Hail Hydra

What did she mean by this?

Also the other comments replying to the post are priceless:

Other urls found in this thread:


fictional characters are serious business

>people getting mad at Marvel when their whole agenda is getting people mad for hits

I just don't see the point at getting upset at this, its not like its going to matter in a few months its like Superior Spider-Man it won't matter

These kids are only accountable to their fandoms and they have no experience with the material.

I had a family member murdered by an Iroquois, yet I wouldn't cry bitch tears if they made some new legacy character a Native American.

to be fair, there ARE some pretty old Cap fans out there. Hell, before TWS pretty much only old men would ever say he was their favorite

She's right. My grandmother was killed by a giant nazi robot.


>Linking to tumblr

It's not even that they're mad.

They're mad about issue 1 of an ongoing series.
They have absolutely no context outside the 22 pages we've gotten, no idea where Spencer's going with this, but they're already sharpening pitchforks.

I absolutely cannot wait to see final sales numbers for this issue, comparing that number against the hashtag trending will be hilarious.

Both my grandparents died in the Holocaust when they were 6!

IMO all worth it for the laugh I got at this 'an atheist Jewish college professor' tier screed linked on that twitter.

can't believe they think they're better than Sup Forums

The issue makes it seem so obvious that Cap is being mindfucked that I don't think most of them can have read it.

Same. My grandfather was also killed by a red skeleton Nazi.
Shame on Marvel

>tfw "Hail Hydra" was memed to death even by tumblrites
>tfw Captain America says it himself then it's suddenly the end of the world

It's all fun and games until you get triggered.

>questioning your life because of a heel turn

Kys kid

>@grantmorrison you know that there are robin fans who've had family members murdered by the arabs & you think this is all fun & games?

>@keithgiffen @johnrogers you know that there are blue beetle fans who've had family members murdered by the mexicans & you think this is all fun & games?

This is too much fun.

>other comments replying


>Nazis aren't a joke!
>Turn them back into the accurate, serious and appropriate portrayal they were before!
>Now THIS is appropriate!
>I can already hear in the air the sighs of relief of the ghosts of World War 2.

Have these people ever read about comics history before? Or pro wrestling? Or some tv show's betrayal/redemption arc?

I'm more of a DC fag, but it's fucking stupid people are losing there shit over issue 1.

It's like they don't read comics, this plot twist is probably countered by another plot twist like he isn't the real Cap or he is a trip agent playing Hydra like a fool.


Oh wow I thought she was like 15 but she's a university graduate and professional writer.


> I am an adult who is deeply triggered by a fictional character proclaiming to be a part of a fictional organization that is tangentially related to Nazism

> This is a healthy and sane way to live life.

>and in unrelated news, the catholic church has just published a canonical addition to the bible in which it is revealed that jesus christ has actually been working for the devil for the past two thousand years. “hail satan,” he says at the end of the new book.

Marvel deserves this. If they wanted to court the tumblr audience while pulling their usual make-the-audience-mad shenanigans they have to expect a bunch of kids who shoehorn everything they don't like into some racist/sexist box.

When will this meme end?

What a pussy.

They are literally Nazis though

>implying Marvel doesn't enjoy this

They're playin' ya'll like a damn fiddle!

If you have Tumblr you can click on the Notes of this post through your Dashboard and see the comments on the post. I'll do all the work just because I think it's worth it:

>Somehow I get the feeling this “Nick Spencer” person is like fresh from marketing school and still believes the shit they teach about any publicity being good publicity. Honestly I hope someone will vomit on him or something. I would if I didn’t have to buy a plane ticket to do so.
>aw people are responding with PASSION and he has provoked DISCUSSION how sweet he must be doing something right
>I … I can’t actually imagine a more patronizing comment, actually. Did he actually just pat us all on the head and completely dismiss everyone’s legitimate and valid reasons for fury?Yes. Yes, he did.
>I love how he’s not even trying to respond to them; he’s still stuck in smug self-congratulation mode.
>Look its another vile white man
>So here’s my thing. Would you put this man at the helm of an aircraft carrier and let him do donuts in the ocean? Of course not, it could damage a very large piece of infrastructure, hurt people in the ship, and make the Navy look bad for allowing such stupidity to happen. Cap is the aircraft carrier, and this man is driving in circles while somehow honking a horn that plays “La Cucuracha” out in the Pacific. For shame, Marvel. You’ve made yourselves look bad by greenlighting this mess.
>Let’s redub Nick Spencer as DICK HITLER!I do feel that he foresaw this. He’s a troll.Fuck mainstream comics. I could never get into an otherwise cool medium because the head honchos and writers are CONSTANTLY DE-RAILING EVERYTHING AND BEING TONE-DEAF!!!There should be a law: Listen to the fans and keep a character relatively the same!If a character was created with a certain ideal in mind….KEEP IT THAT WAY!
>This is real and the people praising him are nazi sympathizers and white supremacists

I've seen several writers pull the "boo hoo how could you do this" card.

Bob wasn't a Nazi. He was a lovable goof, a hardworking Hydra mook just trying to do right by his family and get a good health care benefits plan.

why do these people exist

I want moviecunts to leave.

