
Hey guys, i'm going to france next summer, and the choice is between Nice and Paris, which one should i choose?

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don't come here, dumb goatfucker

>in france
>on the train
>pull out phone
>still has an Sup Forums thread loaded
>guy next to me sees this
>"hello burger"
>"y-you too"
>get off at the next stop

last time i checked you weren't a part of france
also i'm whiter than snow, fuck off you wafflesucker

>56% white

Whiter than you, mohammed

lol if you say so, don't let laquesha beat you too much tonight

Paris is pretty for it's monuments, but I moved from here and I can say it's a nice tourist trap with high prices everywhere, it's also a real hell to park your car.
I'm coming to Nice soon but I still don't know what it looks like.

Thank you. I've heard rumours that the french aren't welcoming when you try to speak their language, are these correct?

in paris of course. realize paris is inhabited by 2m people and receive more than 20m tourists a year. we hate every nonchalant tourists.

>that the french aren't welcoming when you try to speak their language,
Opposite since people are always enthralled that someone try to speak the language, but when you keep at it for twenty minutes, and basically drag out the conversation because you're always shuffling through ypur French-to-Swedish dictionary. It's much easier for us to at least try to make the beginning formalities in French, but then move on to English and basic gesturing.

Just don't think of speaking French as the be-all-end-all against criticism. If you're a cunt that expects every Parisian to stop twenty minutes to expect directions for you, then you're a cunt, French-speaking or not.

Also we're all related to Bernadotte so kneel tp evrry Frenchman you see.

i'm swedish, in our country, talking to people in the middle of the street for too long is punishable by law. But thanks, i think i'm going to nice to seem less touristy

how would he know you're a burger?

You dumb op. You rly dumb. Why Paris in summer? Nice? You dumb. Go to the south, south east. Provence is superb in the summer, very hot but super nice. Look for Gorge de Verdon. Lac St. Croix. Awesome camping area too.

American flag phone case maybe
Funnily enough I got it in London

>talking to people in the middle of the street for too long is punishable by law.
Half our population would be jail if that were the case here. I think it's because we're always hurrying when in the undergound, which arguably we live 10% of our lives in, so when we make it back to the surface, we always take it easy and just wait around a lot. Exclusive to Paris though.

Anyways have you decided? I would say Paris, but it's harder to get to other places when in Paris except maybe Rheims and Troyes by car. With Nice, there's also St Tropez, Cannes, Aix-en-Provence (mist beautiful town in France).

I go to Paris fairly often, in my experience people are very nice. Sometimes they've taken the time to check their phone to help me find my way (my phone ran out of battery). At times people I didn't know have started telling me anecdotes.

So I dont really know why people think they're rude.

I'm leaning towards nice, mostly because i'll be going there in the summer, and being able to bathe would be really nice. Also i hate being a tourist.

It's not very hard to spot Russian and American tourists in Europe, even if their faces look like local.

>So I dont really know why people think they're rude.
Paris is a pretty sprawled-out city, and every 'arrondissement' has its own speciaties, in that a district hosts most of the offices (La Défense, or near Champs-Elysees for big-name brands), then Quartier-Latin for drinks, the 8th for most shopping, so people are always hurrying from oen to other. That's why we must seem aggravated and pissed to tourists that can move about care-free unlike us, and remember, we're actually outnumbered by tourists sometomes so we've all had our fair share of being annoyed by them and building up a certain caution towards them.

We're hardly "bad" though. New Yorkers are huge cunts to tourists too, but because of the same roblems.

>La Défense
This is where I got lost and a woman checked on her phone where I should go.

>tourists everywhere, especially during summer
>Maghrebis try to pick your pockets
>Africans try to sell you selfie sticks
>it's expensive but since you're a Swede I guess it won't be much of an issue
>museums, if that's your thing
>"cosmopolite" restaurants and shit like this
>huge malls, if that's your thing
>parks are very nice in Paris, but they'll be crowded
>you'll have the opportunity to take the subway and suburb trains, which is a must do once in Paris, it really gives you a sense of what it's like to live there
>meme destinations like the Eiffel tower and the Arc de Triomphe
>there are some comfy districts, I could recommend some if that's your thing
>easier to be left alone, but harder to make friends (except students and other tourists)
>urbex if that's your thing

>tourists, but less than Paris, and most of them are French and not Chinks
>people are less "civilized" the more you go South, so even if Parisians are stuck up and haughty people in the South are warmer but dumber and more aggressive and... closer to Italians, basically
>It's easy to make friends but it's harder to be left alone
>great landscape, beautiful countryside not that far
>two national parks in less than an hour drive
>you can swim, hike, climb
>you can probably go cave diving, kite surfing and other cool stuff (don't take my word for it)
>if your weak wh*toid skin can't take the heat, the Alps aren't very far
>you can cross the Italian border and visit Sanremo (never went, but a friend of mine loved it there, no idea why)

Ah that would be my mom.

>being able to bathe would be really nice.
Lots of jelly-fishes these days. Get your vaccines right? We don't want another "dead Swede" scandal.

>inviting sandnigger to spoil Nice

thanks franon, you really helped me out. I think my final decision will be Nice, mostly because i have a feeling my family will want to visit Paris in the future, while Nice wont be as high on the list

>urbex if that's your thing

boy if you think i, a swede, will bring france more "cultural enrichment" then it already has, i have some news for you

Same here, moved to Occitania a couple of months ago, 0 regrets.
So glad I left that shithole.

>in our country, talking to people in the middle of the street for too long is punishable by law
Here, depending on the region, people actually enjoy doing it. To give you an idea, I moved from Paris to the South, and was amazed to witness people thanking the bus driving and telling him goodbye before the got out. That would never happen in Paris (except between muslims)
Also listen to the voice of reason here >Lac St Croix
A couple years ago my friend in Manosque invited me over, and took me to Lac d'Esparron. Goregeous region, I've seen a lot of it since I hitchhiked there from Paris. The best people I've ever met too.
Do you come here often ?

Every ten years. Awesome region yeah. Loved every minute of it. It's hot, yeah. But awesome.

sorry, my post is detected as spam

Lac St. Croix



be sure to ask /trv/ for advice as well

Probably from his posts

>if your weak wh*toid skin can't take the heat, the Alps aren't very far
m8 hiking in the mountains during summer is literally hell on earth, you'll get a sunburn 100% and the heat's generally unbearable. I used to go out at night with a headlight just to avoid the unbearable heat (pic related).
The heat is basically restricting you from doing some activities during summer. Oh and also it's really swarmed with tourists, don't underestimate how many they are.

t. niçois who just moved out.