My neighbor is Russian

>My neighbor is Russian
>My violin teacher is Russian
>My group project are all Russians and the project itself talking about Russia

Why am I dealing with all these Russians all of a sudden?

> violin teacher
Are you a girl, LOL???

Kill them

i lik russia

>tfw russia is going to nuke america in your lifetime

But my Russian violin teacher is pretty handsome looking and he is teaching me privately.

Is he good at sucking big pipe?

wish I know ;^C

Russians are the modern day gypsies. We should kill them all.

Don't you dare go near my violin teacher tho

u n a

> modern day gypsies
Are regular gypsies a thing of the past or something ?

You forgot
>my whores are Russians

For a moment I thought that was Makoto but then I realised that it's just the chick from bakuman.

they are farming you dumb arabs for easy cash
for you it's probably pocket change
for them it's an upgrade
win win situation

i think so. gyppos used to be quite numerous where im from
then, one day they simply disappeared
i think the government rounded them up and put them into mass graves or something
gyppos and hobos just disappeared into thin air

>being rood for no reason

im not rude lad how am i rude
you got cash, russians use it, that's all

What am aking is that why so many Russians in this country lately.
A lot of them are in my uni too

poo poo pee pee????

Epic Chinese communication

Hopefully you are next shizo kazakh

whats the uni tuition

excuse me?

63,000 per Year
17152.38 in US dollars

Had to work with a russian girl this semester, I always thought that retarded accent was a meme, she sounds like a fucking dude


you should visit Slovakia or Hungary. Thats probably where all the gypsies went

Aren't you full of Russians as well?

stop being gay

define "full"
There is decent amount of Russkies and Ukrainians. They mainly do shitty job for shit pay, that is still better than what they would get at home. I knew one guy that was certified veterinary from Ukraine, but worked here as bricklayer because he made more money.

Then there are cities like Karslbad where rich Russians live and buy shitloads of property. Apparently the reason being that Peter the Great visited that city and its famous spa resort.
Local Russkies also once tried to make mayor of Karlsbad to build statue of Peter the Great there, at the main square.
Ive heard he told them that he will do it once a statue of Masaryk (first czechoslovak president) stands at the Red Square