Tumblr has been the downfall of Marvel.

This is worse than what the anime did to Jojo. And tumblr fucked with that too.

I want it to stop.

>all fascists

Too bad Bendis deleted his board years ago, I'd love to introduce these people to the shitlord Spencer of the 00s.

>Spencer you are one of the few people that has actually come across as a shittastic person on this board. When your posts aren't trying to pimp some comic pitch you have or about how you're a man whore, it's stalking Ray. Now Ray has some creepy obsessions, but get a fucking life and stop being a god damn cunt. If you ever somehow manage to get something published (now I know this is unlikely, but let's go with this hypothetical situation), I would never buy it. If it had my favorite character, I would not buy it. If it was the next "Watchmen", I would never fucking buy it. If someone gave it to me for free I'd use it to wipe my ass. That's how bad of an impression you've left on me.

>Even in the political threads when I read a post of yours I think, "Shit, I agree with this shit stain, maybe I'm wrong?"

>I say this with 100% sincerity. You are a class A-ass that deserve all the shit you've been getting. I really do hope you actually leave the board and we never have to see or hear about you again. You are easily the worst person on this board and make part of this community less enjoyable. Adrian's post only confirms the crap person you are

>yfw 40 years ago, this post would've been about Superman

I'm sorry, I missed this: is Cap now a nazi?

I havent read shit from marvel except crossovers in the last 2 years and even I know that Red Skull has professor X brain and has probably implanted memories in Cap

>Literally getting mad over a final panel twist that will be resolved within the next 3 issues
Have these people ever fucking read comics before? Have they ever consumed ANY piece of fiction before? This is the most base, most obvious fucking heel-turn/good guy goes bad bullshit to grace comics in a long time. Of course Cap hasn't been a fucking HYDRA agent all along. The kids fucking know this. They're sitting there reading this going "oh wow I wonder what's REALLY happened to Cap?" and waiting on the next issue. Why are these 20-somethings getting literally mad about the comic book equivalent of clickbait?

This is like getting pissed off at the end-of-chapter cliffhanger in a fucking Goosebumps book.


Why are only Tumblr girls butthurt about this? Do girls read comics?

I don't hate it because it's Cap saying he likes Hydra, I hate it because the hero fake heel turn is an embarrassingly overused cliché.

More importantly: is Jack Flag ok?


>the amount of isolated privilege this requires is astounding.
>He has a tumblr, too, btw. Reluctantly I’m following his twitter and saw his tumblr url. Like seriously he’s PROUD of disrespecting a national icon?! Fuck this guy and fuck whoever approved this idea.
>literally ok like he fucking RUINED cap for a lot of people, myself included. cap has been my hero for years because of his incredible heart and his unshakeable morale, and I’m actually disgusted at the way he seems so proud of defiling my hero. like, my great grandpa was the only person who survived the holocaust from his entire fucking family, and I feel physically sick at the way he made me support a fucking nazi. get the fuck out, nick spencer. you can’t write, and if you could you would know that what you did was so very, very wrong on so many different levels.
>I had relatives killed by nazis
>People in the notes being like “why are you getting so upset over a fictional character lmao” like; is there one RIGHT way to be a fan? The “casual” way? Are the decisions the writers make not supposed to affect the way the fans react? Have you NEVER been absorbed in something in your entire life? WTF do you do for fun? PLUS the original statement the creators made by making him; this just as important to them as this is to us; even MORE so.
>There are people alive today that remember nazi Germany. They remember hearing hitler speak in real time. Fuck Nick Spencer
>All my family history has been a reaction to what the nazi did to Europe… So no, not a game when you turn our favorite, the symbol of hope, into a Nazi… That’s not good passion, that’s a reaction of horror.
>My theory is that Hydra is real and they’ve taken control of Marvel and they’re trying to ruin Captain America’s name…

>on tumblr

They're all trans user.

Not at all. They probably heard about it through some IGN or some poser comics related blog, and they think this is a thing Marvel is going to be running with forever. Something they'll put into the movies.

The only thing they're upset about is that since it happened in the comics, it'll happen in the movies. And they can't let anything happen to their gay husbando Chris Evans.

Fuck Marvel for doing this. They should have made Cap gay, so that their billions of Cap gay fanfiction would be legit instead of obsessive and poisonous garbage.

They were founded by strucker but did not have the nazi ideals. The movie HYDRA was a nazi organization that broke away from Hitler and became a cult that worshipped red skull.
>normies friends still think that HYDRA is full fledged nazi
wipe them out.
All of them

Hydra isn't a nazi Organization though.

I honestly feel pretty bad for this kid.

Shhhh not everyone knows that user.

>superman was a phantom zone criminal the entire time

Marvel deserves this for courting these people to begin with.

There was never a kid, user.

