
just made a new thread. get the bevvies in kid edition

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*rolls into the thread*

Wish I could undo the past month. It's been disastrous.

Using Firefox and AdBlock+, no ads for me lads

graduate of the university of life in hard knocks studies (BA)
received my MA in hard graft from the same institution
working on my PhD in common sense which i hope to receive in 2019
after that, will probably become a plumber


>cashing out bitcoins

Fucking pakis, kek

Fuck off white male. White males ARE fucking privileged white millennial males live in the most prosperous societies ever mind you they had fuck all to do with this prosperity, it was all their ancestors who weren't soy faggots they consume tons of capeshit video games and porn to the point that they are the most hedonistic cunts ever all anyone ever asked of them was to keep consuming their shitty capeshit and leave politics to their parents and people who know better but no, these faggots decided to go political and become racist cunts because they feel they are entitled to political power, just look at Sup Forums 19 year old children who never kissed a girl have the balls to explain to me how the world works well no sweetie, in the West you have to be somebody first and then engage in politics, contribute to civilization, discover something, sacrifice something and then you can voice your shit tier racist political opinions until then sweetie it's back to playing with toys and stroking your peepee for you


we used to invite this spastic out at uni just so he could buy us bevvies, sad cunt


aha use this one after so theres no splitting

I don't see how white men are privileged but I'm Chinese so maybe I'm missing something.

that's not nice

so bootyblasted he's spilling his tears into a new thread

The absolute state of your life, pajeet. Fuck off back to pakistan with the rest of your kind.


>taking the low offer

two packs of fried rice and a chow mein please poppet x

Is 4chanx not working with the new chrome for anyone else, I had forgotten how to use Sup Forums without it and couldn't reply for quite a while haha

so you're just supposed to sit on it forever?

gookmoot added botnet to Sup Forums

get the facking bevvies in

>paki thinks you cash out bitcoins

Fucking state of shitskins

I'll do you one better and whip up some peppered Mongolian beef instead of that bullshit.

pajinders actually think that in 200 years itll become a currency so you'll never need to cash out

he's a buttblasted paki who's never heard the term "cashing out" before


rorke just got a shoutout on the chase

the utter state of England

please mate i'm fucking famined
just send it over on one of those little amazon deliverycopter things



beto o'rorke i hope

>stinking fucking paki thinks it's others that don't understand what "cashing out" means

rorke's drift

you are nice

John Smith was baptized on 6 January 1580 at Willoughby, near Alford, Lincolnshire.

Smith left home at the age of sixteen and set off to sea. He served as a mercenary in the army of Henry IV of France against the Spaniards and later fought against the Ottoman Turks in the Long Turkish War.

Smith is said to have killed and beheaded three Turkish challengers in single-combat duels, for which he was knighted by the Prince of Transylvania and given a horse and a coat of arms showing three Turks' heads.

In 1602, he was captured by the Turks, and sold as a slave. His Turkish master's mistress fell in love with Smith. He then escaped from Ottoman lands into Russia, before traveling through Europe and

In 1606, Smith became involved with the Virginia Company of London's plan to colonize Virginia.

He named the region "New England".

Smith trained the first settlers to farm and work, thus saving the colony from early devastation. He publicly stated "He that will not work, shall not eat", quoting from the Bible, 2nd Thessalonians 3:10.

In December 1607, while seeking food along the Chickahominy River, Smith was captured and taken to meet the chief of the Powhatans. Smith feared for his life, but the chief's daughter Pocahontas, threw herself across his body.

>it's a woman-takes-the-minus-offer and makes it back to the final chase and proceeds to contribute 0 (zero) correct answers in the final chase episode

I would personally make it a rule that if you take the minus and make it back, if you personally do not contribute any correct answers in the final chase then you get no share of the prize money

I'll send my friend to deliver it in a few. Don't worry if you see a giant, hovering saucer. It's just her car.

it's clearly you who doesn't, you sheltered child

racist cunt

why is it ALWAYS the bloody women

What are you lads doing for Christmas?

