Movies about not having any friends? Why is loneliness always equated with just not having a romantic partner?
Movies about not having any friends? Why is loneliness always equated with just not having a romantic partner?
taxi driver but dont get any ideas
Kanye west can suck a fish dick
Friends and romantic partners are overrated.
I've already seen Taxi Driver, is that really the only movie out there?
He doesn't have a romantic partner, he has Kim Kardashian.
You know this thread isn't about Kanye West, right? Are you guys on a 1st grade reading level?
Falling down, red dragon, one hour photo, American Psycho, fight club, primal fear
The Social Network.
Be warned: viewers have died from irony concussion.
Konichi wa, Sup Forums.
Is that pic from Luke cage season 2? He looks really different
lego batman
Lego Batman was great, but Batman was lonely by choice.
They may be overrated but it doesn't change the fact having none makes most people lonely
Read No Longer Human
the Beethoven of this generation
He had friends, the highschool faggot that fellated him whenever he would paint, and that other fag he would drink with and fuck prostitutes with as well. He was also constantly surrounded by woman too.
>American Psycho
holy shit
The People vs OJ Simpson
the movie about the japanese lady who thinks fargo is real
I've been meaning to watch Kumiko for like three years.
repo man (1984)
>Why is loneliness always equated with just not having a romantic partner?
The two usually go hand in hand. Losers with no friends are not attractive.
buffalo 66
>tfw you have all the resources and studies to break bad but have no street smart bro to support and be the jesse to your walt
Get to it, it's a great watch.
This answer doesn't even make sense.
>Some pretentious asshole rides around the country and gets an actress to suck his dick for 10 minutes
I'll pass. Wait, that's The Brown Bunny. I'll check out Buffalo 66.
Midnight Cowboy.
Not only is the movie a fantastic study of loneliness, but the soundtrack is brilliant too
>I had a cousin that stole my laptop that I was fucking bitches on
>Paid that nigga 250 thousand just to get it from him
Found a download link I'll share here since it was a little hard to get to.
the password is "".
I'll watch Kumiko tomorrow after Metropolis (2001).
I saw this movie in theaters (with my mom because I was 15), but I haven't actually watched it since.
I didn't realize how long it's been. I should rewatch The Lobster too.
It really weirds me out that you were 15 in 2013 but you might not be underageb&