It's been almost four months since his last video.
He's done literally nothing but tweet since February.
It's over.
It's been almost four months since his last video.
He's done literally nothing but tweet since February.
It's over.
how much longer until the inevitable suicide?
does he have a real job?
2017 will be the Year of the Spoon. He'll stop tweeting so much, start streaming again, release a bunch of reviews and videos that will attract his old fanbase back and get that patreon back up, improve his physical and mental health, get caught up on all those patreon rewards he's years behind on, finally release that DVD he's been working on, and finally get started on that movie
i always see you kids talking about this dude and how he doesn't put out content like he used to
so i went and watched some of his older stuff and you know what? it's awful and now i think you're all faggots.
hey man, we appreciate you trying.
to each their own.
You mean to tell me he hasn't killed himself yet? Also what was his last video? Was it him bitching about wrestling again?
why do you guys follow the lives of minor ecelebs even closer than real celebrities
Another ebin inauthentic Sup Forums - Television & Film thread being protected because this company gives hangouts to the mods
Hirostein really should have made /cel/. But no, instead he makes Sup Forums with flags.
Let him fall into obscurity. Jesus Christ
Yeah, it is fucking awful but at the time it was good. He is from a simpler time when AVGN was all we had and he was about as close to him as you could get. Yeah, his videos fucking suck now - including his old ones - and you can see that he hasn't really evolved at all apart from better camera quality.
But this was from before YouTube being huge and shit, so w/e.
What is The Latza up to these days?
This fools stock is gonna hit rock bottom
He's gotta be on welfare since welfare pays more
For an entire week straight I said the meanest shit to him on Twitter and nay a response or block. Then one day I responded to a trump tweet with "Trump's not that bad" and he got hysterical and blocked me.
Literally who?
Kek, can I see some of his autism about Trump?
Spoon's entire career path has essentially been a less famous Adam Sandler.
he is a loser who decided to sit around for years and cry about his ugly ex gf and also continue to be a huge man child well into his 30's he deserves every bit of failure he gets
>still up
Why is this fine but lauren southern threads are not, sange?
Just go to his Twitter.
Less than 7 days until the Year of the Spoony begins. Make sure your bodies are ready bois.
You have to understand the time and context when he released that FFVIII review. It seemed insightful and countercurrent to the mainstream opinion of the time and from then, apparently 10 years later, this fat schmuck is still slogging on. I know I live not far from this loser. Thought he would grow up eventually.
He's too busy being on the right side of history you deplorable drumpf loving shitlord!
He said he's releasing a video this month.
Take everything he says with a grain of salt.
fair enough
He also said he'd make a movie once his patreon hits a goal, which it did. And he hasn't.
Reddit is a psychological profile huh.
Even in the remote chance that's true what's it gonna be? He is well WELL passed the point of putting out worthwhile content.
Bump sange
Are you unironically implying that he hasn't already?
His Brother is Border Patrol, so does he hate his brother now?
>If you're on the side of the guy who thinks five million people voted illegally
I love how he doesn't know California allows illegals to vote without an ID. I think New York does the same. Holy shit what an entitled faggot.
I think his brother retired after having to shoot two people.
You've got to appreciate the irony.
The libcucks ended up right about Trump all along, but their constant hysterics, vindictiveness and general utter detachment from both common decency and reality means nobody is listening anymore.
his demographic is fucking fantastic tbqh. coddled, well-fed frumpy pear shaped gen-x'ers who've had zero struggle or adversity in their lives and have this need to virtue signal in between playing fucking videogames and larping as a grown man
>inb4 implying vidya is bad
This dork needed to sort himself out a decade ago, then play vidya
>I hear Jimmy Fallon might be interested
He's more pathetic than Latza ever was. At least Latza actually tried and tried hard to follow his dreams. What does Spoony do meanwhile?
The fact they chose Clinton as their champion meant they could've been absolutely right about Trump and still didn't seriously want to win.
Bernie might have won (and the debates would've been damn memeworthy). Really the DNC needed some new blood in the running.
He gets threads all the time, and literally has thousands of dollars a month from patreon supporters
Really, Clinton was THE worst possible candidate they could have ever chosen. I feel like a lot of people pretended to like her in a desperate hope for Trump to not win.
yeah but the reason someone like myself is disappointed in him is different than what the typical liberal was. They hated him for the wrong reasons. We hate him now because he has become Hillary the Neocon.
I think he hates Trump for other reasons. There are whites who are fanatic democrats but hate minorities, like people from the north east
Massachusetts and so on
Spoony is one of these types. I don't know what fuels their staunch democratic loyalty, it might have something to do with their involvement in unions and focus on social security/benefits. Democrats are more inclined to socialism
I dunno, some of his FMV commentaries are pretty classic I'd say.
Kinda stupid in retrospect, but he was like the "bad boy" among all these reviewer types.
Probably good for him he's faded into obscurity. If a decent dude like James Rolfe can get put on blast for his Ghostbusters 2016 video, Spoony would've brought down all the vengeful fury of SJWs with his rape jokes and shit he used to pull. Maybe?
