>American character is going to school
>the bus pulls up literally right in front of their house
American character is going to school
Other urls found in this thread:
>American character looks something up on internet
I don't know what's worse, that or making up a fake search engine. I don't understand why they can't show google.
>Bus arrives
>Boy gets up to depart, doesnt cover erection with backpack or do the 'tuck.'
>American character goes to movie theater
>characters driving around major city
>always gets a parking spot right in front of where they are going
Because microsoft pays them to do it
>character walks down the street
>people don't yell things from their cars
My parents call that "Doris Day parking".
Bing is the best for porn. If you see a character using bing then you know they watch a lot of porn.
we call it George Costanza parking cause of that one episode
You expect Americucks to actually get off their fat asses and walk more than a few meters?
I personally have never seen porn or think about porn or even know what this supposed porn but I just want to attest to the fact that bing is indeed the fucking greatest for searching for porn.
>American character is going to school
>the bullies are all white
>white girls are all empty headed skanks
>the particle physicist prof is black
>cool kids are black/Latino
>credits roll
>directed by Shlomo Golbergensteinblatt
Where else would the school bus pick up kids you literal retard?
At the bus stop, you fucking idiot. Do you think the bus stops in front of 500 houses every morning?
>American walking home from school in the rain
>has an umbrella
We actually protect our children from being abducted and raped by pakis here in America. You can go to the bus stop for the regular bus if you are a poorfag who cant afford a car.
>daily school shootings
>kids are so fat they literally can't stand at the bus stop
Funny you say that, because only literal regards get picked up at thier house
Name an episode of the anime series Yu-Gi-Oh! GX where this happens
You don't protect your children from that, they protect themselves by pre-emptively shooting up the school.
They do when you live in the land of freedom and you're not poor you fucking peasant.
>episode involves a character who was in porno.
>all the porn were bad spoofs of movies
>Amerifreedom kids get on the bus
>all four tires burst due to the immense weight
>be the final person on the bus route
>street is straight with no side streets
>house is in the middle
>bus stops like 10 houses away from my house despite having to travel along the whole street
>tell bus driver just to stop in front of my house because she is literally forced to drive past it every time
>"I can't change the route. It's the policy."
Goddamn cunt. I hope she's dead.
That actually happens. The bus would always stop right in front of my house, drive 10 feet to my neighbor's house and so on to pick everyone up. A lot of times you'd group up at one friends house if you lived closed enough, or they'd wait at your house. It took forever to go through the bus metal detectors though and I got sick of having to wait until after school to get my assault rifle back.
>american character needs hot water for a beverage
>puts a cup in the microwave
TEN houses?
Oh the humanity
The bus I took to school stopped right in front of my parents' house. It's not uncommon in rural areas.
If there had been an intersection the bus needed to go down so it dropped me off there because continuing along my street was out of the way then I would have been fine. But there was no reason to not drop me off in front of my house.
What if they are the only kids around?
>Main character interacts with a large and brash character, and the tone gets tense.
>A supporting character says they're someone's friend
>"Well, why didn't you say so?"
>Brash character is completely kind.
>american character goes in house
>never takes shoes off
>Be driver
>Drive lazy fuck up to his house to be nice
>Get back to work
>Mr shekelstein waiting for me
>"Driver goyim, I was watching you on your implanted cornea camera and have detected that you used 2 cents more gas to stop at an unapproved stop"
>Receive 20 lashes
>$300,000 deducted from paycheck (2 cents plus interest)
>Now living on the street
>Should have never stopped for user
>character flushes the toilet
>another character screams in the shower because the water went cold
Why is American plumbing so primitive?
Because American copyright law is ultra Jewy and they'd have to pay for it. It's the reason that QI isn't shown in the US.
Making up a search engine is a screenwriter inside joke, like when a character on tv gets hacked.
>europoor takes off shoes before going in house
>house smells of feet
I hate this trope tbhwyf.
