Why are the jews hated for being successful?

So we have all these lame infographs and memes about how the Jews control all the biggest corporations and world politics, right? What exactly is the conspiracy here? Isn't this just a statement that they are well educated and smart, resulting in their ascension into these positions of power? Maybe the fact they all work in finance is due to their parents working in finance, so they have good connections to get into the business?

If it was a bunch of Christians that ran these corporations, would we all be hating on Christians and making meme's of bland white people with their hands folded and how everything is controlled by them? Is all the jew hate basically stemming from jealousy?

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Bump, I want an answer.

Reddit--They hate Christians and love the Jews.


You will quickly realize that this board is more or less a chimp out safe space for right wingers than it is a place for discussion

Try harder shill

Obviously the original Jewish god became the god of the christians. This is important. The Jews are "god's chosen people". Concentration is the birth of the supernatural, and empowering the Jewish god (a thoughtform) via the sheer belief and prayer (the concentration) of billions of Christians (muslims too) has left the Jews empowered. Rumor is that jewish elite practice kabbalah which invokes the power of the god-thoughtform to use for themeselves. Naturally the goyim create their own bondage, as is the nature of samsara. Even worse are the poor christian fools who devote their soul to jesus and all that, which essentially plucks their soul out of their bodies and has it thrown into the fire to be used up as fuel to continue the subversion of the nonjews and continue jewish supremacy. You killed yourself in your belief. This is the exact same principle by which kekism produces happenings via digits and memes.

I wouldn't have such a problem with our intellectual masters if they didn't keep trying to fuck up our countries.

They've contributed a great deal to areas like medicine, however their fucking philosophers are ruining us. Faggot marxist cunts.

Probably because others aren't allowed to do the same

it isn't being successful, it's filling all positions with fellow jews and then using the combined power of these positions to bully, steal or absorb other companies which then then fill with jews

I am not pro-Jew, but I don't see the conspiracy. They worked hard,are good with finances and moved up to positions of power. I don't see the problem here.

I mean,they worked hard to be in positions of power and they try to push their views through politics. Isn't this the American dream? Why don't non-jews rise up in power and push their views?

I guess that's a good point. But is it a conspiracy more than just that they got power and are more likely to hire their friends and relatives? Isn't that how anything works?

Nice try shill

Keep sucking that baby foreskin dick you Jew


>Not doing the same today with Americuck, Germany, Sweden, France
>Not some over the top anti-gun campaign in America
>Everything going on right now isn't being caused by Jewish subversion


Okay, I will try to answer.

It's believed that Jews are not simply interested in accumulating money, but also accumulating power and influence.

It's believed that they seek to undermine the cultural and family cohesion in their host countries. In doing so they achieve mastery over a society that has no historical memory or cohesion, a mass of individual atoms each chasing their selfish hedonistic desires.

So how do we stop it?

You're always posting the same shit. Are you JIDF? Are you getting paid? Or do you do it for free?

At least stop posting with this flag.

Try it

Make company with just you and your white mates and watch as the jews turn the public against you so you go under, then they will snap up the remains fill it with jews and put a token black in the public eye and make the profit they denied to you


Damn man, is this true?

Look, I am not trying to shill jews, I am just trying to get red pilled. I don't know a ton about politics and am trying to learn more, and I see lots of this shit about Jews and while on the outside it just looks like they are really successful, I am trying to see if there's something else behind it all. You guys are helping me open my eyes.

I mean, I don't think the holocaust was a hoax, but I can be red pilled on the truth.

You know what must be done

>assumes i'm the only south african master race on this board
You always get butthurt, Wasif.
>"She is fake - even she had to go and do plastic surgery, she is not original. If you can fake your own face, what about the policies? It means you are fake. If you look at the original picture, Hellen Zille is very ugly. She looks like a real apartheid agent."

Raise your children with strong values, don't consume pop culture. Be skeptical and stay out of debt.

Create your own sours of culture. Look at the Amish. Don't necessarily have to follow their path, but they are successful at insulating themselves from the dominant culture.

Don't worship shit celebrities.

Look at your coal industry

Ran into the ground only for George Soros of all people to suddenly start investing in it

Buy trumpcoin and be as successful as Benjamin Goldbergowitzstein

White people always claim they are superior because of muh morals, but they seem to forget nature is survival of the fittest, i.e. Jews. In 100 years when their ancestors are being raped by shitskins and Jews are living the good life, I wonder if they'll still be clinging to their moral superiority

Good advice to live by. Should I get rid of the jewbook and other social jewdia too?

This guy brings up some interesting shit.
This guy is a Muslim that converted to Christianity as an adult.

Even if you don't believe this shit, it is still fascinating. Especially the 2nd one with a Muslim giving a perspective on Christianity from a Muslim background and education.

Because they're fucking assholes.

Marx was Jewish, Lenin was part Jewish, the Frankfurt School, which spawned Cultural Marxism, were mostly Jewish. Most of the media, most of the CEO's and most of Hollywood are Jewish, and they actively promote these concepts and ideas that are slowly eating us alive.

The decline of the nuclear family and traditional gender roles, the decay of national identity and the end of concepts such as distinct races, ethnicities and cultures are nothing short of suicidal for a Civilization, and all caused by Cultural Marxism. They're responsible for Mass immigration and the concept of white guilt, because they unrelentingly bring up atrocities that Europeans committed back in eras of a completely different social climate, while conveniently leaving out things committed by other races and cultures (for example, they'll go on all day about slavery and the Holocaust, but never ever mention the Arab Slave trade, the persecution of Hindus by Muslims in India, the many genocides committed by the Ottomans, or the actions of the IJA during the Second world war), and they hammer in the message until people begin hating themselves for things they didn't commit.

And then there's shady fuckers like the Rothschilds, the Rockerfellers, and George Soros who go around and sow chaos by funding numerous political factions and profiteering from economic disasters. There are plenty of theories going around about just how many events were funded by the Rothschilds, including the October Revolution.

The Jews have been hated throughout history more than any other people, and I think it's because being "god's chosen people" gives them a sense of entitlement and therefore look down upon the gentiles. So we don't hate Jews because they're more successful, we hate them because they're fucking us over.

There's nothing wrong with the average Jew though. It's the rich and powerful, and especially Jewish philosophers and think tanks.