Democracy was a mistake

Democracy was a mistake
The leaders of a democracy just work to get reelected
The monarch works to make his nation great
Why are you still falling for the democracy meme Sup Forums?

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I'm already a Monarchist.

Good lad

>The monarch works to make his nation great
Or the Monarch could just end up forming a dictatorship, dummy.
It depends on the personality of the individual in power.

What do you want?
a American royal family or to rejoin the Anglophere?

Dictatorships aren't bad

Representative democracy is just a stepping stone to direct democracy.

Vatican and to an extent, the Catholic Church are monarchies. Pope Francis is a legit cuck.

Now imagine if he was an absolute monarch in your country, hellbent on destroying it under waves of subhuman refugees. Oh, and you're stuck with him until he dies.

>Dictatorships aren't bad
Tell the citizens of the U.S.S.R. during the Stalinist regime that, or the Cambodian citizens during Pol Pot's regime.

Wait until 2017, when Drumpf declares himself the king of the U.S.

>makes USSR a superpower
>makes China relevant
I dont see rhe problem

> It depends on the personality of the individual in power.

True. But you have to see the whole picture:

Democracy has a built in mechanism to insure, that the people on top are the most ruthless, dishonest, sociopaths. While in a monarchy, this is simply up to pure chance of birth. The monarch could be a lying sack of shit, or he could be just some old guy who cares about the environment but doesn't do much else.

Also what people tend to forget is, that the monarch has a whole bunch of people dependent on him being not too bad of a leader. If he's showing tendencies that reduce the capital value of the empire, he's very likely going to find himself killed by one of the nobles.

There's a whole lot of pros that monarchy has and a whole lot of cons that democracy has. Hans-Hermann Hoppe explains them very well. You'll find many lectures by him on Youtube.

potatoe nigger

I feel that America has grown too long under her own care to really fall back under British rule.

So an American family rising to the status of Royalty would be more along the lines of what I want.

What we need is direct democracy, where people vote on decisions directly instead of voting for politicians and hoping for the best.

If we had direct democracy Brexit situations(pic related) would happen a lot more often

That being said direct democracy under a constitutional monarchy would be the best possible form of government

that's because youre underage

>uncontested monarchy
WW1 says hello.
Austria-Hungary, Russia and Wilhelm's Kaiser Reich specifically.

> Direct democracy

Good idea. Let these idiots hook directly into the state apparatus without ANY accountability or supervision.

WWI was a war orchestrated by Jews to topple the remaining monarchies in Europe so they could take control of them as democracies

I guess 'Trump royal family' and 'United States of the Trump' sounds breddy gud

Many people supported Stalin by that time

>he's insinuating that monarchy as a system of government was responsible for WWI

Goy, this might be one of the dumbest statements of historical opinion that I have ever read. But please, by all means, explain your reasoning.

how would you pick who gets to be the royal family?

But that's wrong. It was Austrian retardation that started WW1.

>If he's showing tendencies that reduce the capital value of the empire, he's very likely going to find himself killed by one of the nobles.
Why do monarchists always act as if murdering a bad king is like snapping your fingers? There were multitudes of bad monarchs throughout history and only a small percentage of them were killed prematurely.

Plus, it was way easier to get away with murder back then so it'd be even harder to do now.

Are you kidding me?

The final redpill.

As long as Obama remains King for life I would be ok with this.

That's not true, though.
He was elected by a committee of cuckolds all racing to apologize for Christianity first.

Use you brain for two seconds and ask yourself why Hitler and Benito didn't seek to establish monarchist systems.

I actually believe the Trumps would make a good American Royal family if the US doesn't rejoin the Anglosphere.

>drinking alcohol
>thinks he is "awakened"

>killing journalists and academics

>The monarch works

gas yourself

This. Similar forces were behind the revolutions of 1848 and 1789. The prevailing myth about the French Revolution is that it was "grass roots." In reality it was top down.

You all should check out Leon Trotsky's autobiography. He writes that when he was imprisoned for revolutionary activity, he studied the history of Freemasonry. He saw International Bolshevism and his concept of eternal revolution as simply a continuation of the activities of the Freemasons, notably Weishaupt, who had a hand in the French Revolution of 1789.

But it should be elective monarchy, otherwise you get stuck with Bilderbergers like we do

It was Jewish bankers funding the Black Hand and helping stoke the fires of pan-Slavism. It was the Jews in Britain who pushed for fears of Germany dominating the seas. It was Communist Jews who killed the Tsar.

Jews hate Christian monarchs and Christians in general.

