There isn't a meta thread in the catalogue, and since one is allowed I thought I'd talk about a topic that is sometimes discussed, albeit in a meme-manner:
Viral marketing and paid shills ruining Sup Forums by advertising their shitty movies.
A high degree of discussion is expected and natural when there is a new movie coming out, but check out the comment in pic related. Seriously? It reads like a generic paid amazon review, almost like it came from a marketing algorithm or worse, an unimaginative monkey writing by-the-numbers short reviews for five cents.
How is shit like this tolerated? Sup Forums doesn't always agree but there are some movies that are by and large well known to be absolute shit, and if someone praises them unironically, you can assume them to be trolling. If a lot of people suddenly start defending said shit movie with dubious arguments and relentless persistence, than I think it's safe to assume viral shills are on the prowl. Sup Forums has a large userbase of nerds after all, and you don't even have to create a believable fake account to shill, like in other sites.
Samuel Brooks
Idk what you're talling about OP, I loved both prometheus ans Covenant and I'm eager to buy the DVD extended version with all the deleted scenes! Also the next movie will explain the rest of the plotholes, so make sure to catch Covenant at the movies so the next one will surely get made!
Jacob Jackson
I agree with you, I think there's a lot of Sup Forums posters that are consistently forced out of this board by capeshit shills.
A new board for franchises maybe? Would that contain all the shit?
Hunter Bennett
>wanting to "fix" Sup Forums Fuck off Reddit. The pace and themes of the board are dictated by the community. Stop trying to put restrictions on everything you don't like. Literally kill yourself.
Aiden Ward
The thing is such a board would drain content from other media boards. I like discussing the Aliens franchise and we have some cozy threads off-movie season, but the shilling has gotten crazy lately, and it detracts from genuine discussion because shills and trolls will ad hominem you and shit up the board when you attempt to refute their arguments and/or explain why their movie is bad.
Carson Robinson
why don't redditors just filter out stuff they don't like? I don't think anything is wrong with Sup Forums because i'm still able to:
>discuss current/old films >have livethreads/post threads about currently airing television that always max out and ensure quality discussion >find about the latest arthouse releases and keep up with hollywood >post high res pictures of my favorite actress must suck hating a board so much, but you still come here to cry about how bad it is, using paranoid delusions like 'shilling' and 'the jews' to justify your own personal dislike of something.
Cooper Garcia
this dilemma reminds me of Sup Forums and the creation of /vp/ back in the day This is in essence the very same issue. It did somewhat work back then. I don't know if a /capeshit/ would work as much but it might help alleviate a bit of the abysmal level of discussion on Sup Forums these days.
Anthony Gutierrez
>tfw i'm just here for the shitposting JUST
Angel Smith
>How DARE people like what I don't like
Josiah Butler
A /capeshit/ would be great, even if it would drain content from Sup Forums, which I couldn't give less of a shit about.
/franchise/ would be stretching it way too far.
Thinking about it, I think /cape/ is long overdue, if only to act as a containment board.
Eli Carter
I think we might actually need the robot >blacked spam >pedospam >gayspam >gay blackedspam I'm honestly suprised he doesn't do food spam or something to that effect, but I know one of the pedos spams shit threads to slide threads off the board
James Thomas
Repetitive bot spamming is the issue behind most of the problems here. Whether it's porn spamming or viral marketing, we need to stop the bots. The only people who are adimently against curbing bot spamming are the ones using bots themselves. Cancer.
Gabriel Parker
just filter it you fucking pussies. I love how you cry about a 'bot' that uses the same text/images over and over again that you can easily filter out (i'm sure one of you autists has a 'botspam' image saved you can post to 'btfo me out') yet you don't care about idiots turning literally every thread into a butthurt circle jerk of politics. makes me think you idiots only look at the catalog and never even enter threads, because the 'spammers' and 'bots' stick to themselves in their own threads, while political shitposting has no bounds. kill yourselves instantly
Kevin James
*braps your path*
Josiah Smith
There is no way to fix Sup Forums or any other part of Sup Forums. Just accept it.
Hiro will never do what's required to make this site usable again. All he cares about is bulk traffic. He wants the ad revenue and he wants to be able to sell your personal information.
Everything that goes on here is very closely monitored. If you want proof of that simply look at one of those stupid know your meme sites. These folks know exactly where and when shit posting memes began. The only way they could do that is if someone was monitoring EVERYTHING that happens on this site.
Dylan James
Sup Forums is a website that rewards bad behavior. If you post a decent topic for discussion it will get ignored.
However, if you shit post, meme post, etc, then your topic will get hundreds of replies.
It's simple toddler behavior. Act up, act poorly, and you will get attention.
Jaxon Reed
With software that changes up the image ratio, automatically renames the image each time, the text often changes and randomly uses odd characters? It's difficult to actually keep filtered, but that's kinda the point, isn't it?
Look at you REEEEEE, you're fucking defending automated posting ffs. Spotted a fucking bot-spammer.
Jace Jackson
just here to say I fucking hate you pussy liberal /qa/ faggots
these threads will NEVER accomplish ANYTHING. You are the reddit of Sup Forums.
Benjamin Howard
You're right. This place is irredeemable.
Jason Sanders
Capeshit has to be sent to its own general, get the fucking mods to do something about it
Ryder Barnes
Easton Bailey
I've noticed a lot of this lately. There was one thread that had like 15 unique replies that were all two or three words meme replies to a shit thread, while other threads come and go completely unnoticed.
It doesn't help that by the very mechanics of the site it's easy for shitposts to stay up in the catalogue, since lengthy paragraphs and wordy posts and threads take more time to type, and get buried in the crowd of 100 shitposts per minute.
Sup Forums was always a piece of shit board though, it's really part of the board identity, but it's nice to have a serious discussion about film sometimes.