>it's a Sup Forums pretends Taylor Swift is Ugly episode
It's a Sup Forums pretends Taylor Swift is Ugly episode
I wouldn't call her ugly, but I don't get her appeal
why would she need to get fake tits if she wasn't ugly?
Is that guy's neck shopped?
Roastie gets everything she deserves desu, when even John Mayer doesnt want to fuck with her, you know shes a real nutjob
Found a roastie posting on Sup Forums
>op pretends shes not a raging dyke
She is either autistic or a dyke I can't decided which theory I believe.
Her face is god tier but she's a hungry skelly
Me in the back
What's his endgame?
>buttt job
>tit job
>navy seal bodyguard
She go full stacey
She's not ugly. She just has no sex appeal outside of her face and legs. Her hips/ass are nonexistent, and she as no breasts. I'm honestly not surprised she's had as many boyfriends as she's had, because I can guarantee the reason they break up is because she simply isn't that fun to fuck.
dont like her face
I slept with more attractive women imo
>fake tits
>no hips or ass
>psychotic cunt who jumps from cock to cock for publicity
>no talent
there are a gorillion better Sup Forumsfus out there Ohpee.
>Work hard
>go to navy seal forces
>be a bodyguard now
>some blonde stacey wants you
>is taytay
>some rich handsome bf broke with taytay
>She wants some sex for revenge
>be him
>She just has no sex appeal outside of her face and legs
So, like any other woman then?
>muh breasts
>muh ass
Always has her mouth open.
This desu, Grimes for example. I want to work on her album and remove her name from the credits so she spergs out
>So, like any other woman then?
You got problems, man. Can't imagine what fucking you must be like if you don't grab your woman's ass like you own it.
Hilarious I mean I seriously pity you.
Can anyone imagine being so mindlessly racist that you brainwash yourself into believing a womans ass isn't sexy? What a waste
Amazing. You deserve it though
She is a mouth breather. Probably some FAS in those veins.
Bitch looks like a fucking praying mantis.
Karlie > Taylor
When will they come out already? The whole "Tay is lonely and needs a hetero life partner" thing is just a meme. They're obviously so fucking gay.
Karlie Taylor
That's my ASCII representation of two pairs of spread legs approaching each other
Tall girls look awkward as fuck.
>Tay is lonely and needs a hetero life partner
I'd be her partner tbhonesto with you
She's gay dude
Emphasis on "hetero".
She's got a rodent face, fake tits and ass, with the body of a tall, teenage boy and that's not even mentioning that she's a shallow vapid child who can't act like a mature adult in or out of a relationship. Also this thread is not Sup Forums related at all
>sees a woman
>instantly thinks of teenage boys
I think this is more telling about you than anybody else.
Taylor Swift is a musician and this has nothing to do with Sup Forums
washed up and old
Can anyone post a pic of Taylor's face where she doesn't look retarded or have fetal alcohol syndrome
ITT: Manlets that couldn't satisfy a beautiful woman like TayTay
I just think she's mediocre
>sees Taylor Swift
>immediately convinces himself that she doesn't have the body of a boy
I bet you just LOVE trannies.
how gay?
>spot the manlet
Have fun spawning midgets, subhuman.
>thinking about trannies now
Keep digging that hole, anonsama.
>applied to be Taylor's pusy slave
>the other applicant was literally a seven foot tall millionaire supermodel computer genius international assassin