100% in agreement.

House of Trump.

Monarchy isn't one dictator

Who assassinated the archduke that let to ww1 user? And you wil say "gavrilo"

And who told him to do that....>the jew

>implying retard loud leftists aren't a minority
>implying the common citizen isn't way more redpilled than your average politician
>"trust in your political elite goy!"

Well said.

I believe you are referencing this movie:

Very well done documentary on recent Judeo-Masonic activities.

>Democracy was a mistake
Says everyone on the losing side

It's the two party system that doesn't work. First past the post.

There were many monarchies which had the nobles elect a king for life. Just because he's elected, doesn't mean it's not monarchy.

If they can successfully lead army and win war against these, they can become royal family.

because he can't have an offspring. Also, have you heard about elective monarchy?

The death of the archduke is wildly overrated. The man who actually pulled the trigger that started the world war was Conrad von Hotzensdorf. The responsibility lays with him.

End of story.

This. The war was inevitable at that point and some Austrian heir getting shot was just an excuse.

We just had an election where roughly half of the country voted for a communist islam and shitskin loving jew because (((the media))) shilled his moderate opposition as Hitler reincarnated.

Either democracy dies or half of our population does, and at this point I'm fine with either.

The Serbs were prepared to allow the Austrians their investigation. It would have lead to the discovery of the Jewish backed Black Hand (which Gavrilo was a member of). Only after the Russians (backed by Jewish banks) backed Serbia did they turn down the plans.

What is more unlucky is that right wing people now look up at those revolutions, because they were nationalistic.

What they do not realize is that what we call "nationalism" today has always existed. There were always in-group preferences.

Nationalism meant the destruction of hierarchy, being bonded solely by the same language and heritage - and not by the Order.

The nationalists of those era were the SJWs of today.
Kossuth, Petőfi, Robespierre, etc, they were all "crybabies" and "special snowflakes" of those days.

Lot of information is supressed/not taught in our schools about 1848 (and the rest of the revolutions of course - which could be defined more as contravolutions).

It was Conrad and only Conrad that turned down the offers for investigation you dunce. His retarded hatred for Serbs got the war started, not Russian promises for support or """"""jewish""""""" """""""funding"""""""" for 5 butthurt Serb incompetents with derringers.

Read a book nigger.

>The monarch works to make his nation great
The last good French monarch was Louis XIII. The six kings who rules France after him (I did not count the Bonaparte) were weak and mediocre (except Louis XIV who was good until he ruined the kingdom). True Monarchies don't pass the test of reality

house of you're a faggot who can't control me and never will

Hence why Hitler and Benito ran the fuck away from the idea of pre-revolutionary monarchism, because they knew their history.

Monarchy needs but one check:

A capably armed populace able to reach out and touch him if enough put the effort in.

That way, the worst Monarchs are dealt with swiftly.

While he may have been the last person in the chain it was only because of the Jewish elements that he was given that choice to make.

>Democracy has a built in mechanism to insure, that the people on top are the most ruthless, dishonest, sociopaths.
t. guy living in one of the wealthiest country on the planet
>If he's showing tendencies that reduce the capital value of the empire, he's very likely going to find himself killed by one of the nobles.
Nope. Louis XV and Louis XVI, while being mediocre and putting the kingdom into economical and cultural crisis, were not put down by the nobles because the weakness of the king allowed them to do whatever they wanted to do.

The Serbian-Austrian conflict didn't apparate out of thin air. The war would have started with or without the black hand.

A benevolent monarchy best, sayeth Plato

>True Monarchies don't pass the test of reality
You are right, the last thousands of years did not happen actually, I am now a #DemocracyMissile

The problem with democracy is that people aren't interested enough in politics to see trough the politicians lies, and we end up with incompetent and corrupt leaders. Also, nothing ever gets done in a democracy because having 50% of people to agree with anything major is impossible.

The problem with monarchy is that leaders are not good hereditary. While the father might be interested in politics, the son might only be interested in parties and sex. Also, a bad king can be a lot more hurtful than bad democratic leader, as nobody will get in his way when he makes bad decisions.

Their conflict was exasperated by outside elements.


It was exasperated by the unchecked incompetence of the Austrian leadership.

>You are right, the last thousands of years did not happen actually, I am now a #DemocracyMissile
It was a good system back then, when philosophical and political systems were not as advanced. As soon as democracy and nationalism appeared, the nationalist states proceeded to beat up the classical monarchies.

