ITT: Times when the critics were wrong
ITT: Times when the critics were wrong
No, they were right. About the theatrical version.
Director's Cut is fucking amazing.
What is wrong the theatrical?
This movie and the directors cut are ahistorical muslim praising shitpiles. zno, Saladin didnt let everyone go after taking Jerusalem. Not even most of them, and everyone who left had to pay ransom or was sold into slavery. He had his shitskin army desecrate the christian holy places too.
Fuck muslims and fuck this apologist dumpster fire movie
Not the guy, but im pretty sure it has less of Orlando bloom
Directors cut has less*
I thought he was better in this than the Pirates movies desu
If the ending had been accurate it would have a kick in the balls to the audience and made everything beforehand seem pointless
Is that really saying much?
Then maybe the whole thimg should have been accurate and not shit on people like Guy and Reynald who werent actually that bad of guys in reality and were actually quite like the real Balian? Maybe they should have shown that Balian was also present at the battle of Hattin and didnt stay in Jerusalem? Maybe they should have shown that the crusaders were making the area more prosperous and safe for everyone while the muds were doing the opposite.
Theres so much shit thats wrong in this movie I could go on for hours. Balian never left Outremer, in fact he was born there and never went to France in all his years. He never had an affair with Guys wife and had his own wife with plenty of children. Sibylla wasnt a lecherous whore and was faithful to Guy. Guy WAS an ineffective ruler but not because he was a bloodthirsty dick who hated Balian.
He fucked up makimg this movie. He very clearly had an anti-Christian and pro-mudslime agenda with this movie and abused the names of good people in laughably ludicrous ways to make muslims look good. Which you admittedly HAVE to do if thats your goal because its impossible to make them look good using actual history.
It's chopped up to hell. They take out key scenes which leave the theatrical cut a disconnected mess.
Directors Cut is certified kino
Well he is a hack
Its great to see christian get salty becuase they didnt get muh way. You retards will try to make anything islam related bad becuase muh 4chinz edge.
edgy opinions usually go against mainstream opinion. islam does a good enough job of making itself look bad.
Its not a documentary you faggot
You see the thing is the moment i see a christian on the news after commiting a crime i see athor christians jumping in to defend their relegion by saying but murder is not allow in christianity thus he is no a christian! But when a supposed muslim get put on the new is '' islam relegion of peace meme'' ''fuck sandniggers nuke islam'' Dont they realise that a muslim who commits a crime like murder is not a muslim by the quran's rules even if that person says that they are ? ISIS is a prime example. and i do believe something deeper is going on in isis specificly to make the public think islam is bad. Becuase isis say they represent islam and the terrorists are ''muslim''
I've probably seen the directors cut 20 times. It's my favorite movie. I assume most people didn't realize that the monk was god. God was actually a character in the movie. Also guy and reynald were correct, the muslims were going to attack regardless and if balian's click realized that they could have defended it.
My problem with Guy was him killing the messenger and having shit tactics. Also he was just a prick
yeah he was an idiot but besides the charge out of the city he was correct on absolutely everything. The muslims had their own political infighting and would have attacked eventually. Had the leper king baited out an attack he could have saved the city from the start and preserved his peaceful kingdom.
real talk. undoubtedly a huge trap has been set for islam over the last 15 years or so designed to change public opinion en masse and erode compassion for its adherents but islam's own arrogance is what has actually sprung that trap.
>house of 1000 corpses
>valhalla rising
>the new world
Director's Cut is my family Easter ritual
Islam used to be great. Arab kingdoms used to have the smartest and greatest inventors and used to be very rich. Now it is like many say indeed a shithole as most arabs/muslims in general are ignorant or simply private.Noone tries to make the place they live in a better place and everyone just wants to provide for their own family and thats it. Islam ignorance has been islams greatest problem. Not just becuase terrorism but also retards shouting shit like ''ISLAM IS THE BEST EVERYBODY IS INFERIOIR'' no shit people are gonna hate on it. But america also has a play in it after they decided to invade countries on merely accusations and possible inside jobs like 9/11. Wich ruined countries like iraq and iran wich used to be a wealthy country where studying and electricity was free and people were happy. After america invaded all these countries muslims started hating america wich is understandable and some actual ex islamic terrorists might have terrorised gets away
It's not a documentary, it for feeling feels not historical info
This is why uneducated people shouldn't be bombarded with political messaging, their minds are so empty that they begin viewing everything through a filter of political orthodoxy
The Accountant
Jersey Boys
What an annoying fucking movie. 2 hours of boring talk about shit that doesnt even that much. oh anathor scene about some boat floating in the water, had to push myself for the 3 hours
i dont disagree and honestly feel for all innocents caught up in the machinations of the tyrannical elite wherever they may be.
The king and queen fucked right? Kid was a product of incest?
no, they've pretty much always been barbaric invaders.
I do not know wether thats actually true and i shall not take your word for it but in modern times they have defenitifly not been. America is the biggest barbaric invader there is.
Cloud Atlas.
the downfall of islam where the mongals thats when they went from whites to khakies