>Joss Whedon wants to recreate this picture (Superman smashing down Trump's Mexican wall) in the upcoming Justice League
Do you think this is a good idea?
>Joss Whedon wants to recreate this picture (Superman smashing down Trump's Mexican wall) in the upcoming Justice League
Do you think this is a good idea?
I like when superman smash things.
But Trump wall isn't impressive enough to look cool on camera.
No he doesn't, stop baiting the drumpftards
Cool imagery, though either you or Joss are far off when it comes to the wall's proposed location.
Mexico borders New York?
how unamerican. supes has to go back
it's growing every day
>Superman smashing down a picket fence or ripping apart a bunch of proposal papers
Oh man it'll be riveting, just like Superman bypassing the travel ban that will totally exist
Why do people think 3rd world immigrants are entitled to live in white countries?
Do they not realize that the cost of living will skyrocket as well as homelessness?
Are these people stupid or just evil?
That's the wall keeping libtards in their containment cities.
>Superman is literally an illegal alien
>Fights for "Truth, Justice, and the American way"
>superman smashes a nonexistent 4-foot barbed wire fence
doesn't sound that great desu
i have no doubt he actually wants to do that kind of bullshit.
luckly, it just isn't doable on the few retakes+edition+postproduction left
You mean his bank account?
Totally, enjoy paying for that Sup Forumsfag
>i have no doubt he actually wants to do that kind of bullshit.
You've been here too long if you just believe OP blindly, or you're just a fucking retard.
But the wall isn't even going to be built, since Mexico isn't paying for it and nobody is going to fund it.
>Superman smashing down Trump's Mexican wall
But the Statue of Liberty is in New York.
no i mean the chance he causes a world war. enjoy getting drafted and dying on the front lines while i sit in my comfy office, neet scum.
I believe it is symbolic.
>Illegal immigrant destroys government property
They're not sending us their best.
Sup Forums is over ther sweetie
Whoever draw that didn't liked hillary but the money was to damn good.
When you look at Josh Whedon, and you look at the flicks he's sending us. ..I mean, he's not sending his best.
>only answers in memes
when are you 8fags going to kill yourselves?
dumb goobergating cocksuckers
>dude no borders lol
Why do people think like this?
>95% of Kryptonian immigrants are genocidal demigods
That's not really a ringing endorsement of immigration is it?
I don't want to go to Sup Forums, it's an echo chamber for larping rednecks and neckbeards.
I know some of you fat sjw queers from Sup Forums and Sup Forums are here and demand legitimate answers.
Not infantile tantrums and memes.
i may have dropped trump and think he's a jew puppet but i'll always side with him on issues of borders
come here legally you stupid faggots
This post really convinced me
wtf I LOVE Mexicans now!
mfw Krypton needs to pay for America's own Phantom Zone Projector
>>Joss Whedon wants to recreate this picture (Superman smashing down Trump's Mexican wall) in the upcoming Justice League
No he doesn't.
This hasn't been mentioned anywhere on any site.
Daily reminder that you will never be as mad about anything as Joss Whedon is about Trump
I heard he's in the works on making a flick about sexy cancer survivors but no word on that
I'm mexican and that sounds retarded as shit.
can't superman just lead by example and be a link between cultures except muh emo alien that never smiles?
from what i've heard Cavill is charismatic as fuck but Snyder toned down his cheekyness to just be sepia blue batman.
what wall?
they're patching up a fence because turns out mexico wouldnt pay for it
Joss Whedon is a cuck faggot.
He also doesn't file flight plans with the FAA. Post 9/11 that's a big problem
Who gives a shit.
How will he recreate it if he's only editing?
God look how TRIGGERED he is
I've never understood this shit where people tie something they supposedly love with something they hate. The whole mindset is retarded.
Holy fucking shit the pure rage on this guy. How has he not died of a stress indused heart attack?
I thought Alex Jones was crazy,
but then Joss Whedon appeared.
>Rape is fine when Hillary's husband does it several times
>Bashing it with his oppressive fists
Maybe I'd be okay with this if he blew it down with a thunder queef
Mark Hamill did the same thing with Carrie Fisher.
Then again Jimmy Kimmel did the same thing with his own fucking child
You did what you could Josh.
It's the thought process of the mentally ill. Not even exaggerating. He's at least a bit unstable
Careful saying things like that. You might get two suicides to the back of the head.
>"One day I'll be president." He thought, raping a 13 year old
Is he talking about Bill Clinton? I'm confused here.
Maybe Superman should start with the wall already built between Mexico and Guatemala.
It's actually in New Jersey, but it's part of NYC.
apparently some girl testified against him and Jeffrey Epstein back in 2000 that they took turns raping and killing her 13 year old friend.