>people on Sup Forums actually blame austria for wwi
Stay bluepilled my friends

Yes, it is a huge problem for traditionalists. Our would-be allies who consider themselves to be on the right are often really off-base. Right wing has come to mean something like a combination of economic liberalism or neo-liberalism, democracy/populism, and nationalism. Many of those who sat on the left at the tennis court after the French Revolution would be considered far right by today's standards. Lol.

Dugin and Evola (the latter only once he was older and a little less optimistic) write that a return to Tradition, at this point, can only be achieved by a cataclysm which washes away the old order. In other words, everything needs to get a lot worse before it gets better.

If you ignore the Jewish elements, sure.

Le physical removal man agrees 100%

Wonder if this has happened already thousands of years ago

Dont get me wrong im all for a fascist style government but i dont want some inbred retard ruling over me i also want to have 90% of my income taxed by aforementioned inbred retard

>direct democracy
Just politically stagnate my government up senpai

You're basically saying that people work to enrich themselves, which is true.
Now think about this. What if we put an accomplished multi-billionaire in charge of running a country, who already has everything, and nothing to personally gain?

That's why Sup Forums should support the NWO.

Is the closes thing we'll ever get to a functioning government

I'm with you. Democracy is a fucking cancer.

Trump for King of America when?

i would support it if it didnt become radically anti white in the last 50 years

What happened was that the advances in firearms technology made mass conscript armies more competitive than mercenary forces, who in return made the armoured knights obsolete.

What is interesting is that capital is getting the upper hand against manpower in the military.

Compare the cheap redcoat whose clothes costed more than his rifle to the investment in capital of a medieval knight, covered in expensive plate armour and on a fine steed, raised from childhood as a warrior and trained to become a master of arms and tactics.

The mounted knight was invincible to medieval peasants, due to the advances in technology, we might be moving back to that. The masses are increasingly getting obsolete.

direct democracy will never work nowadays because of the size. They work perfectly fine in towns and small regions, but the moment you want to apply this shit to a couple hundred thousand people+ you fuck up

I support monarchy because it pisses off fascists and communists. It also means that common people need to shut up about politics and live their lives

All the guys in power are white though

>A laughable meme
Pick both

>tfw you're the country that got meme'd on the most by dememecracy


Trump will be the first Emperor of the American Empire.

Look into monarchy. More like 5% of you income and hardly any interference at all by the monarch in your life.

Now granted if you are a low IQ criminal you will probably be hung quickly but this is very eugenic for society.

Monarchy is extemely eugenic



>Be shit monarch
>Sir, people want your head and your ballsack
>Oh shid!
>Be shit governor
>Sir, the people want your head and your ballsack
>Lmao who cares, more globalism!

And still need the know-how of whites to get anything done.

Jews tend to not do dirty their hands, they need middlemen, competent ones at that.

So it would be:
Jews>Whites>unwashed masses

It'd depend on the monarchy. In England it gives money back to the country.

It's okay bro, one day you might get past their programming to realise (((democracy))) isn't what they tell you it is.

>Monarchic spain
World power, number 1 motherfucker, world spanning empire, so filthy stupidly rich they can just go and buy crowns
>Democratic spain
Lmao irrelevant impoverished third world african nation sucking kraut dick from money after they fucked our industry

>Look into monarchy. More like 5% of you income and hardly any interference at all by the monarch in your life.
Lol someone hasnt studied anything about serfs which chances are is what you're going to be in a monarchist society
>Now granted if you are a low IQ criminal you will probably be hung quickly but this is very eugenic for society.
no problem with that
>Monarchy is extemely eugenic
Lol coming from the society that practiced multi generational inbreeding with their rulers the fittest should rule society not someone who got squirted out of the right pussy

So you'd rather have the system where you'd be harvesting potatoes on your lord's land and fighting and dying a wretched death for your nobles because they need to put a fairly autistic in power over the Kingdom to continue their line?

Hah, even on it's worst days democracy is a superior government.

So referendums for every little issue?
Good idea for big issues like Brexit or War, but shit idea for tax bills, etc.

Just out of curiosity spainbro what was post ww2 fascist spain like ?

me too

kek seriously this. Our leader is shit for 4 to 8 years, we'll elect a better leader that for the people! OH SHIT

>trusting the unwashed masses to make good choices
Democracy is a cancer.

>Lol someone hasnt studied anything about serfs which chances are is what you're going to be in a monarchist society
As opposed to what you are now?
But the funny thing is that you clearly haven't studied history, since serfdom/feudalism didn't really spend too much time in Europe apart from Russia.