How come we have all this talent for all these new rebirth titles EXCEPT when it comes to Superman...

How come we have all this talent for all these new rebirth titles EXCEPT when it comes to Superman? Why can't he ever get any good writers? We barely had any good superman stories in the last 5 years. What the fuck is wrong with DC?

Superwoman and New Super-Man seem ok and Orlando on Supergirl (though it doesn't sound interesting) is nothing to sneeze at

But yeah, compared to the others Superman and GL both seem mistreated right now. It's a shame.

>all this talent

Because nobody knows what the fuck fans want

>for years everyone says Superman is boring and bland
>Man of Steel happens
>Everyone suddenly cares about Superman and claim they have for years

He has the most fickle and undefined """fanbase""" out of everyone

Now, now, they have a couple of good inkers.

I couldn't even finish the final days of superman. It was just that bad and so drawn out.

Too hard to write

best stories involve him dying

I dunno, I'm feeling pretty good about it.
Hell, even Jurgens will be fine. Lois & Clark is okay.

Other than Rucka and King I don't see much known "talent." Most of the Rebirth writers are middling hacks. The biggest thing DC has going for it are its artists.

He got good-Johns and Busiek that one time. Kelly was good for his time. JMS was awful on his book for some reason, but he;s generally a good writer. And even nuJohns became good-Johns when he did the Ulysses arc.

Danny Miki has come so far, he started out working with Liefeld

Do we know if Lobo is gonna go back to his actually good old self instead of pretty Lobo?

Are you enjoying your nazi cap?


How's the latest reboot?

Tomasi is shit! At least when he's writing Superman.

Fine, given that it isn't a reboot.

>Rucka, Dan Abnet, Hope Larson and Christopher Priest aren't talent

Marvelfag pls

Tomasi's Batman and Robin was fantastic.

>literally casual: the opinion
Other than All-Star Superman, name a good story where he dies.

HINT: Death of Superman, World Without a Superman, Reign of the Superman, and Return of Superman are pretty shit.

You mean crisis? It was fine

Johns or Morrison or even Snyder could inject some life into the book

Red Son kinda

Oh, yeah? Damn.
Never touched Superman/Wonder Woman, so I was just going by Batman & Robin, which I liked a lot and was also done with Gleason.

Still, maybe he'll fare better this time.

And even if one of them turns out to be good. How long until they do another shit crossover across all the Superman titles that will ruin the book? Paks run is almost unreadable because of "doomed" and "truth".

Tomasi was good in GLC and Batman and Robin.

I don't know why Sup Forums hates him, but Jurgens generally has a good handle on Post-Crisis Supes. He's one of his better writers.

Someone storytimed the current Superman death arc and it should still be up if you want to see for yourself. He's just not good at all on Superman. I think it's just a bad fit.

Ain't that the truth. I hope New Super-Man can stay separate for an arc or two at least.

But Pak's Truth issues were good. It didn't fall apart until Savage Dawn.

>I don't know why Sup Forums hates him,

Because he is a proven bad Superman writer despite his good runs elsewhere.

I agree that both of those books are good. But have you read any of the superman related stuff be pushing out? Superman/Wonder Woman? The final days of superman? It's garbage!

Savage dawn was what I meant

King is their new up and comer so obviously he gets Batman, Rucka probably wouldn't have done anything else but Wonder Woman, and other than that they don't really have any other huge talent in the mix.

>SHAZAM family
Why must you tease me so?

What the fuck? The best Jurgens runs have been with Superman precisely.

They're talking about Tomasi, dumbass.

Yeah, Tomasi wasn't a good Superman fit. But to be honest DC in general hasn't had a good idea of what they wanted this Superman to be.

I'm not saying that this is 100% the case, but MAYBE this time with Pre-N52 Superman will be different. Or who knows, maybe it'll be the same shit. We'll see what happens.

And I was taking about Jurgens when I said "I don't know why Sup Forums hates him"

DC might not, but Morrison nails it every time. This is the guy who made Superman Blue good.

"Doomsday again" and Eradicator are some pretty disappointing-sounding first arcs.

As much as I fucking love Morrison, the problem with his Action run imo is that he wrote this new Superman without really reintroducing him, he took a lot of stuff for granted and made a comic that could only be understood by people who have already read a lot of comic books already. I don't know if that was the best idea to reboot a character.

They fucked up with pre-Flashpoint Superman the last two or so years of his books. I have no faith that will mean anything.

Superman's gotten a bunch of talented writers since the New 52.

Like? There is Morrisons run Johns run and Superman Unchained. I dont include Paks run because half of it is ruined with shit crossovers.

IS Unchained any good?
I dun trust Snyder.

For all seasons
Secret id
Peace on earth

Go and read your Bendis's crap then. It's the writer you deserve.

>me in charge of reading

Good writers, but maybe not-as-good editors.

Because an idiot like Brevoort is better.

Tomasi on Superman might be good

Chinese Superman and Supergirl look promising

Superwoman I have no idea but I willing to give it a shot

AC by Jurgens is bound to be a mediocre bore

Really; the Superman lines doesn't seem that bad; especially when compared to GL

I was just wondering this, and I think it poses an interesting question. Does the comic Watchmen also have that reporter mentioning that Superman is real, and he is American line like the movie? If so I wonder if Manhattan is gonna reveal to the JLA that they're actually just comic book characters in his universe.

There's nothing wrong in not pandering to casuals.

Looks like Man of Steel was a success then

It's a relaunch and you'll be getting A N O T H E R one in the fall, cockbag.


Tomasi's previous Superman stints seemed like editorially mandated shit, that nobody would want to write. So I still have hope for his run.

Jurgens gets Superman's character right, and his Lois and Clark was good. so I have some hope for that.

I actually like the concept for Superwoman, but don't trust Jimenez as a writer.

New Superman looks the most promising since Yang gets to do whatever he wants.

But you're right that Superman line is in a mess. New52 Superman had some good writers and some good stories as well, but they didn't last long or got obstructed by crossovers. Morrison's run was GOAT but 19 issues is not a lot, Pak's was good and promising as well, but crossovers spoiled it. Johns' wasn't long lived.



>im blind help

Who would you want to write Superman, Sup Forums?

Already happened in the new 52

Jeff Parker.

He didn't die.

Plz respond

I had to think about it for a second, but fuck yeah he would be great

solid pick

A-at least Tan is gone..

I'd take Snyder or Pak or whoever else they're bitching about in a heartbeat if it meant no more Venditti.

>Tomasi is shit
Worst meme I've seen this past year.

This, fuck you OP, I would take the Tomasi + Gleason combo any day over what we got

>Superman/Wonder Woman

Maybe that's why Tomasi was shit, though? He was writing a shit concept.

I mean, his GL Corps was almost on par with Geoff's Hal book the entire time. That's a pretty fuckin' good track record.

Tomasi is painfully mediocre and his Superman work has not been good so far.