Game of Thrones star says if you are not a femenist you are a sexist


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Why did you post a picture of Quasimodo?

is she even human?

Then what do we call women's rights activists now? Oh wait, to libs, if you aren't a women's rights activist then you must be a sexist.

wtf I can't wait till arya dies now

Wtf I love feminism now

Oh, I'm feminist. I support total equality for men and women. That means women being subject to the draft, erasing gender differences in employments such as mining and sanitation, no more maternity leave. You know, the works.

>I feel

She is so ugly that not even Sup Forums virgins would date her. She could buy those virgins anything they want at anytime but they would rather fuck a pillow. Of course she is looking for attention Op, she probably doesn't even know that feminism is.

yh but she means by feminist is equal rights for men and women
If you don't believe in equal rights then yh you are a sexist
If you ask anyone that has never encountered tumblr feminism, they probably would call themselves a feminist.

Its just that most feminists today are fucking stupid and nothing to do with equality, its about justifying their own existence.

Not how feminism works bud

She's not wrong though.

Keeping in mind that modern feminazis are also not feminist.

wtf I hate normal persons now

Imagine that, someone who spent their formative years rubbing elbows with leftist cucks in the film industry is a brainwashed moron.

"I feel like we should stop letting feminists breathe and instead force them to undergo a surgery where a machine is attached to their chest and breathes for them, freeing their big fucking mouths up for 24/7 cock duty." -A sexist

I highly doubt she's talking about Feminazi bullshit.

She's not American, she probably assumes feminism means equal treatment for men and women.

If she was a Feminazi we'd know by now

Im sexist because women tend to be fucking stupid..


Imma sexist person in this room beatch

go fuck a teakettle you bitchass calling cookies biscuit ass fucking muslim ass bitch how about you lose an entire seafaring empire again faggot your great grandmother needed so much dick your country took over the world to get her enough go fuck some black pudding while thinking of the queen faggot your food is so shit africa chased you out so they could go back to eating dirt dont you have a muslim bull to prep or is it time to put fucking beans on fucking toast & pretend you dont want to kill yourself are you gonna pray to allah when youre done here or jack it with your big ben dildo

id tell you to slit your wrists but where the fuck would you find any

i tried searching "best blowjob ever" on pornhub but all i could find was your COUNTRY FUCKING SUCKING BITCH

Always skip through her scenes

Boring as shit

Who's this potato?

>you're a sexist
Not an argument

>you're a mysogonist
Not an argument

>you're a racist
Not an argument

>you're a -ist
Not an argument

I'd rather listen to someone who made less than 7 figures last year.

I suggest we simply euthanize people that do not agree on universally true and virtuous concepts like feminism and promotion of multi-culturalism. it's for the best.

I would like to introduce her forehead to my belly button.....

shes right. deal with it Sup Forums

This Quasimodo looking cunt has been living a privileged life since she was, what, 10? She has not lived a single day in the real world. Please tell me nobody is taking this seriously.

how in the fuck do people find her attractive, she looks like some sort of alien bug

Yep I'm a sexist, hate women. Now what?


Anybody have that "we're famous, our opinion matters more than yours" pic?

>dun wurry it not reall XYZ
Shut your fucking mouth. Feminists need to own the fuck up to their mistakes. Leftists keep trying to wiggle out of responsibility by claimin:
>they aren't REAL Islam followets
>they aren't REAL communist/socialist states
>they aren't REAL feminists
I at least own up to issues of the past with conservative's ideals.

reminder that this is a 10/10 in the UK

Men and women are different, women should not have he same rights as men and men should not have the same rights as women.



What the fuck is wrong with her face?

Feminism isn't EQUAL RIGHTS.


The equal part is a red herring, to draw attention away from the fact that feminism isn't for men's rights. It's about getting as much as they can for women & not sacrificing any female privilege e.g. the stuff that men want taken away from women.

Does the way liberals use the word Human creep anyone else out?

It just sounds degrading

Jeeze man.

Her eyes give me a headache.

Not really.

As it stands, if you believe in equality between the sexes, you are labelled as a feminist. What she was advocating is that instead of labeling people with the word feminist, we instead just treat such people as normal.

It's easy to understand.

Why is the hunch-back of Nortedame calling my a sexist??

