>keep watching this
>realize I'm addicted to porn too
Keep watching this
Other urls found in this thread:
How much porn do you have to watch a day to be considered an addict
Are you having shakes and sweats from not watching porn? Than your not an addict
once a day
I dunno, but, when you have sex and you find that porn and jerking it alone was more satisfying, you should consider you have a problem.
Don't care how much you hate ScarJo this was pretty hot.
Because if you're not motivated by pussy and the pursuit of, you're not spending as much or paying out money on taxes for said merchandise.
Silly Goy, you can't find satisfaction in life on your OWN, without buying things for some silly twat!
Say, you look a little depressed, how about a 'script for some new SSRI variant that costs 3ct to make but we sell for $300 a bottle?
Not really
Jon fapped at least six times per day
My Dick hurts after five
I'm pretty donezo after 3. MAYBE 4.
>tfw enjoy fapping but cant stand doing the cleanup
is nothing easy?
>describing withdrawal to a substance
That has nothing to do with addiction.
weak, my record is 18
why cleanup, just do it daily so hardly shit comes out
>cant stand doing the cleanup
Cum into a cup, take it to the sink and rinse it out a couple times.
Four was the max I ever reached. I think I've only managed to do so two or three times though. Felt so ronery and ashamed afterwards.
Pornography morphs the sexual tastes of people who view it. Your brain will constantly seek a new “novelty” to achieve a dopamine kick. This is how people fall into homosexuality, traps, furries, scat, etc...
Infamous serial killer Ted Bundy explained how his growing porn addiction fueled his murder fantasies:
> Once you become addicted to it, and I look at this as a kind of addiction, you look for more potent, more explicit, more graphic kinds of material. Like an addiction, you keep craving something which is harder and gives you a greater sense of excitement, until you reach the point where the pornography only goes so far - that jumping off point where you begin to think maybe actually doing it will give you that which is just beyond reading about it and looking at it.
Many young men who use porn report trouble maintaining an erection with partners they find attractive, simply because their neural pathways have been conditioned over years to respond only to porn. This can and will happen to you if you use porn enough. You are especially at risk if your only sexual experience is through a computer screen.
Most of the actresses in the porn industry have drug addiction problems, are victims of human trafficking, or both.
You know who pushes this poison on our youth and families. Stand up against porn and it’s corrosive effect on our society.
>cum into a cup
Dumb fuck
Addiction means that the habit is having a negative impact on your life yet you continue to do it anyway. And it includes some sort of reward from doing it.
Withdrawal comes from dependence which is different from addiction.
Once a day.
Why was Scarlett such an insufferable cunt?
"I want to meet youh friends"
"You should go to night school"
The worst
This actually happens to me sometimes not as much as when I was younger and tried to not jerk off and watch porn but it still happens a every now and then. I watch porn daily desu.
Sometimes think about seeing a group or something
Pathetic if you watch porn at all as an adult.
>you can't be addicted if you're not having withdrawals
So this is what people tell themselves to justify their destructive habits...
>reverse image search that pic
>it was literally created by mormons
yeah fuck off
this, i shoot in a shot glass then i just pour in the drain
Wew. I just cup my hand and come in it then go to the bathroom and wash hands.
it's hot but a woman like that, and frankly 99.9% of women, would not be interested in a guy at that age who cums in his pants after 20 seconds of grinding
My nigga!
the first step to overcoming addiction is acknowledging you have a problem
enjoy your porn induced ED
>watch this movie with my dad
>laugh our way through it
>Scarlet Johansson appears
>dad is revolted
>"Christ, user. If you ever end up with a girl like that, I'll fucking brain you."
>laugh it off
>"Don't worry pops, I can't stand most girls for more than a couple days."
>dad laughs
>"That's my boy."
>tfw haven't been laid in 5 years
every guys (and even the girls) eyes go immediately to her ass
I don't know about the imagine but
>Pornography morphs the sexual tastes of people who view it. Your brain will constantly seek a new “novelty” to achieve a dopamine kick. This is how people fall into homosexuality, traps, furries, scat, etc...
is definitely right
I'd rather be addictions to porn than an Anonymous ching chong cartoon peodphile secret underworld
Terry Crews level: where you sit down for an entire day watching it.
Please prove me wrong by becoming addicted to porn
I'll wait for you to be addicted to porn
>watching this movie with your dad
wtf user?
Do you not own paper towels or something?
get off the internet once in a while. the number of normies jacking off to kim kardashian's sex tape on pornhub (not to mention all of the other tube sites) is an order of magnitude greater than everybody with a trap, furry, or scat fetish combined
We're both adults. Sex happens.
Just not for me.
cumming on your own hand is disgusting
Humans are disgusting you little kid
>think I'm addicted to porn
>realize actually just terribly lonely filming the void and if i had Scarlet Johansson to dry hump I would never need to watch a lewd scene ever again
You don't cum into your bathroom sink then wash it up as if you were washing your hands?
My roommates don't tell me I keep the bathroom spotless for nothing
>you'll never be as dedicated as this hue
I agree this people have extremely pansy anti pussies.
Fake news. Who was count???
Genetic fallacy
>he doesnt fap into the same pair of boxers and wash with the rest of the laundry
>dat Scarjo accent
this. straight women get turned on by cum
Wasn't something similar like this a couple of days ago on TV, shit is serious, porn is killing our generation.
I'll try to find the clip and post.
How to combat cum periodically leaking out of your wiener after jerking it, that is my biggest inconvenience
you piss