What's the deal with Trump's wall? Isn't there already US-Mexican border control up to the tits?

What's the deal with Trump's wall? Isn't there already US-Mexican border control up to the tits?

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Trumps wall will be at least 10 feet higher

>retarded measurement system


Nah, just memeing

There actually isn't. What you see there is hardly a wall at all. If they want to come into the country they can easily.

Trump is a retard.
Some dumb Burgers liked him, because he is unusual and unpredictable and quite random.

But as Sup Forums waits for humanity end, I think him as president is... Good?


Learn English, Ahmoud.

>But as Sup Forums waits for humanity end, I think him as president is... Good?
For Europe he'd be disastrous.