What's the best episode of It's Always Sunny?
What's the best episode of It's Always Sunny?
Other urls found in this thread:
The Gang Hits The Road
not the night man episode
that was pure reddit
The Gang Desperately Tries to Win an Award or Charlie Work
First one is just a great dissection of late 2000/early 2010 comedies. "I don't need to hear a bell to know when I want to drink, I'll drink when I want to." on laugh tracks and how everyone wanted to do a music number to win an award because nobody else was doing it.
Hot one today huh?
That two part new year special was pretty neat
The Gang Gets Analyzed. Where they all see that psychologist.
Also who is /ourguy/? Is it Mac, Dennis, Charlie or Frank?
the christmas special
the Wade Boggs episode
Some faves
Who got Sweet Dee pregnant
Charlie and Dee find love
The Gang Buys a Boat
The Gang Goes to the Jersey Shore
The DENNIS System
The Storm of The Century
The Gang Gets Trapped
The Gangs Dines Out
The Gang Buys a Boat
Frank Reynolds' Little Beauty
Mac and Dennis Move to the Suburbs
The Gang Gets Analyzed
Mac is a Serial Killer
The DENNIS System
The Gang Solves the Gas Crisis
Sweet Dee Has a Heart Attack
The Waitress is getting married
Frank obviously
Such an underrated episode.
>Ghost Boggs: Charlie, you've had over 30 beers dude!
>Charlie: Uhhhhhh, you did? Nice!
>I had it, man. you guys blew it for me.
I'm rather partial to Thundergun.
Either The Gang Gets Invincible or The Gang Gets Taken Hostage
My favorite title card, coming out of the set up, is The Gang Sets Sweet Dee on Fire
Dennis is by far the most Sup Forums character.
Storm of the Century
>The Gang Gets Taken Hostage
Top it.
I don't remember this. What episode?
The dancing marathon
Sweet Dee Gets Audited
the nightman cometh
I think this is from "sweet fee gets audited"
Mac Bangs Dennis' Mom
i agree
darkest thing they've ever done
We want to believe we're dennises, but really we're charlies
>The Gang Solves the Gas Crisis
This is the true answer. May not be the funniest but in exploring the show as a whole - nothing comes close. It perfectly demonstrates the roles and personalities of the gang and their (il)logic
Any episode in which the gang is just put into a normal situation and their neurosis and selfishness escalates it and warps it into something extreme.
The one where they all yell at each other.
It is one of the funniest episodes though.
>"AIDS? You touch anybody?"
Charlie Work
>I put an H on the box
>for hornets
quints bless this man
we'd all like to think we're Dennis's, but deep down we know we're all Charlies.
Welp I should have read the other response to that post before posting this. I'll just go kill myself now
> You will never do coke with Frank on a bar with a hand gun next to you
More like we all want to believe we're Dennis's, but really we're Macs.
DENNIS SYSTEM was the hardest me and my friends laughed. Plus I know people talked about that episode a lot after, saying how good it was. So I vote Dennis System.
I completely forgot what happened here. I mean, completely blank. What happened here?
>all these neo and zombie sunny episodes with not mention of the GOAT
It's Mac and Charlie Die you fucking plebs
>I'm a cowboy!
Dee got audited and she was apparently claiming a child on her taxes so they say the child died and hold a funeral for it, but for some reason Mac and Charlie put a dead possum they found in the coffin
D.E.N.N.I.S. System
Being Frank or The Gang Turns Black
It was a dead dog they found in the alley, they wanted to have a dog funeral for the dog, but Dennis said no, they agreed to instead just light some candles and put it in the garbage bin and say some words, but Mac and Charlie saw the opportunity to give it an actual funeral with Dee's baby / audit situation.
Fuck the Jersey shore
I unironically think S4 is when it jumped the shark. But I was 25 back then, and I've since come back around to liking the show, and even realizing every season since then has averaged at least an 8/10 for me.
>where's the goddamned fire!?
did you fuck my mom?
>ywn be covered in Dee's piss
why even live
The peak of the show was the Gang Gets Invincible
Everything after season 3 is reddit wacky trash
The show was better as a low budge realistic dark comedy
Water park with the loli.
Or the one where they're going to the Grand Canyon, barter at the markets and get Dees car stolen.
>no "reynolds vs reynolds the cereal defense"
nobody in this thread has a certificate of not having donkey brains
everybody in this thread is a science bitch
Just watched this one today and I have to say it's the funniest one. The montage destroyed me
The Gang Goes to a Water Park
Mac and Dennis move to the suburbs
The gang turns black
The one where they're trying to pitch inventions for the "egg" moment alone
Charlie Work of course
The gang gets analyzed is great too
How did I forget Mac Day
Franks Brother
it was one of two episodes actually worth watching that season
that was a pretty reddit episode desu
best one is from this season, "Hero or Hate Crime?"
It's essentially just all of them in a room being themselves for the episode.