Why is my dick so tiny

why is my dick so tiny

>most women in my country demand 25 cm minimum
>21 cm
i thought i was well off, feeling really insecure now


even women have that length here nowadays

mobbas inte

what the fuck, is this true?

You're not being yourself.

>born faggot

Kill me

>tfw BLACKED Application rejected after they deemed my 27cm 'too small for pleasure'

Could be worse, you could have all those in a much worse country, or even among a poor family in Norway

hahahaha get a sex change already dicklet

How is this a problem?
Donate your sperm to make god kids and fuck around with bottom bitches.

Being a faggot is suffering my south sudanese fren, all other qualities are forfeit in my eyes.

I don't understand, you feel no sexual attraction towards females or are you being unjustly persecuted for your lifestyle?

That's bullshit, size queens are rare and dick size is independent of skill. In fact most women are scared of huge dicks that can hurt them.
t. dicklet wizard

Are you the same Sudanese guy I talked with about corruption in both sudans, with me having a diplomat fren in an embassy of theirs here, some months ago in another thread?

I just suffer personally with the matter, nobody else really gives a shit I guess.

Yes I remember, we all have our personal demons, no-one is unburdened. Sometimes you should just unassign it that 'catastrophic importance' and let it be.

A lot of us have this tendency to build up things to an ultimatum these days but its honestly about living through the mundane daily stuff

so my size is alright?

Lesbs have no dick at all but this fact doesnt stop them to have gf.

More than alright if 21cm, most size queens themselves would pick that

Well, there comes a point where certain "issues" occupy what space should've been left for the mundane, and then you just sit there circlewanking your own bad thoughts regardless of what's right/ok or not.
Just tired of it tbeych, do hope you're well mr sudanon.

thanks man, that made me feel really good about myself
i thought it was a pretty normal size

hahaha no

t. girl

Have you come out of the closet yet

Crappy genetics. Blacks are the most evolved and have giant dongs.

i do too
just lost lifes lottery I guess

this is god's way of telling us to stop caring about roasties

Yeah, that's part of the problem.
Conservative southern family.

I am okay but please don't be too hard on yourself

Eh, why would you want a gf who only values you for your penis size?

>193 cm in height
>13cm dicklet
Why live?

Me too man
no real point in our lives desu. i've resigned myself to living alone forever

>having a penis

Men value women for certain assets as well

Never an issue in intimacy unless you let it be one

>tfw no dick to care how big it is

>16cm when fully erect
>never had the chance to utilize it
haha.. i dont care about women anyway...

you are beautiful from the inside

I doesn't help you though, if you are a social retard or a looser in life.

I know this is a meme thread, and you virgins would meme on this post even if it wasn't, but here goes:

Jorge is correct, a lot of girls are cuntlets and even 6" (15 cm) can hurt them at certain angles (doggy, sometimes missionary). Most girls don't like to get their cervix pummeled like a battering ram bashing a castle gate. Porn is mostly bullshit. If any of you HKV NEET idiots ever get in a committed long-term relationship, you *might* find that shit like tenderness and receptiveness to your lover count for more than base physical attributes. Kind of like the difference between 'fucking' and 'making love', if such a distinction exists in your language.

I'm 6.75 (17 cm) at full-mast, and with my ex-fiance I spent 3 years having her on top 95% of the time. She would yelp and ask to switch positions when we were doggy, and with missionary I had to go so slooooowly that I started to get soft. Eventually it actually started to suck, even though she was a yoga instructor with a D-cup. I miss her terribly

>in b4 things that never happened
I'm 29 and I haven't fucked in over a year
>oh boo-hoo I haven't ever even SEEN a girl before
Yeah, well going from getting it every day for 3 years to getting it once (worst lay of my life) in 2 years is worse than virginity, because you know what you're missing and it fucking sucks, ok?

Normie, get out.


>11 cm

I'm pretty fucking sure they don't, but what do I know, I don't talk to women.

>with my ex-fiance I spent 3 years having her on top 95% of the time.
What in Holy Hell was her vagina the size of a straw or made of concrete

thats kinda weird or ure obviously baiting
im 168cm manlet and have 16cm dong and thats kinda average
dont tall bros have bigger wee? also no homo

>dont tall bros have bigger wee?
Not really, it's a common misconception for tall people to be "proportionate"

most vaginas are small Ahmed

This is a major disappointment, I knew the dimensions before expansion and should've known better

30 cm is minimum women want here

So only black men? Russians are Asian, which means 15cm size limit.

t. kkkara boga

lol @ 1st worldlers and their tiny dicks

tfw 30 cm

Nice try. Stop lying Oleg. The average in Russia is 12.7 cm. Your women have very tight pussies which I like.

who here 15 cm?

lad, a long penis is useful cause you can accomodate yourself better, yes, you are not going to put it all in but its more comfortable. And if she has a big ass and big legs its gonna be harder for you to get in and waste a couple of cm there so... yeah at least 16-17cm are the minimum

>tfw 12 cm

Pretty much
I said want, not get.

where the fuck do you live mate

this thread made me go from feeling like a complete loser and failure to feeling very good about myself, thanks lads
i am now officially a chad

it has been proven that you don't need more than 15cm anyways, 15cm in is the sweet spot

>not 35cm
dicklets, will they ever learn?

What is it like wanting to have sex?


Biggest lot of crap i read in while.
Women love it rough.