Trump works pretty well.
None of them are dressed like Trump though so it doesn't make sense.
My dad recently told me I'm related to Franklin Pierce who did everything that Lincoln undid to make him a great president. Feels weird.
why does Obama have a beard?
>be this mad
>make unfunny thread taking up space on the Catalog
Well Bernie/Hill fags ever recover?
He'd fit in well though in a song about mediocre presidents. Most 1 termers do.
He will unironically go down as one of the worst presidents of all time.
More like one of the best after Americans catch some liveleaks of how non-Arabs are treated in the European Caliphate and everyone starts thanking Trump for not letting that happen here
>using the catalog
Time to go back
Really wonder what it must be like to be this delusional.
Trump could be one of the most presidents of all time.
He shattered the mold of what is considered an acceptable candidate. He was essentially an independent that took over a party that hated him. He may be bowing to ZOG now but he still won the election against impossible odds.
Nobody here honestly thought they would see something like that in their lifetime. This is the time to re-evaluate everything. Sadly, we will probably just fall back into lockstep, with the brain dead masses content to chant "blump was dum" until the end of time.
My only hopes for this election was that Trump would destroy the current order, but like you said, the masses seem more than happy to return to the same bullshit they're used to eating
>H-he's just playing 14-88 chutes and laddrs guise.
>Let's stop Muslim terorism by supporting Saudi Arabia, one of the biggest supporters of Muslim terrorism
>but he still won the election against impossible odds.
considering that america is a two-party system and hillary was unelectable all he had to overcome was opposition in his own party (who were all laughingstocks for their campaigns around the time of the 2012 election)
the real takeaway for both parties will be that people are still willing to elect celebrities, not that people actually want reform and are sick of the shitty two-party system
>mfw I get to live through Eight (8) wonderful years of leftard butthurt, 10 if you include the primaries and GE
Not even an Amerifat and I still get it here.
Drumpf will be lucky to survive next year's mid terms.
yeah just like he will be lucky to win Iow-, win the GOP nomi-, Win the presid-
Who's this cutie?
It's a FUCKING DRAWING. A FUCKING DRAWING. What is wrong with you cunts.
dumb catalogposter
I think this level of bias in the media will actually be in the history books. Our nazi children will ask us what it was like being bombarded by propaganda for years even as Trump unveiled the disgusting truth and we'll have to remember threads like these where shills and true mentally hills like and continued to push their shit until Trumps 8th year when he soils the Democrats plans forever and makes sure they all eat the shit they deserve.
Waifu Drumpf
You tell me his middle name's Hussein
Oh, here have this exploitable png for your answer.
the song is for mediocre presidents, not shitty ones
But that's not kang obama.
It's impossible to have a merely mediocre or forgettable president these days. The role and power of the President has expanded too much since those days.
Doesn't have enough syllables to make me comfortable singing it
Change it to "Drumpfy" then
That line has the same number of syllables as the original song.
you are unironically a useless numale shit dick
Doesn't change the fact that electing the Annoying Orange as President will be remembered for all the wrong reasons.
What has trump done that has had negative consequences?
doesnt change the fact that you were a mistake and your mother never even cared enough to abort you
Trump getting impeached will be his most humanitarian act as president.
Turned America into a Russian client-state.
Triggered much?
>Turned America into a Russian client-state.
Even if I play along and treat that as a fact, what have been the negative consequences of that? How has it actually negatively impacted your daily life?
>le orange joke
What are you even doing here my dude?
>Actually wanting us to be Russia's bitch
Neck yourself, red commie scum.
That's like asking what's wrong with being a slave. You might be well-fed, have a roof to live under, even be treated well but at the end of the day, you're still a slave. This is not who we are as Americans. This is not the identity we forged. Trump sold us out.
Who's the black one?
No seriously.
Answer my question
How has america being a russian client state affected your daily life? Do you still go to work, get paid, buy groceries and watch TV like normal? Or has that changed now?
How are you a slave? What slave things are you being forced to do as a result of trump being a putin puppet?
>muh liberty
>is a big government libtard
Nigga you can't just take all your opponent's talking points and do a 360 with them. Lots of very one sided distinctions. Not even 80iq normies will fall for this.
>"Make America Great Again!"
>"so what if Russia makes us their bitch?!"
What about President Sneed?
Fuck off, shareblue bitch
You think America's gonna have democratic elections again any time soon the way it's going right now?
I prefer Chuck.
How has america being russia's bitch changed anything? Are you suddenly unable to make a living because trump is on friendly terms with putin?
