Brazilian """""""""""""People"""""""""""""


Other urls found in this thread:,_Illinois

Including the USA? For real?

16k dead in america


good lord, why?

>One country has as much homicides as almost half of the world population

We taught them well

I bet Mexico has as much homicides as the remaining grey countries in that map

Technically speaking it's only Northern Brazil. South Brazil has the same level of crime as Switzerland or Japan or Eastern Europe.

>162 homicides in a single day

That's not particularly good. Where do these even happen? Here it's all over the news when someone is killed. Can't report on 16.000 homicides.

Why do you care, proxy?

mostly thug on thug violence
not much being lost

>his whole population is like some big city in real countries

No it doesn't. The homocide rate is still 9/100,000. Eastern Europe is very violent why compare to Japan?

>Here it's all over the news when someone is killed.
Same. 60k homicides a year is just impossible to imagine.

nope... and you know it

Not an argument. Still far less per capita.

savages gonna savage

>The homocide rate is still 9/100,000.

Chicago alone has had 26 homicides this month.

This is btw a murder rate in 100 000 people

5 for 100,000 in america is pretty impressive actually, it used to be much higher

>A região com a maior taxa de homicídios por 100 mil habitantes do país é o Nordeste (33,76), seguida da Região Norte (31,09) e do Centro-Oeste (26,26). As regiões Sudeste e Sul apresentam taxas menores, 16,91 e 14,36, respectivamente.

murder rate in south brazil is higher than africa, in the northeast more than twice that amount

wait until more invaders arrive

serbia, slovenia, hungary, macedonia, slovakia, croatia, czeck republic, poland, kosovo all have smaller homicide rate that Canada

>No estado do Ceará, as maiores taxas de homicídios são registradas nas cidades de Fortaleza (72,7), Maracanaú (73,7) e Caucaia (65,8), na região metropolitana.

there is a town with 72,7 murders per 100 thousand people

>“Para se ter uma noção comparativa no âmbito internacional sobre essa taxa, países com históricos de guerra civil, como o Congo (30,8), e com altas taxas de homicídio associadas ao narcotráfico, como a Colômbia (33,4), possuem taxas menores que a do Nordeste brasileiro”, informa o relatório.

worse than Congo and Colombia

Africa is safer than American continent

I remember some Brazilian saying unironically that Brazil is much safer than Russia. Hmm...

This. Canada is more dangerous than Eastern Europe, some Middle East and African countries

>yfw this is only the account of archived homicides

also bosnia and herzegovina and romania

They don't come here. Sylvi made sure Norway has a cold image among migrant filth.

Russians, on the other hand - stay the fuck out of Finnmark.

can't believe there are Brazilians this delusional
it is safe to say we are the most unsafe country in the world

t. monkey diaspora

We are surrounded by fucking animals, help us.

You are animals too. Even Canadian homicide rates are higher than fucking Morocco kek

black people killing black people,_Illinois

I think there are some countries in Africa that must be worse

Daily reminder spics, Americans and Canadians are worse than Africa


That's right. Africa is very safe continent. You should do a road trip from Cario to the Cape and post your adventure on Sup Forums.

I'm pretty sure Africa is a lot of safer than spicland and North America outside warzones.

Here is not unsafe, you animal.

I live in a relative """""""""dangerous""""""" area and I was never robbed or something like this. Only subhumans like narcotrafficants and inmates kill themselves. These are probably more than 85% of that archive.

Robbers and thongs are commom, but they rarely kill someone and if you are smart, will be capable of knowing how to not be mugged.

>top 50 cities with most homicides per 100000
>47/50 are in the Americas, 3 are in South Africa

What the fuck is their problem?

No value for life.

>Here is not unsafe

c'mon now...

Is this shit real? More homicides than the entire northern hemisphere?

>Brazilian population is naturally stabilizing by itself
How is this a bad thing ?

>more than 3 billion people live in the blue countries
>about 200 million people live in Brazil
>about the same homicide rate
this really activates your almonds

Uma homicidia

>el Salvador has more than 4 times the rate of Brazil

Eastern Europeans operate at the highest levels of organized crime. They're not into simple street thuggery like Brazilians.

