>Won the election in a landslide 306 to 232
>Republicans won the house majority
>Republicans won the senate majority
>Approx. 30 executive orders so far, more than any president in the first 100 days.
>Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipeline were both approved (great for energy independence and American jobs)
>Promised to cut funding to sanctuary cities
>Hired thousands more border and immigration agents, toughening immigration enforcement
>Got rid of the “catch and release” illegal immigrant rule that Obama had
>Fulfilled promise of a 5 year-ban on officials becoming lobbyists after they leave government, and a lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government.
>Decreasing regulation: signed executive order instructing agencies that whenever they introduce a regulation, they must first abolish two others
>Exposed the migrant issue in Sweden and Europe.
>A 298,000 net job increase in February (in contrast to the 135k estimate)
>The official unemployment rate decreased to a new low of 4.7 percent
>Ford, Intel, Walmart, Sprint, Charter Communications, Carrier, and DOZENS of other companies invested more than $150B into America and a combined 400,000 American jobs over next few years
>Signed a resolution encouraging women in entrepreneurship
>Since November 8th, the Stock Market has posted $3.2 trillion in GAINS and hit 24 CONSECUTIVE record highs – it has never been this high in history, ever!
>Consumer confidence is at a 15 year high.
>Delivered Joint Session to congress – “Best presidential moment in history” – Van Jones
>CEO's most optimistic since 2009.
>Tax cuts coming soon
>Healthcare is coming along, republicans and democrats are compromising on solutions.
>Signed an executive order on energy independence.
>American Manufacturing Survey Showing Highest Level of Optimism in 20 Years with a 35% increase from the past highest level
Other urls found in this thread:
>Was right about surveillance by Obama administration- Susan Rice unmasking story, FISA warrant granted to Obama based off of the fake and debunked “Russian dossier” from Buzzfeed
>Airstrike at Syrian base which shot the chemical weapons, to teach the world our values and punish those who violate international law.
>Supreme court judge Neil Gorsuch approved, despite the UNJUSTIFIED filibuster (100% of democrats accepted Gorsuch in 2006, he has an incredible background with immense experience and knowledge). Approving a SCOTUS has never happened within the first 100 days of any President!
>In response to Trump, China returns North Korean coal shipments, AND buys coal from the US instead!
>263K jobs added in month of March - up from 180k expectation.
>Signed the Buy American Hire American executive order.
>Signed the Veterans Choice Program Extension and Improvement Act – more VA help coming soon
>Welcomed US citizen back to US after being in jail in Egypt for 3 years- shortly following President Trumps meeting with Egypt President, where he told him to bring her back to the US – Obama failed to bring her home
>Exports are a 2 year high.
>Home builder confidence at a record high
>Sanctioned Iran for their missile use
>National association of manufacturers highest confidence in 15 years.
>Regulation cuts are saving taxpayers $17-19 billion annually (Wall Street Journal).
>Already deported thousands of illegal immigrants with serious criminal records.
>Illegal border crossings are down 64% - A 17 year low!!!!!!!
>Afghanistan bomb took out tunnels and killed 36 ISIS members - 0 civilians.
>Is donating 100% of his presidential salary
>70% of Americans say that the Democratic party is out of touch with America
>97% of voters say that they still support their vote for Trump
>This is just the first 95 days. There is 2920 days in an 8-year term.
Meanwhile all King Nigger did in his First 100 Days was go on a cuck tour and raise taxes
that would be a really cute image if trumps face was fixed up a bit
>ugh maybe if I shill him on all unrelated boards then Sup Forums will stop being anti-trump???
pathetic lol
b-but Muh Russia. America is on the media and Democrats side
Get help
>52% disapproval rating
why'd you leave that out OP?
the fuck I thought he is the alpha and macron is the cuck??? im in charge here???
holy shit macron is a boss
>killing off poor people to make billionaires marginally richer
>t. polls from media who produced 6 million polls on how he would lose the election in a landslide
seems legit :^)
>Sup Forums
that's where you're wrong kiddo
t. reddit newfag
damn you got me there, where do I get the true unbias poll numbers?
> Didn't know that Israel is in the Middle East
It's just Sup Forums and Sup Forumseddit tourists
Sup Forums has always been on /pols/ side
Most of this shit is either thanks to obama i.e job growth and the like,the Ceo confidence is up ofc they get tax cut and all the others dont really matter given the fact of automation in manufacturing the shit iwth the pipleine is not for you but for Canada to more easily export the oil and gas and green energy creates more jobs and is cheaper , the bombings are something that every prez does so not that much new, new HealthCare bill is garbage and is going to leave millions without possible
Oh and he also spend a shit ton of time playing golf and wasting a shit ton of money on it,anyone who believes that trump is a good prez and is going to do anything but completely humiliate the country and wreck the economy is lying to themsevles
reminder that Sup Forums was brigaded by leddit
if you like trump you are a kike puppet
But so was Sup Forums which is why you're allowed to post here today lad
Economic policy has it's effect 3-4 years in the future. The job growth is due to Obama, not Trump.