>mother has sunny-side up eggs, waffles, sausages, pancakes, toast, cereal, hash browns, bacon, and coffee on the table
>kid sips orange juice and grabs a dry piece of toast as he runs outside
>be american
>have smelly feet
>American takes out the trash
>puts a comically oversized black plastic bag in a grey, metal cylinder
Actually many kids got picked up and dropped off at their homes because here in America we actually have large houses with sometimes several acres of land so lots of space between houses. Must such to be a poor European faggot being forced under threat of law to house Syrian rapists lmao
America is so fucking backwards. went there last year
>go to fill up car with petrol
>have to pay before filling up car
>no indicator telling you how much to fill up
>use superior metric system so no idea what that would be in inferior gallons
>if you pay too much 'sorry fucker you should have known'
america is literally 1000 years in the past
>triggered Ameripoor still upset at having to do a meagre amount of physical exercise
That's the mother's fault.
>spend all your money constructing a flimsy shack on some worthless land where nobody wants to live
>can't afford a car to drive your kids to school
Land of the free
That's just a meme
Don't forget the typical chain link fence.
The bus stop is where kids get bullied and you show your dingding to girls and one of them touches it once as a dare but you could tell she liked it but it was cold and she had a glove on so it's hard to fap about all these years later.
>be american
>get molested at the bus stop
>European character still takes the bus in his 30s because they can't afford a car
>Movie starts
>Typical day at the start of the class
>Kid looks like he's got no sleep
>In between his yawns he slips some glances towards his crush across the room
>Smiles softly to himself, content that he has the chance to see her
>Suddenly hears clattering in the hallways
>The screams of a teacher running across the doorway as bullets crash into him
>Everybody moves back to the windows, the kid is now beside the girl he loves
>Door is pushed open with force, a young man only a few years older than the class studies the room for a split second
>He levels his rifle and picks a target
>The scream from the girl is cut violently short as a bullet tears through her skull
>The kid crouches down in fear and sees her lifeless eyes from between his fingers
>The man opens fire again, more of his classmates scramble and fall
>The eternity of the scene ends with footsteps down the hallway and he can't move
>Schoolbell rings
>The kid wakes up with a jolt, the teacher taps him with a ruler
>"Homework for thursday user!"
>He looks around the room in a dazed panic
>His girl is giving him a smirk
>He remembers he's not American
>The day goes on.
>Ameripoor sits in traffic for three hours a day and calls this freedom
Imagine being so third world you can't provide an efficient public transport network for commuters
>European character defends riding the bus because he can't afford a car at least once per episode
I think traffic in my city was horrible but then I looked at jam stats from LA.
I'm surprised they even have time to do their things.
>Live in a space the size of my bathroom
>Literally 1 patch of grass infront of his cold grey stone
>Muhammad and Jamal live on either side
European livin!
>>American character is going to school
>>the bus pulls up literally right in front of their house
I lived on a rural county road and the school bus stopped right in front of my house.
Happens IRL, yurp.
Are there non-american movies about school? Now that I think about it, everyone I watched was about adults.
>being so Ameripoor you don't actually have any concept of trains or trams
It's funny how, unlike you, we can afford both but somehow we're the poor ones as you sit in gridlocked traffic every morning
>Burger thinks having a car is a status simbol and that compensates for having a small dick and brain
im not even American and thought this was the standard for school buses literally everywhere.
something something, the schools are liable for the lives and well being of peoples kids while theyre at school and being transported. its only logical they would pull up right to their houses
I hate that this country does this it makes my morning commute miserable when I have to stop for like 17 different kids on the only road that leads to the highway from my house
>European character gets raped on the train by migrants again because he still can't afford a car
Mmm, that's not how gas works here, you just did it wrong.
>build spacious latrine next to giant shack in a desolate field that cost next to nothing because it's a half hour drive to anything resembling civilisation
This is upper class living in Ameripoor
>American character gets home from work/school
>Just walks in without removing shoes
>Collapses on sofa and puts feet up while still wearing shoes
Deeply fucked up country.
But if you're taking the bus it's precisely because you're a poorfag.
Yea really sucks living in one of these shitty American shacks haha
Hey I think I hear Jamal calling, I think it's prep time buddy!! Good luck!
>illiterate Ameripoor makes a variation of the same joke three times
I know this is hard for you to process, because your country has trillions of dollars in severely neglected infrastructure costs to deal with, but we own cars and have efficient, modern public transport.