What do you call men who want the same treatment as women then

Well is she an MRA? No? Well, I bet she's a misandrist!

"I feel like we should stop calling normal people "normies" and just start calling people who aren't normal people "faggots" - and then everyone else is just a human. You are either a normal person or a faggot."

>What do you call men who want the same treatment as women then

hyper-sexist male privilege

Maisie fappening when???

Unless she's a femijew ofcourse. Make feminism generally accepted, whilst increasing it's extremism at the same time

I don't care what someone whom I've never met and will never met thinks of me.

I am a sexist.

What now, Quasimaisie?


Replace feminist with "gender egalitarian".

Bunch of semantic cunts around here getting offended over nothing

>if you're not with us you're against us

Psychological warfare 101

Your circle is getting smaller and smaller everyday. Join the future, or be prepared to be left in the dust that is the 19th century.

See, the problem with feminism is that most "feminists" dont even know what they are talking about. They dont know the history of their movement, they dont know the founders of these terms that they throw around all the time. Anyone who calls them-self a "feminist" in feminist culture has unlimited power to do and say anything they want, even if they are totally ignorant of what they are talking about. Because of this I simply dont consider self-described "feminists" real people any more.

Oh look, another leftist ogre living in the early 2000s. Feminism has become something extreme and anybody calling themselves 'feminists' should be ashamed.

Why is this a thread?

I'd cum all over her ugly little feet desu


To this day modern feminists have not been able to prove there is still discrimination against women.

she's young, she'll grow up soon

feminazi bullshit has already arrived in europe though

I AM sexist because I have eyes, ears and a brain.

I am not a feminist because i believe in equality for all

Fite me

Reality/nature is incredibly "racist" and "sexist".
Checkmate atheists.


What's wrong with being sexy?

Love the show but she looks really inbred. Thus her opinion doesn't matter due to her inbred genes.

Just saying.

reminds me of pic related

>when the bong genes hit

Then I'm proud to be a sexist.

She is the epitome of anglo genetics. I doubt anyone in her family has travelled more than 10 miles from where they were born.


If you don't support this movement, which is full of shit and shitty people, you are sexist, hurr durr

Feminism is not a gender, for fucks sake.
Just because I don't support this crooked movement does not mean I hate women or don't support women's rights.

I fucking love women, not even remotely feminist as I'm a dude and that would make no sense.

Feminism universally caused more suffering than benefitd. It should be banned


>Everyone who is feminist is definitely human, it's anti-feminists we need to scrutinize
Nice try

This. Why would a man ever be a feminist?
The ideology itself is hateful towards men, blames them for everything wrong in the world and openly promotes the abolishion of masculinity.
They actively try to make life worse for men.

I feel like we should stop calling feminists 'feminists' and just start calling people who aren't feminist 'normal' - and then everyone else is just a sexist. You are either a normal person or a sexist.

>this thing in charge of who's human and who isn't

loving every laugh


Her body is okay, needs a bit more breasts, but her face is disgusting.

This is the 1st time I've ever saved a Pepe. Gee thanks.

Femanon here. What's wrong with being sexist? I'm sexist against men some times.

Why is this stigmatized? We're different, we see things differently. Both genders should have some bias.

English motherfucker, do you speak it?

>this is a 10/10 in Norte dame

My old chemistry teacher said that too.

>mfw all of mankind is in this together no matter what
>mfw nature doesnt care about anything when culling
>mfw we go down a darker path everytime someone screams feminism, BLM, any social justice shit
>mfw we just cant get a long and make the world better for everyone through science
>mfw stupidfags will never understand this

I don't think she is talking about feminism like we know it know, the way I read what she said was about how woman have equal right now and it's redundant to call someone a feminist, she has even defended game of thrones from stupid feminists.

speak for yourself

>through science
Go on...

>if you believe in equality between the sexes, you are labelled as a feminist.
There definition of "equality" is preferential treatment of women, which is not equality even though they supposedly want equality. It's all a bunch of lip service.

>mfw stupidfags will never understand this
but you understand it user...

People keep using that word, disgusting, I do not think it means, what you think it means.

The only reason we're able to communicate right now is through science. Michael Faraday turned electricity from entertainment to practical use.

Many inventions later, through science, we have computers and cellphones.

Science can just about anything. It has no master other than knowledge and truth.

wtf i hate pupina now