very nice work environment
>Accept many immigrants, I even doubt Germany has working border police
>Nice literature

I'm currently learning German to emigrate to Germany. What do you think?

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but we are east asian.
east asians are NOT human.

It doesn't matter, even cockroaches are allowed to live there legally


Germany has censored videogames. You should come to the Netherlands instead, we love immigrants too

You sound like a fucking leech.


Actually I don't care where I move, I just want something exotic

move to USA !

Go back to France.

pls come to brazil

>You should come to the Netherlands instead, we love immigrants too
It's kinda funny even Geert Wilders is like 1/4 Indo or something

I would like to, But migrating to USA is too hard for me.

>You need a job with 100k+ annual salary to live here lol

>Nice literature

Doubt X

Russian literature died after Soviet revolution


>What do you think?
piss off we are full

also: your german will never sound like real german. which makes you even more stupid.

The Master and Margarita is god tier. I haven't heard any good russian music that came after the revolution, though.



Wut did he mean by that

New generation don't even know what Wagner/Mozart/Bach is, such a poor cultured gen.

If you are going to Germanistan you should learn the muslim way and how to be able to listen but without listening to SJW mental disabilities(otherwse you can get brain cancer very very fast).

German is one ugly language, so why would anyone care?


German is cute!

activate english subtitles

says the klingonian


not only censored, some games were outright banned


Better go to Italy or France, Germany is like Korea.

Bit scary
Isn't it illegal?


goto australlia ya dumb cunt

Learn to love football, too, and you'll feel right at home.

She looks qute

Brazil is a shithole.

like all Germans

>some Korean idol just killed himself
As usual. And a suicide following from his fans is going to follow soon.


I don't really understand why did he commit suicide.

Just buy Swiss or Austrian version, if you want an uncencored "German" game

Come here Koreabro, also age of consens is pretty low

You should definitely come to Germany if you see this as a good chance for you, but I would recommend to move to the west of germany because I live in saxony and the people there are not so fond of foreigners

>Good music(Mozart, Beethoven and Wagner)
Tryhard faggot


Rapping isn't singing.
Ass wiggling is not dancing.
Playing only guitar and drums is neither creative nor stimulating.
Playing the same 4 chords again and again is neither creative nor stimulating.
lrn2culture ameriblob

>Loli and Porn are illegal
That's a good thing, though


Stay where you are and don't waste your time


>taking pride in a nationality that was invented by the victors of WWI and WWII for the purpose of divide and conquer
kek, good goy

Er war trotzdem Österreicher Henning

come here
There are a ton of coreANOS here too

rofl nein.
"Will mich Deutschland, mein geliebtes Vaterland, worauf ich (wie Sie wissen) stolz bin, nicht aufnehmen, so muß in Gottes Namen Frankreich oder England wieder um einen geschickten Deutschen mehr reich werden,- und das zur Schande der deutschen Nation." (W.A.M., 1782)

>"Loli and Porn are illegal"
>he wants out of Korea because he can't fap to children


why are jews always against everything fun

>Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart kam am 27. Jänner 1756 um acht Uhr abends in Salzburg in der Getreidegasse 9 in einer Dreizimmerwohnung eines Mehrfamilienhauses (Hagenauerhaus) auf die Welt

>Salzburg = in Österreich

Ein Volk das Angela Merkel wiederholt als Kanzlerin wählt kann man nicht zu viele Vorwürfe bezüglich Bildung machen

Mozarts Vater wurde in Augsburg und Mozart selber in Salzburg geboren – beides Städte, die zu Mozarts Lebenszeiten nie zu Österreich gehörten.
Mozart posthum zum Österreicher zu deklarieren ist ungefähr so dämlich wie Montezuma als Mexikaner zu bezeichnen.

Wo kommt ihr beide her?

We are in charge of the lesser races, with all responsibilities that come with it.

>we love immigrants too

t. xenophobic neonazi skinhead waiting for immigrants to spank them

>There are a ton of coreANOS here too
I heard a good number of Korean cloth retailers in LA went your cunt for cheap labor and shit. True?

German is the second on the list.

30 years later he's going to defend his ethno-state from muslim invaders.

Brown people are the ones defending Germany.

>I even doubt Germany has working border police
German border police are formidable.
They were like North Korean border police except with good aim.

These people are so fucking damn
Damn antifa