What was his fucking problem?

What was his fucking problem?

He's got a little winkie

Utz is better than nuts

jimmy barrett is such a poorly written characters.
No character development or motivation just simply an asshole for the sake of bringing conflict and moving the story along.

He was the author

[Deep rumbling noise]

I've watched this scene nearly a dozen times and on the tenth time I realized how fucking forced the whole dream-like tension aspect of it is.

sick of being cucked left and right

how would you make it less forced

i saw this guy on the subway in nyc. i reconginzed him and i yelled out "UTZ, they're better than nuts!" and he just gave me a dirty look

>I think about you fucking my wife and I LAUGH

gonna have to backpedal here and say it's forced, but in a good way. I have no qualms with the scene but the deliberation is obvious as fuck


If I was a C-List celebrity I'd love to receive attention from fans. Wonder what his problem is

But that's how nightmares are.

admittely I should've jsut said something like "I like dyou in silicon valley and mad men" but I"ve met *run into* more high level actors in the city and some had been douche bags.

I mean I know they don't like to be bothered, so now I will just take the piss out of them. I don't say more than one thing, I don't yell, I don't follow them. I say one line and that's it.

Once saw Michael SHannon walking out of a bar and yelled from aross the street "Loved you in boardwalk empire" and he actually responded, "Thanks"

I honestly would've asked him what it's like working with Lynch or something. Never ran into a celebrity myself but if it's some C-List dude like that, they must be at least somewhat enthused to talk about shit like that, right?

Also, I have to ask if you have autism, just because the context of yelling at some dude in the subway can change radically if that's the case

Ran into Kal Penn in a NYC bar when I was out with some friends, pretty sure he got tired of us staring without saying anything, so he came up and asked us where the bathroom was.
Ended up taking some pictures with him, very nice guy.

no, I just like taking the piss out of people. NOt really yelling.

It's like the time I was walking by trump tower when trump was leaving (this was back in september) so a large crowd was waiting to catch a glimpse. trump leaves the building and waves and for some reason most of the people who had stopped to watch were silent, so I yelled "Our next president, insh'Allah!". fun stuff. have to get some enjoyment when out and about, yeah?



I'm assuming you went to HWNDUS

God damn his head is fucking massive

It's a beanie retard

nah fuck queens

No it isn't. Even without the beanie his head is way too big for his body. His face is huge.

who's kal penn?

>Floyd, how did I do?

>they didn't develop this character who's only in like 3 eps

I'm Kal Penn