Sorry that yet another example of everybody elses superior quality of life upsets you so much.
yes it is, happened to me in every gas station in California and vegas
Forgot my pic of the shack
>it's another "euro has a meltdown about the US being superior" episode
When will this meme end, Sup Forums? It's a meme right? Euros aren't actually this assmad and stupid...right?
>get raped and can't complain about it cause it's politically incorrect to insult immigrants
The guy you responded to didn't have to exaggerate. Not much.
Yours was complete fabrication.
if you stop a rapist the rapist wins.
If you're paying cash for gas, then you just tell the clerk inside that you want to fill up, give him money, pump gas, and then go back inside to get your change and your receipt.
>school provides a mini-bus to come pick me up at my hovel cause family is dirt poor
>everyone thinks im retarded now too
poor and retarded, no wonder i ended up here
i think you might be a retard
>flicking through the channels and come across one of those retarded house hunting shows
>Ameripoors get shown ghastly, ugly houses on what is clearly worthless, cheap land with nothing of value anywhere near by
>obviously poorly made - shitty laminate floors and crappy carpet, everything else built as cheaply as possible to accommodate the eight bathrooms and pointlessly oversized kitchen with shitty appliances
>no sense whatsoever this is anything less than the ultimate dream for these people.
>American needs to boil water
>They don't know what a fucking kettle is
i didnt know school buses are a thing outside america. at least i never heard of it here in euroland. like the spread out structure of suburbs kinda makes it necessary in the US, but here everything's so densely populated, you're either in the city and take a normal bus or in the countryside where you ride the bike to the next village or you mum drops you off or something
i cant think of anything that's about school specifically. just some movies where it's an element because there's young characters or whatever. like Wut (Rage) from 2006, but the school setting is just the background, the movie is actually about this kid having trouble with a migrant kid and the situation escalating
i feel like the HS movie/series genre is (not exclusively but mostly) kind of a moneygrab, i imagine young actors are cheap (because unknown) and you just need some rusty old high school building as scenery. it's one of those things where the general theme and plots and characters are so repetetive and interchangeable it's cheaper just to take the US version and dub it. we had drake and josh and all that crap on nick
it's not really a particularily inspired genre that would be fertile ground for creativity and artsy quirky sometimes-risque foreign movie fuckery that studios shoot for here. and there's not a lot of original tv shows being produced here anyways, even the BBC mostly only does miniseries. i guess it's a budget thing too though i wouldnt know how that works in detail
Just put $20 in or use a card so you don't have to guess, dumb europoor.
every other country in the world it is
>pull up at gas pump
>pump gas
>see clerk and pay
Your shitty americunt method is
>pull up at gas pump
>go into station to pay the clerk saying you want X amount of gas
>go back out and fill up car
>'woops looks like I didnt pay enough or payed too much'
>go back inside to either pay more and get change back
>leave after 4 steps that are truly unnecessary
>American characters are eating pancakes for breakfast
>posts cheap, ugly, shitty prefab, poor quality house that looks exactly the same as the house two doors down on some barren land you can't even afford to fence because you blew your landscaping budget on grass
Wow, I'm really envious.
>american character at school
>everyone looks 25+
>they drink out of red cups
just put 10 or 20 in like everybody else. do you really think people are sitting there counting gallons lmao
my parents call it kojak parking
>it's an Ameripoor can't afford to fix the crumbling infrastructure let alone afford commuter trains episode
>Ameripoor reverts to his default position of severe autism in a banter thread
>entire episode dedicated to a Euroclown having a meltdown because he cant afford a car
>Probably the same euroclown too stupid to figure out how gas pumps work.
america is so rich the poor have an obesity problem
get fucked you idiot
When I rode the bus as a kid it dropped us off at one place and we'd walk to our houses. Is this a regional thing?
>rich well educated canadian half-black shitty pop star
>wearing negro clothes because he's going for that demography
>wearing army clothes because tuff
>while vets are dying on the streets
fuck me i hate that guy
>>American character looks something up on internet
>Fynder Spyder