Loose cannon?


Other urls found in this thread:


There's a rumor he has cancer.

While I don't personally like the guy or the character he is the funnier of the 5

How long until his face looks like a topographical map of Utah?

so who will get pissed off at Jian Yang now?

but I thought weed cured cancer?

He is cancer

>Season 5
I thought this show started like 2 years ago


>2014 was 5 years ago

He recently found out he is not his moms baby.

did that rumour start in this thread in the post by ?



>Since Silicon Valley's debut, Miller's profile has risen considerably. In addition to launching his own Comedy Central series The Gorburger Show, the actor was seen on the big screen in holiday blockbuster Office Christmas Party, opposite Jason Bateman and Jennifer Aniston, as well as Ryan Reynolds' R-rated superhero flick Deadpool. Miller will reprise his role in the latter's sequel, due out in 2018.

>Miller's film schedule has since remained hectic. He is currently making the press rounds for The Emoji Movie, which is set to bow in theaters in July, even parasailing into the Cannes Film Festival last week to promote it. Also in the queue for the actor is Steven Spielberg's Ready Player One adaptation, Western film Walden, Kristen Stewart thriller Underwater and How to Train Your Dragon 3.

Jesus Christ he's stacked. He doesn't want, nor need, to play a slacker on some literally who HBO show anymore.

Zach woods is by far the funniest one. He's the only one who understands the concept of comedic timing

anyone seen it to confirm?

>Hayden Panettiere is 34 years old


If I had a hot wife I'd look for more lucrative projects too.


use Hola if not from the states.
but yeah Tj told a story once on This is Not happening about this pretty insane issue he's got with his brain.
so it's not unbelievable to think somethings happened.

yeah i remember that, made the reddit guy more believable. plus the specifics like the plastic bag.

he could well have a tumour

if I had a hot wife id let her fuck big black men

u no wat dey kal cancer in spainish
el cancer :-DDDD

u nigger faggot

>we need to cast Seth Rogen but we're on a budget
>...I know a guy

Did Ehrlich Bachman write that

Gilfoyle made this rumor.

I hope so. I hate this guy in everything he's in.


Good, that's what he gets for disagreeing with my politics.


His only good work was in Cloverfield.

He's pulling a Steve Carrell from the Office.

Anything after current season will be considered shit since he's not in it. Starting next year you won't be able to even start Silicon Valley threads without most complaining that seasons 1-4 are the only true seasons.

But he's going to make bank re-appearing in the finale I guess.


>if I
>teh you
>there's a

it sucks they never did an episode about developers convincing retarded rich kids that their idea was solid and they should totally pay them $100,000 plus shares to develop the app for market

now ****that***** is why the writer's started this thread.

got anymore free ideas?

but i started this thread you unmedicated schizo faggot

ive got plenty of good ideas though if you want to pay for them

no you didn't, I did

praise allah

he seems so fucking smug IRL, good riddance

more like loose nerf gun
he's harmless
but annoying sometimes

Mentally unstable

>tfw nearly had this happen to me
>we just pulled the project when google came in one day and beat us to market
>my friend did a different product and paid the dev 100k plus shares
>cant sell the product
>the dev has a resume of like 15 startups that all die and he keeps making bank from people trying to make bank

i respect his hustle. i bought into the meme. but once you see who gets rich in the app world you realise its like the gold rush. people selling pans made the most consistent money.

I thought he had some sort of a brain blood vessel thing.

He suddenly collapsed few years ago and had to have brain surgery to remove a clot or something.

only if you ingest high-potency oil. majority of people don't understand this. smoking weed won't cure your cancer. it reduced the size of a friend of mine's ovarian cancer to the point where the doctor couldn't detect it when she went back for a check up. hasn't been any sign of it coming back since. doesn't bother me that people don't want to believe that it has any positive effects by reducing certain cancers. it at least gives me a small amount of hope that it might help me or people i care about if the unfortunate situation arises.


this is what you're talking about



wikipedia says he had a cerebral arteriovenous malformation, but he had surgery for it in 2011

A... Tumor Rumor?

that can all be true and he can still be dying

He was the worst character anyways

Ulrich is not Michael

Yeah because the emoji movie and deadpool are way better career choices than a dead tv show

sad tj miller stop posting

t. jian yang

he needed more time to FUCK DRUMPF AND FUCK WHITE PEOPLE




>it's a "suddenly Sup Forums gives a fuck for Silicon Valley" episode

>its reddit thinks we havnt been talking about it for years

theres archives beta

I misread that as "there's a rumor he has a career"