So 3 Helicarreirs were all it took to "Cleanse the world of all currently and potential threats" to Hydra

So 3 Helicarreirs were all it took to "Cleanse the world of all currently and potential threats" to Hydra.

Could 1 Helicarrier win the war in Afghanistan?


Well they were super mega death helicarriers. I mean that doesn't make it any less retarded but there IS a distinction. Also I'm pretty sure a single one of those would reduce Afghanistan to rubble.

3 Helicarriers, shitloads of satellites and cameras on the ground. Places like Afghanistan would actually be more difficult to find targets obviously

what do they have that could stop it?

If by win the war you mean kill everyone, yes.
But we could do that without hellicarriers, we just won't.

well at that point why not just use normal aircraft since all the infrastructure is still in place

Guys and bombs, maybe a catapult. They could totally angry birds it.

3 words: large exposed turbines

>Could 1 Helicarrier win the war in Afghanistan?

By depopulating Afghanistan.

Didn't they have like sci fi xray shit that could see through walls and caves? They found banner and that guy is pretty smart when it comes to hiding from tech.

I don't know whay they planned to do for him though. Obviously shooting him won't work.

One "built in a cave with a box of scraps" mk 1 Iron Man was enough to defeat an entire terrorist base armed with literally the best quality firearms on the planet. The mk2 or whatever was able to defeat an entire town singlehandedly with no civilian casualties.

Its safe to say a helicarrier with no moral restrictions could Wipe the floor with Afghanistan guerillas caves or no.

Replaced with giant repulsors.

all they have to do is hit the exhaust port, it's like shooting wamp rats back home.

No. It is absolutely useless against Hulk and Thor. And Iron-man could probably take them down with effort.

It is accurate enough to at least blow up anyone that picks up a gun or an explosive. Or snipe them with computer guided lasers if they stick their heads out.

You could literally enforce a no gunz no bombz rule on the entire populace.

why else do you think the US government funded the damn thing?

Not if they just bombed it all to hell.
This is Hydra we're talking about here.

Yeah, but one carrier would still be able to degrade rural Taliban strongholds in good time.

Remember that it wasn't meant to eliminate every single threat in the world.

Zola's algorithm was just intended to pick out the people who represented the greatest threats to Hydra.

Presumably once you've wiped out a few million people the rest would fall into line and now instead of having to kill people tens of thousands at a time, it's just picking off the stray rebel or dissident.

Realistically they'd be quickly brought down as, even if the three are positioned with overlapping AA fields, the quick launch means that they're unlikely to have enough pilots on board for CAP and they're restricted to on-board munitions. However, due to the advantage given by flying they'd be able to quickly destroy local air bases mean that they could act mostly with impunity until enough aircraft were flown in to bring them down. The real issue is that by the time they're brought down they have already pulled off a decapitation strike against the USA's civilian and military leadership and more than likely have begun moving up the Eastern Seaboard. Instant worldwide political crisis, economic crisis, and probably a war or two, perfect conditions for a widespread HYDRA takeover through both covert and overt methods.

Things would get even hairier if they didn't lose the CUBE and had limitless energy for laser beams

3 helicarriers tied into every intelligence network in the world and mostly targeting civilians who weren't even aware they were likely to be under surveillance.

ITT: People forget these can turn invisible

>What is radar
Plus they make a fuck ton of noise

In comic book world your X cool thing wins as much as it needs to win to advance the plot.

In real life, Afghanistan is not called the graveyard of empires for nothing. Mountains and deserts don't just blow themselves up.

Big Money Men make deals with rival factions to keep up trade and the Opium industry. Afghanistan grows huge amounts of the world's opium.

Holy shit I just noticed helicarriers can only cloak from their underside.

So you could still see that shit on google earth.

>The satellites can read a terrorist's DNA before he steps outside his spider hole.
I don't even know.

>Mountains and deserts don't just blow themselves up.
No, but Helicarriers do.

Five hundred million Jericho Missiles, anyone?

I just laughed so hard picturing that. ALAHUUUUUU AKBAAAAAAAaaaaarr....

But somehow now there's a huge opioid problem in America.