>Old Worlders don't kill each other
Honestly, it doesn't surprise me. Only men came to the Americas and braved the frontiers. Pansies stayed home in Europe.

>being proud of the homicides and criminals
heh classic mutt


das rite

Homicides are mostly concentrated in large cities. Very rarely does a murder happen in a small town (less than 30,000 pop.) and when it does happen it's huge news and everybody loses their minds.

I live in a town of about 15,000 and the girls at my work make me walk them to their cars at night when we close shop. It's crazy.

And criminals are mostly drug offenders, which I don't even consider a criminal, just a low-life desu.

At this rate people in northern states should have killed each other off by now, how the fuck are we breeding faster than we kill each other?

do they count the monkeys killed for soup as murders?

Homocide rate in "eastern europe" is lower than in canada despet what your tv propaganda tells you


Brazil is the country of peace.

I wish we had 200x this number, then maybe these poorfags would die faster than they breed.

>South of canada

kinda everywhere, they caught a serial killer in a mcdonalds near me recently and i hadnt even heard of him. kind of a shit-tier serial killer though, only killed 4 people

This guy has it. The vast majority of our murders are black on black, and most of these happen in nigger containment zones.


t. Joao Pedro from Curitiba

that's a way too normal name for a Brazilian, try Claytonzinho Junior

This is actually true, if you look into the south brazil cities you will notice they will look alike european cities.

Everything above south brazil is just a killing spree mess. If you want to live, never go to São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and AVOID AT ANY COST going to the North Brazil.

North Brazil is way worse than sodom and gomorra. I still don't get how there is still people living in North Brazil, birth rate must be 10 children per women per year.

To be honest, if they all die I could not care less. São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro are full of Northren people that flee (we have our own version of refugees, its called "nordestino")

>if you look into the south brazil cities you will notice they will look alike european cities.

Laguna - SC (pic related)
Videira - SC
Mafra - PR
list goes on...

Try Wewerson, Kleberson, Braulio (literally means COCK)

>"""""european""""" cities for ants

I'm sorry, we don't have cities for moorslims.

Just stay away, your kind is not welcome and will never be.

woaah duude, VERY offended by that, now I'll have to scratch all my plants to move to Brazil

Too bad Brazilians are a bunch of weak hippies afraid of conflicts. Would love a civil war so i can rape and kill people.

not even that, they're protesting a section of that statistic so it's even smaller

Their country is so joke they split it every fucking thread.

Nigga, it's useless

Every country in South America and even USA and Canada are worse than fucking Africa

you've never came here, so stop bullshiting about stuff you don't know.

You know that most spanish migrants that came here were slauthered by the germans and polish migrants, right?
You can google it if you want.
Portuguese hate for spaniards is a thing.

For a first world country:
You have less Nobel prizes than Argentina. I guess science, education and academic achievement is just not in your blood. Go back to your mosque or go fishing Juan. Moorslims are not and will never be welcome here.

Ia morrer na primeira leva

I am actually Italian moite

Guess I have to tell somebody about you m8.

Thanks to India, no.

muh sul

>Russians, on the other hand - stay the fuck out of Finnmark.
Я эмигpиpyю в Hopвeгию

>Britcuck defending police states

Shocking, considering you don't even let yours have guns.

>Here is not unsafe
>Robbers and thongs are commom

Brazil is literally robbers and thongs: the country

He meant Russia not your irrelevant countries.

How do solve the problem known as Brazil?

The entire American continent is a problem

seriously doe, what the fuck is up with Central Americans?

el salvador #1? honduras should be worse
drug wars. if you think mexico is bad..

nice meme

Well we count all deaths as murders in relation to our war
Even if the kill is done by a soldier to an armed sicario, its counted like a hybrid war casualty / murder


black on black violence in all black neighborhoods

not even memeing or trying to shift all responsibility on DEM NIGGURS, this is the actual truth, i've never seen a shooting in my life and guns are everywhere here

like mexico is a good country you mexcrement