How did it all start?

How did it all start?
Is there an original thread?
I just know it was on the 18th of October

Other urls found in this thread:

Some (((Italian))) started to spam artworks all over the place. It's clearly a teamwork to shit on USA for undisclosed purpose.

>that sign at the end
why are americans such subhumans

>undisclosed purpose

They shit off on every country and destroy even friendly threads, that's the purpose and it's well deserved.

Is that a shart on its chest?

I swear I remember a Chilean making a thread with the classic 56% face, and asking what would be the face for a lower %

and in that same thread everybody begun making new faces for lower %s, like 47, 26, 12, until we got to 0% white

Thats the oldest thread I found btw

Is this the original one that started it?
So is it the thread i posted?

>0% white
remind me what this looks like

yes it was a chilean i remember

that guy is chilean

yes, it all begun with that thread. Not [spoiler]Soros[/spoiler]

I am getting paid by Soros by the way

That one didn't deserve to be forgotten.

It was my favourte desu

no but it was that week

that's not the oldest thread
there was a thread created by a Finn too

Really? I don't recall a freindly thread in a month ot two. We all shit on each other, but this mutt-meme is to hateful, so to say.

lemme try to find

it goes far back as 2015 afaik


the ogre ones are new though

With almost no impact. Only the new ones triggered butthurt on that scale

This one was created 2 hours and 20 minutes after the other one

weird.i thought a finn started it.

I think it's pretty funny desu

t. Italo-Belorusso-Anglo-Hohol mutt

nah, I'm pretty confident that the other one might be the very first one.
Anyway we should save them all

La creature... la abominacíon... the mutt has many names, yet no beginning or end. Like all the primordial forces and energies, he was present in our universe from the beginning. Not until recently, however, did the proper circumstances obtain for his manifestation in the world of men.

oh i thought you mean the original le %56 face

You're to white to post under that flag, m8.


For a fucking reason your subhuman roach