It takes the government away from the people. Trump doesn't answer to the American people anymore, he answers to a foreign power. We live only at Putin's behest.
I'm guessing living under a dictatorship would be okay with you though, since you can still go to work, get paid, buy groceries and watch TV like normal. Typical Trump bootlicker attitude.
Have your liberties been revoked in any capacity by the trump administration?
His liberty to be a smug cunt who is taking pleasure in the destruction of your nation has been revoked.
Well, no, I'm able to make a living because Obama gave America 48 consecutive months of job growth, after the disastrous Bush Jr. administration that Trump seems hellbent to reproduce.
Are you fucking retarded? Nothing has changed at all. Its business as usual and it has been for decades.
>enemies of Trump align with literal communists
>nationalist traditionalist Russia is somehow communist still but they're also working with Trump
Why did you move the goalposts after you got proven wrong?
America has been Israels whore since Israel was created.
>everything is fine, comrades. Do not question the Tsar- uh I mean president
I'm not moving the goalposts at all
You're yet to explain how trump being in power has affected your ability to perform your daily activities in any capacity
isreal are the good guys. it's only natural to help them.
Russia is a corrupt neofascist shithole and America's about to turn into one to. Communism hasn't gotten anything to do with it.
America as a nation was destroyed with the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act.
Name ONE (1) way that trump has oppressed civilians
>implying there's literally anything wrong with fascism
By selling our democracy to Russia.
Again, you have that bootlicker mentality where you don't care about anything as long as you have tv and fast food. You'd fit in well in Russia actually. Our democracy is dead, our votes are now meaningless but you couldn't care less.
>Name ONE (1) way that Trump has improved the lives of average citizens
Almost like both questions are unfair or something.
Well, this is explains why Trumpfans have no problem with licking authoritarian boot.
>Implying there's literally anything wrong wit stalinism
>Implying there's literally anything wrong with theocracy
>Implying there's literally anything wrong with whatever the fuck Pol Pot was doing
No fucking shit, any form of government is fine if you just happen to be among the people favoured by it. I'm sure North Korea is a lovely place if you're part of the party elite. I'm sure Saudi Arabia is great if you are a sheikh.
Hold the fuck up
you think russia got rid of our democracy?
You do realize that the russian "hacking" was limited to leaking information about the DNC's internal drama, right?
Are you suggesting that our democracy is dead because citizens found out information that painted one candidate in a negative light and used their free will to vote against her as a result?
I'm talking about the future. The Russians are in control now. Trump will win re-election regardless of how many people vote against him. That is, assuming he's still useful to the Russians in 2020.
>our votes are now meaningless
Are you implying russia hacked the vote counts? You know that's not at all what the allegations even are, right?
Meanwhile I'm talking about objective observable reality. Feel free to join once you're done hallucinating.
In what way has trump acted authoritarian?
>implying trump isn't a globalist cuck and that I care about him or his dealings at all
>that image
I'm British and I've literally never heard this before in my life
>one of the most presidents
>20 million jobs at mc donalds
after listening to the song and going on google (which you could have easily done yourself) i found out it's Rutherford Birchard Hayes. you're welcome, maybe don't be a stupid piece of shit the next time
wrong you stupid nigger. israel didn't start influencing usa policy until the 70s. israel was created by the zionist brits
>british in any way
nah, kikes don't belong to the nationality of the country they might be leeching off at any given point in time.
creating jobs for idiots still makes them employed so they don't have to be given neet bucks anymore, which are funded through the taxes the working class has to pay. also, many people at McD are part timers while in high school or college
wtf op I JUST finished watching this episode
Indeed, he contracted pneumonia at his inauguration, because he wanted to prove what a tough guy he was by delivering his speech without a hat and coat in freezing rain
yeah, you're fucking stupid
Britain was forced by America to create Israel
t. diseased reddit tranny
Southern cunt
Seven and half more years, nigger tranny.
Quiet, Diego. Nobody gives a fuck about your 62% of an opinion.
Trump is a shitty neocon who talked a big talk but effectively isn't doing anything. Not saying Shillary, El Rato or Comrade Sanders would've been better though.
Fascism is based. Too bad Trump isn't a fascist but a cuck neocon.
woah like yeah the us is basically an apocalyptic warzone there's no chance of a democratic system remaining in less than 4 years' time haha woah just like mad max
Whether liberals like it or not, Trump will be mostly remembered as the president who pulled off the biggest upset in American history.
It's all downhill from here after we elect Kanye West in 2020.
Until Taylor Swift beats The Rock in 2020