>want to get planning permission for a tiny cabin with a bed and a toilet no bigger than 15m\2 in an isolated rural area
>barratt homes wants to develop another load of land raping luxury executive semi detached homes

what the hell is wrong with her?

it won't work with the new firefox either

>paki still trying to save face after his dumb cunt "cashing out" blooper

3 days of dining with the family xx
hope i make it out alive

Don't forget to register your vote on /brit/ villain of the year





Barratt Homes can afford to give the council a bung because they'll be building 20+ identical houses and selling them ALL before the first lick of neutral beige paint is even applied indoors.

Meanwhile you - a pleb - cannot afford to give the council pakis any kick backs with your shitty application to become the next Uncle Teddy innawoods.

Definition of cash out
transitive verb
to convert (noncash assets) to cash


there you have it
bitcoin is noncash

not leaving my room and feeling like a failure

have £2m in bitcoin

how do I cash out?

cashs you out

die hopefully

>neutral beige paint
It's called magnolia, you fucking dopey twat

Are you French or travelling back to The United Vassal States of Pengdon?

Probably thinking about suicide more than usual.

send them to me and I'll do it for you

>autistic paki in full damage control


Luc-Julien-Joseph Casabianca was an officer of the French Navy in the 18th century.

He was the commander of flagship Orient, which transported Napoleon across the Mediterranean during his expedition to Egypt.

During the Battle of the Nile of 1 August 1798, he ordered Giocante, his 12-year-old son who accompanied him, to remain in a section of the ship until he called for him.

Although the ship was on fire, the boy, who did not know that his father was no longer alive, refused to leave his post without receiving his orders. The fire reached the gunpowder section; the child perished in the explosion as well as a large part of the crew.

Send me your btc address and details, which bank you use for btc, and your full name, address, bank account info, and I'll fix it up for you.

>0 votes
hahaha get on you fucks

>this mad paki and his cash out stupidity

alrigh Gok Wan don't get your pozzed little batty in a twist


let's just say that those dinners will feature a lot of wine haha


are you christian?


>yank banter

thanks nelson

voted for beto

why are yanks sound in real life but utterly insufferable on here

despise black women
rudest people on the planet

>everyone ITT knows what cashing out means except you
>still desperately spamming image macros in an attempt to save face

Juvenile and very sad.




>Meanwhile you - a pleb - cannot afford to give the council pakis any kick backs with your shitty application to become the next Uncle Teddy innawoods.
what else is there to live for

*instantly pulverise your bollocks with a well aimed kick*

Bolt Thrower is the official band of /brit/. If you disagree you're a rasheed paki or a middle class, soyboy grime listening Tarquin

Why are yanks so fucking thick?

runtish comment to say the least

corn syrup innit

Yes m8 I told you I was baptized in Jerusalem. I normally wear a crucifix but I melted the chain thereby closing the loop hole during a bender while trying to do some melodramatic self harm/flagellation.

all that corn syrup innit

/brit/ is a Stormzy general

need her to crush my bollocks

have you ever actually met a black woman or do you just look at pictures of them on Sup Forums?

aspartame (a yank WILL reply to this)

>fucking smelly paki desperately appealing to the crowd trying to save face

milk truk just arive

Aspartame and Acesulfame K are in virtually all fizzy drinks now in the UK as well (even the sugary ones - including Lucozade whose gimmick was fucking glucose).

To avoid sugar taxes.

>How do I sell or "cash out" my digital currency?

Ah yes, one of the biggest bitcoin exchanges in the world uses the phrase, but an angry autistic paki on Sup Forums knows best. LMAO


*gets the bevvies in*

>have you actually
>do you just
no, I am the one who posts

>there are people ITT RIGHT NOW who have never felt a woman's touch

feel sorry for you 2bh

There were many different types of gladiators in ancient Rome.

The Gallus was the most popular, and equipped with Celtic arms and armour, who fought in what Romans would have recognised as a "Gaulish style".

The Hoplomachus fought with arms like a Greek.

The sagittarius was a mounted archer.

The Samnite fought like Samnites.

Bestiarius were a beast-fighters.

The cestus was a fist-fighter or boxer.

The dimachaerus used a sword in each hand.