I-I'm sorry...
t. t_d
This is neither television, nor film
He is cleary Angry about being there
That would be worthy of a arniepasta...to bad i am on phone now
Fuck man that looks painful
>sucks the cock of israel
>refuses to use the term 'radical islam' in saudia arabia after criticizing obama publicly for not doing the same thing
>hasn't drained the swamp
>didn't prosecute hillary
>travel ban 1 and 2 failed
>sanctuary city order failed
>failed to introduce a single one of his 10 legislation proposals promised within his first 100 days, including but not limited to the Middle Class Tax Relief and Simplification Act, Affordable Childcare and Eldercare Act, etc.
>tries to brag about using EOs when he complained about Obama being lazy and ineffective for using them and not passing laws
>keystone pipeline using american steel failed
>couldn't repeal obamacare, even though the republicans literally control congress
>signed a bill overturning FCC regulations protecting your privacy online
>getting mexico to pay for wall failed, nearly cause a government shutdown for demanding 1 billion dollar downpayment for the wall that's supposed to be paid by mexico
>defeating isis in 30 days failed
>drain the swamp was a lie
>lock her up was a lie
>no cuts to medicare was a lie
>even breitbart acknowledged the russian shills in trump's cabinet- flynn was denied immunity, may have broken law not disclosing payments from Russia
>travel expenses in first 3 months wasted more tax payer dollars than obama's first two years as president
>kills clean power plan. wants to destroy the environment, overturned regulation preventing coal companies from dumping shit into rivers
>flip flopped on NATO, labeling China a currency manipulator, the Export-Import Bank, and making the American dollar stronger
>flip flopped on targeting dreamers
>lied about not intervening with syria, wasted 60 million tax payer dollars launching 59 missiles that didn't even destroy the airbase, and warned the russians but never informed congress or the NSC
>extended Iran nuclear deal which Trump called “the worst deal ever” with no modifications
>admitted firing Comey over Russia investigation after asking him to end it, then threatened Comey with oval office "tapes"
>leaked classified intel from Israel to Russia, Iran's ally; White House lied about it before Trump admitted it in tweets
Trumps election caused caused confidence, the market and economic future began to surge forward. Nothing about the effect of policy changes
this Administration is daily must-see TV tbqh pham
This copypasta is gonna keep getting smaller every time.
Don't you love it when libs declare victory before they even won? No wonder they keep losing!
>loves jews and is also a huge Sup Forums star
Hes more related to this board than anything you've posted in your less than a year career on Sup Forums
yall I think the President of Croatia wants the D
>Sup Forums Retarded American Politics
>Sup Forums Alt Left Pussies still can't cough up evidence for their conspiracy theories about muh russians
Well, Trumpy does seem to have a way with those Eastern European women, especially the James Bond villain-looking ones.
All the girls do.
>has zero political power
>thinks their healthcare plan will fix anything instead of fuck over millions
Obamacare had flaws, but at least millions weren't without healthcare. Enjoy your preexisting conditions.
>at least millions weren't without healthcare.
>this is what shitlibs really believe
Protip: mandatory healthcare is useless if you can't afford the $400 premiums and $7000 deductible
It's better than the Pedo threads that are constantly spammed.
>Doing such a shit job, a Fucking Democrat might win in Montana
It's going to be hilarious the last two years of his Presidency when the Dems basically do to him what they did to Obama, and just say no to anything he tries to do. The tweets are going to great.
But without Obongocare, we'll have to go back to the dark ages of...2013!
Mandatory healthcare was bullshit, but to say that Trumpcare kicking people off their health insurance is better than Obamacare is idiotic. Also not every person who disagrees with Trump is a shitlib.
Body-slammer just took the lead in Montana.
i know right? compared to now where we're entering a new dark age.Trump as president i LITERALLY can't even literally right now literally hitler amirite?
Right, because Billy Bad Boy Clinton talking to AG Lynch is totally proof of a massive conspiracy involving loli pizza rape dungeons, assassinations, and Bat Boy's secret CIA wiretap program, whereas Trump having multiple members of his cabinet and campaign team involved in secret meetings with Russian diplomats and agents that they conveniently failed to mention is totally a coincidence and could not have anything whatsoever to do with the massive cyberwarfare campaign being waged against the US and Europe by Russian intelligence operatives who also quite coincidentally target Trump's political opponents and never anyone even remotely affiliated with Trump or his campaign. Clearly the fake news engine has run amok!
The fact that it's even within single digits, even with the body slam should be alarming to the GOP.
>Also not every person who disagrees with Trump is a shitlib.
This. It pretty tiresome how Sup Forumstards always assume anyone who disagrees with them is a leftist.
>Tax cuts coming soon
Not for you, boy-o
I said Obamacare wasn't perfect. Single payer is the only option that isn't shit, but god forbid anyone suggests that or you'll be labeled a socialist/communist.
ok lefty
You might as well be a leftist, since you aid the enemy.
>you're either with us or you're against us
Only a Sith deals in absolutes.
Honestly if you get people to understand that if there's single payer, you would take home more money each week because your employer doesn't have to cover the cost of insurance they would be more likely to get on board.
lol ok
You're on Sup Forums right now because of them
Don't forget this outsider
I still have little to no faith that it would work in America. There's too much money in the medical industry right now and politicians are getting all kinds of money to keep it that way. A guy can dream though.