Continued again (keeping it as one post just because I keked so hard):

>As the grandchild of holocaust survivors, this is utterly disgusting. Except for two persons, my great grandmother and my grandfather, my entire extended family was murdered in the second World War. I have never known all these people, my family, because of the hatred and violence perpetrated by the nazis. And now at a time when fascism and racism and antisemitism are on the rise again, you pull this shit? This move, making the symbol of anti-fascism and standing up to bullies and hatred into the very thing he has always fought against for over 70 years, as he was intended by his Jewish creators, is utterly sickening and disgusting. I’ve been a pretty hardcore fan for a while now, but I will not spend a single dime on any marvel product ever again until they recognize their mistake and apologize. You won’t get a penny from me, Marvel.

>Le HYDRA are not Nazis meme
Even if they aren't a direct splinter group from Hitler himself they are clearly supposed to be a universal stand-in.

>Fuck Marvel for doing this. They should have made Cap gay, so that their billions of Cap gay fanfiction would be legit instead of obsessive and poisonous garbage.
I was actually ok with this post until this. Fuck Off Tumblr and i hope you rot in hell


Why not copy the text and post a relevant high quality image, instead of posting a screencap of a tweet and a link to your blog? Like the preview page they are discussing, for instance.

Oh shit are these actual tweets?

They used the nazis but at the end of the day that was just for power they care little for race or religion they only care about ruling the world

>they are clearly supposed to be a universal stand-in.

They are not, the "evul nazis" are the universe stand-in.

Okay what.

I honestly can't tell if you're baiting but I'll bite anyway.

I wasn't serious about the gay Cap shit. I was actually pointing out that the only reason anyone supports making Cap gay is to confirm their homolust fantasies about Chris Evans.

>no idea where Spencer's going with this

There are some things you've just got to nip in the bud, user-kun.


That's a faggy fucking name, dude.

Ok then we are good

No, they're supposed to be a stand-in for SPECTRE. That's pretty much what Lee and Kirby intended them to be before Steranko added their Nazi roots.

I feel so bad for DC.
They're doing a whole line overhaul been setting it up for months then some cliche twist overshadows ALL that because Normies don't know how typical this is.

I would feel bad for the kid, if it existed. It doesn't.


Who in their right mind would let pre-10 year olds read comics about cap and scull and hydra and all these.
I mean, too much murder and blood and edgyness. You must be a horrible parent to let them read these before they get 12 + at least.

>I am offended by fiction
I hate these people.

Yes. This is just going to turn out to be a cunning ruse and/or mind control and will not matter in a few months.

No. People are not over-reacting. They would be if this was just some random end of issue twist, but this has been heavily publicised by marvel as being "IMPORTANT" and a big damn deal that will change everything. Marvel are trying to profit off the shock value of appearing to make Cap a nazi, and they need to be held accountable for that. THere's just no fucking way to do that, because all we do is give them the attention they so fucking crave.

This is the worst tbhqwy phamalam

Chris Evans has spoken!

>tfw Chris Evans is posting an ironic status about it
>tfw the #triggered think he hates it as much as they do

It explains all too well my modern fiction is so watered down and safe. At some point, society became so thin-skinned, they get TRIGGERED over what a fictional character in a story may do; conversely, and consequently, they want every work of fiction to be sanitized and all "mean-spiritedness" and "Offensiveness" removed, even if that results in a boring stories and defanged characters that won't upset their delicate sensibilities.


Think of the children!

This is why DC will not win with Rebirth.

Marvel is so good at this game, it's not even funny.

>hiding the name


Sadly not my own photo (I would have kept the name if it was). Just saw it from someone else's post so I don't know where it came from.

>hiding the name

fucking faggot.

What did he dooooooooo?


>moviefags ask Marvel to give Cap a boyfriend
>they make him a nazi instead

One simple Twitter search, man.


Can someone explain what's going on with the new Cap comic? I've seen these threads popping up and all I've gathered is that Cap might be a Hydra agent now or something

This "controversy" and the 50 variants are going to push this shit to #1

I don't need the name, I just want it to be shown.

>all I've gathered is that Cap might be a Hydra agent now or something
That's literally all you need to know

>It wasn't Lauren Faust after all
Aww, bummer.

My uncle was killed by hydra. I can't even imagine how horrible my cousins feel right now. I'm very upset they turned cap into one of them.

>>Honestly I hope someone will vomit on him or something. I would if I didn’t have to buy a plane ticket to do so.

That's the sad thing. EVERYONE (including Sup Forums) fell into Marvel's bait. This is some elder-gods bait

That kid needs to harden the fuck up. It's just a cliffhanger.

But fucking how? Can't WB just hire an army of shitposters like Disney probably did to plant the seeds?

Marvel: Oh shit, Cap is popular enough that they want us to turn him gay! What do!?

Nick Spencer: Let's turn him into a Nazi and see if they still want him that way.

Marvel: DO IT!

>Can't WB just hire an army of shitposters

Hell I'd do it for free if it meant that I could have some kind of back-up in case shit went south

>it's a TDK le edge Jokerfag

TDK Joker was a serial killer/terrorist. Does she not think of all the children that died from serial killers and terrorists that she might trigger as well?

Don't believe any story on the internet.

No user. Shilling to an audience that already likes comics is fruitless. This is why shills don't work and why they don't exist, when your zombies and barely informed people do it for free. Marvel has played at this game for longer.