>implying Superman would be against a wall
All superheroes are hardcore right wing conservatives who believe in right and wrong. They beat up criminals and all criminals are minorities.
It's a big wall
>mfw this is a highly possible outcome
how did it come to this
This guy gets it.
Is the wall giving the finger to the Chinese?
Superman is a bleeding heart neo liberal
>Nu male civilian persona
>Against Lex Luthor, consummate national socialist
>Feminazi wife
>Prances around in spandex
>Beta no kill rule
>You have already reported this post, or someone with your IP has already reported it.
Which one of you faggots is using my wifi?
Lol it's just moving numbers. The wall is already fundamentally built and paid for.
>it's a liberals pretend we've never had any immigration policies whatsoever in the history of the US and just accepted any miserable faggot with a dream episode
>an alien pressing his values of global government on everyone so he can rule over us with an iron fist
Who's the good guy? Superman?
Is superman going to help you out when all the communal commodities purchased with your tax dollars run out? Is he? Is he going to be there to bump up wages when they stagnate? What about when automation pushes even more people out of work, is he going to be there to help all those unemployed transients who came from other countries to do remedial jobs?
Is he going to do that? Is he going to? He is superman after all.
Wouldn't WB lose more money if they tried to go more political and shit, instead of trying to be inclusive of all audience?
1) The wall would be in Tex
2) The wall is bullshit and never will be built.
3) I've run out of things to say.
They don't need money from rural and suburban retards driving their tractor to the dollar matinee so they can grope their sister in the theater
Then he'll make it part of a "smashing the patriarchy" sequence.
>travel ban 1 and 2 failed
>sanctuary city order failed
>failed to introduce a single one of his 10 legislation proposals promised within his first 100 days, including but not limited to the Middle Class Tax Relief and Simplification Act, Affordable Childcare and Eldercare Act, etc.
>tries to brag about using EOs when he complained about Obama being lazy and ineffective for using them and not passing laws
>keystone pipeline using american steel failed
>couldn't repeal obamacare, even though the republicans literally control congress
>signed a bill overturning FCC regulations protecting your privacy online
>getting mexico to pay for wall failed, nearly cause a government shutdown for demanding 1 billion dollar downpayment for the wall that's supposed to be paid by mexico
>defeating isis in 30 days failed
>drain the swamp was a lie
>lock her up was a lie
>no cuts to medicare was a lie
>even breitbart acknowledged the russian shills in trump's cabinet- flynn was denied immunity, may have broken law not disclosing payments from Russia
>travel expenses in first 3 months wasted more tax payer dollars than obama's first two years as president
>kills clean power plan. wants to destroy the environment, overturned regulation preventing coal companies from dumping shit into rivers
>flip flopped on NATO, labeling China a currency manipulator, the Export-Import Bank, and making the American dollar stronger
>flip flopped on targeting dreamers
>lied about not intervening with syria, wasted 60 million tax payer dollars launching 59 missiles that didn't even destroy the airbase, and warned the russians but never informed congress or the NSC
>extended Iran nuclear deal which Trump called “the worst deal ever” with no modifications
>admitted firing Comey over Russia investigation after asking him to end it, then threatened Comey with oval office "tapes"
>leaked classified intel from Israel to Russia, Iran's ally; White House lied about it before Trump admitted it in tweets
Is Superman meant to interfere in the politics of a country?
Thtat just means that he is a law unto himself and therefore a threat to sovereign nations.
first post Sup Forumsedditest post
>Capeshit fags are trump voters
Really gets the noggin joggin.
This is comparing apples and oranges. Americans won't do the jobs Mexicans are doing. They're not going to pick strawberries in the heat for less than $1/hour. Any change in unemployment has jack shit to do with immigration.
Is he aware the wall won't extend all the way up to New York City?
>I give my mother the gift of death
Is there something you want to admit to, Joss?
>Joss Whedon wants to _________
>Ending a sentence in "Sweetie" or "Honey"
Fucking kill yourself.
>comparing apples to oranges
Look again.
It's response to a pasta that's an entire laundry list of "Trump has never done anything right about anything ever"
This is how a free market works. The price in labor goes up depending on how many people are willing to do it. You're actually arguing for celebrities to not have to pay people to scrub their toilets.
>>Joss Whedon
How many times has he "quit" Twitter already? Twice?
Because everyone wants a free ride into a white country. You don't see anyone trying to get into third world shitskin shitholes now do you?
the world is yet to see such levels of cuckery being surpassed
So Joss murdered his Mother right?
Isn't Metropolis suppose be based off Chicago?
Toronto actually.