Gays get one, I want a thread to. Gib me dat.

What are some spots that black-right wing / black republicans can use to convert our populace to the right wing?
I usually talk about success of my family's business, how good work gets more money than food stamps.

Integrating into society and pushing Martin Luther King Jr. ideas of equality also helps our communities become more civil.
Denouncing Malcolm X, Africa, Carribean Islands as lowbreeds of African heritage.

How do we get Black Republican trending?

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If exposing nogs to BLM isn't enough to make them vote republican then there's probably nothing else you could do
You can always point out that the black cities have it worst under democrats and that them expecting all blacks to collectively vote for them is form of racism or some shit

Get them to listen to black economist Thomas Sowell. He has tons of great YT videos. He says that black communities were progressing pretty well up economically and socially until the civil rights movement when they were manipulated into believing in a culture of victimhood and unjustified oppression.

It won't be enough.

You want to talk about a population completely under Media control, you talk about my people.
It's become absolutely popular in our communities to idolize Hollywood because most successful blacks come from Hollywood.
The best way we could get blacks to sway sides is to have some of their idols switch to Republican or atleast endorse Donald Trump. Classical Niggas are switching to Donald because Icecube endorsed him in a recent interview

But the best way to sway blacks right now is through Worldstar twitter and Youtube (Gaming Communities and Hip Hop).
We can take this current crisis of Bernie scandals to ride an opinion saying that Trump will complete Bernies efforts by tearing down the oppressive barriers on black communities.

But Trump must sway the black vote absolutely. He needs to start working on black opinions and can't simply state "Well I probably won't get those votes"

He needs to have atleast a splinter group go after blacks.

It's hard to get us to wake up.

For example, I was riding on the ideas that whites owed us something until somebody linked me to Ron Paul back in 2011. Ron Paul eventually lead me to this board because it was the only place you could even discuss him.

Even then it took me a while to warm up to the idea that we need to accept Equality under the Law, not under skin, because this board is racially based.

But instead of being offended, I started listening to grievances whites had against us.
And the only way we can survive in the modern world without persecution is to tame ourselves.

And to disregard the Democratic and Leftist notions.

I mean the fact that the Left has the notion that we aren't equal anyways is far more offensive to me then people saying nigger to me.

I heard a good presentation by Stefan Molyneux.
He said that the single biggest predictor of failure is growing up in a fatherless household. There is apparently up to a 75% rate of single-mother families in black communities. So I would focus on this. Focussing on a savior political candidate is just repeating the same mistake. The political system is corrupt from top to bottom and has been captured by the globalists. If Trump wins and he is really a nonestablishment candidate, they won't let him last long. They'll just JFK him.

There is nothing you can do since the problem is mostly genetic and Negros are naturally shit