Brit/pol/ - UK Space Agency Edition

>Merkel rules out migrant policy reversal after attacks

>Sky's Martin Brunt: "I Could Have Killed Them All"

>Nigel Farage says "Germany may never be the same again" after Angela Merkel’s decision to let in 1million refugees

>Boris Johnson's cat evicted from Number 10 after sneaking in when the door was open

>Blairite Labour Party donor Michael Foster's legal challenge to Corbyn's right to be on leadership ballot

>Corbyn supporters consider legal challenge to NEC's voting limitations and suspension of Constituency Labour Parties. Petition:

>Theresa May SHUTS DOWN £6.4m-per-year asylum centre

>Ukip former chairman Suzanne Evans ends leadership hopes

>New ICM Poll

>Syrian refugees on remote Scottish island

>Theresa May in Northern Ireland

>French press fury after Hollande caves in to May

Daily reminder that if you're not a virgin, you do not belong here.

Fresh OC:

Didn't realise even after almost 2 years how r9k brit/pol/ was tbqh.

Sort your shit out lad, you're British for heavens sake

I thought we were all normies here

Don't worry lads, gf or nah, karen is here

Daily reminder that UKIP are dead and you seriously need to consider your options.

Fuck off with that shit. I'm a virgin but that is r9k tier. Go there or Wizchan if you want your virgin safe space.

oh I have

Daily reminder that this isn't r9k or cripplechans shit version of brit/pol/. This thread belongs to well adjusted, contributing members of society and you should literally kill yourself

Fuck you. Brit/pol/ is our comfy virgin safe-space.

If you don't like that, seriously fuck off.