Actually, by doing that he could've been the hero the Internet deserved.
Millenials get a ton of shit, but Gen-Xers were the fucking worst culturally. Their parents were rich, got divorced, then never got married themselves because they eternal daddy/mommy issues that translated into their political beliefs and trying to constantly virtue signal to the world because of how inadequate they were as children.
Opportunities for good education, wasted because they were too stupid. Stuck in their frumpy sense of fashion and they base their entire personalities off of movies/vidya pop culture references because they have a shitty bratty personality. Like Spoony.
These threads have less than 100 posters, and his thousands of patreonbux comes from 214 people. His twitter has like 40K followers but even that isn't enough to support the argument that he ISN'T obscure
He's spent all day today giving moment by moment twitter updates of his thoughts while watching Terminator Genisys...
>they base their entire personalities off of movies/vidya pop culture references because they have a shitty bratty personality.
sounds about right.
>Like Spoony.
The epitome of the above, no doubt. He did introduce me to actually thinking about vidya though, funny enough. In a lot of ways he was originally like a sort of Mr Plinkett, but for Final Fantasy and other games. He was actually almost "edgy" in a way back then, which is hilarious given what a histrionic liberal bitch he is.
If you ever present this argument outside of Sup Forums people throw a shitfit.
Thing is, the HAD a candidate with Bernie. Dislike him all you want but he would've at least drawn moderates. When he sold out to Clinton (and the DNC was rigged against him) the party doomed itself.
They tried to engineer a dynasty and fucked themselves in the ass
The republicans did the same thing
Politicians are inherently corrupt, you can't trust them
He also spent a large portion of today tweeting about wrestling and of course ranting about Trump again but it is just baffling why he doesn't just turn the camera. It would be so easy. I simply do not understand it.
I think it was more that she lost the nomination last time so she was informally promised it this time by the higher ups within the party who then rigged the primary election to ensure it and got caught.
Did he really expect to stay in touch with the kids? Videogames have a children audience so of course they stop giving a shit about you when you hit 30.
As opposed to television and film? Come join the adults in /lit/ when you're ready.
There's more of a buffer between twitter and the masses than there is with youtube
It's only text, if you record yourself on camera you're more in touch with your viewers since you expose more of your physical presence. It leads you to believe he doesn't really like his fans, he's blocked all comments and disabled the ratings system when he does upload something
>Watching 'reviewers' and following them.
I may be pathetic enough to have Sup Forums as my main board but I'll never be as pathetic as you faggots.
You're right; you're already worse.
Sometimes I wish I was motivated enough to just create a shitton of twitter accounts to relentlessly harass people like Spoony and Patton Oswalt into hopefully killing themselves.
Sorry to make you butthurt Sup Forums but that's true.
You should never kill fellow whites no matter how autistic they are. No more brother wars.
Leave the man alone. Can't you see he's suffering.
Another spastic that can't grasp the concept of schadenfreude.
>unironically believes theres collusion
lmao. wishful thinking at its finest.
Based Douge.
fun while it lasted
I'm not particularly fond of Trump myself but Jesus this is pathetic
It's always been over. He sucks. At his best he wishes he was James Rolfe.
They really need to focus on building themselves up after having Hillary fucking Clinton as the face of their party.
well at least you can articulate the gestalt of the times effectively, i give you props
If you're not #WithHer then you're #AgainstHer you racist, misogynist, homophobic, alt-right, meninist, neo-nazi, man baby!
wat was the max money he got for doing nothing
close to $5000 if I recall correctly. Al he had to do was turn on the camera when he ranted about the latest blockbuster which he assuredly saw and was doing anyway and maybe once a month release something scripted and he'd still be making more money per month than most people I know with real jobs.
This is the most pathetic linked in profile ever
Dial M for Mystery Theatre
January 2007 – December 2007 (1 year)
Lead actor at a dinner theater murder mystery show, covering virtually all of the roles during my time there
>5 million fake votes.
Actually in the recounts it was more than that.
Spoony's old acting resume:
>Play Alien Isolation because of the stream
>Love all the parts Spoony hates
Though I stopped playing once the Xenomorph stopped showing up.
Just noticed his phone number is in there. Can anyone call and see if he takes it? Remember to tape the call!!!
As if his movies are any better
Why does he even care this much about Trump? I never had the picture that he is some kind of rancid SJW.
You're nuts. Period.
I doubt it's still his phone number he moved from Arizona to Illinois several years ago to move into a $230,000 house he bought with the patreon money he got then never fulfilled his promises for. I think one guy was a cancer patient who got the "Play Cards Against Humanity with Spoony over Skype" reward tier and Spoony never managed to take an hour out of his tweeting to do even that.
>There's just no middle ground anymore.
Also the past few years he's been shacked up with someone that looks like a classic tumblrina, coincidence?
Go to about. It's still his number
dark souls live stream
Fat tits though
I had always thought it was just the power of push up bras but she looks like she's THICCened up a little and there's no denying that rack anymore.
would motoboat /10
more pls