/film/ happening

Films where the good guys win?

Other urls found in this thread:


>he just figured out about this
>he didn't get an invite

Why does Hiro keep making useless boards?

he's obviously trying to split every boards population into unsustainable numbers to make every board incredibly slow, eventually killing off the whole sit

Hopes of division, I guess?

>a board people have been asking for since this one was created
It was useless back then since the entire site save for Sup Forums and Sup Forums were slow, but not Sup Forums is one of the biggest boards around

He made Sup Forums with flags. If it were up to me I'd be deleting some boards

Sup Forums will never die. It already has three derivatives

But this board was better when it was slow

>moot didnt make a billion boards because he said Sup Forums didnt have the money to support the traffic
>hiro keeps making random boards but says we dont have money
really activates my almonds

How late are you? Jesus

Hiroshimoot a shit.

kek he is forbidden from /film/

don't tell me you try to discuss kinos on Sup Forums

>implying im not a mod

>Buy passes goy

Get your baneposts ready

If you have adblock you may not realize it but hiro has been uping the number of ads, even intrusive ones that moot always refused to implement.

Also, Hiro is most likely mining us for data like he did to the elevens

It smells like newfag in here.

There is literally no excuse to not be on /film/ right now

forgot pic

/film/ will just become Sup Forums


More boards means more ad-space

I guess we took moot for granted


>there are people on Sup Forums that don't have the password
lmao get fucked faggots

he lost a bunch of lawsuits and owes millions.

Jesus christ, why the fuck would you even need a huge ass ad like that anyway.

Yeah that's why he moved to the US from Japan

what lawsuits?

I miss him lads

Why would you miss the man that ruined Sup Forums?


Because hiro is ruining the entire site

you mean made Sup Forums?

Why isnt /cel/ being made? can anyone really dispute how it wouldnt help both Sup Forums and other boards at this point?

>it's been 2 and a half years
it still fucking hurts

It would, but the mods are probably scared of another fappening.

Because the users that made ((him)) insecure when he first showed up on Sup Forums want it
he is that petty

But the leaks were on Sup Forums first.

Sup Forums is dead

>tfw Sup Forums has been dead for 10 years


It is though. It's basically just a porn board now and we already have ten of those.

he just means it's been reduced to a porn board, like Sup Forums

But if there was a board dedicated to celebrities, and more nudes get leaked, you could argue that the website is being lax in allowing it.

Also, it would inevitably be flooded with underage teens.

who has the /film/ catalog screenshot, it sounds like a neat idea until you see it.

How can one post be so incorrect

Without the gore, bad memes and the same troll threads where OP would never deliver thats all it was anyway.
Ben Garrison tried to push the point that Sup Forums was given a free hand to do that.
>Images uploaded are the responsibility of the Poster. Comments are owned by the Poster.

>Also, it would inevitably be flooded with underage teens.
That used to be Sup Forums anyway.

That's the same /film/ which had no sticky, no mods, no announcement, no feed back threads and was actually invisible unless you were linked right? The one where ANNE ERIN and his irc pedos spammed so they could cry on /qa/ that it was a bad idea??

also any new board is going to have retards spamming it for the early gets. Add in the lack of mods and the result would be the same no matter what the board topic was.

If you're splitting a board as big as Sup Forums you can't just make /film/ and abandon it. You'll need to watch it for at least a few days.

How big is Sup Forums anyway?

It's a big board

if it got deleted would you die?


It would be extremely painful

< Sup Forums < Sup Forums < Sup Forums < Sup Forums

its a big board.

Before the 2016 election it was Sup Forums then Sup Forums(they're catching up to Sup Forums very quickly then) /vg/ and Sup Forums very close behind it
now its Sup Forums either Sup Forums or Sup Forums then the rest

Honestly Sup Forums has probably overtaken Sup Forums by now.

>first film post.png
these are the type of people who post on Sup Forums

cuck book .com/permalink.php?id=1394960050744488&story_fbid=1709653535941803

Weird, I've got it turned off and I only ever see the footer ads

>Dem Kurosawa threads
>Dem Bergman threads
>Dem Audrey Hepburn threads

I see potential

It truly was.


Official "fuck this worthless gook" thread

lmao that's not me but holy shit

You're missing cuck

this is honestly going to turn out more pretentious than Sup Forums pre-meme rap

>Annual Cannes, Toronto, Ann Arbor, Sundance, Berlin, Venice, Tokyo, Stiges, Saravejo festival threads
cool stuff
>Meetups at cinemas
nice stuff

Use adblock
Don't phonepost

get 1337

No shit, it pissed all the spergs off who want /cel/

>the spic cancer on Sup Forums is just a meme!

We need /cel/ fuckers

/cel/ is the containment board Sup Forums needs.

Yup definately missing cuck

BTW I'll be there day one, we finna talk about movies

Wait so is /film/ an actual board or just a meme? Can I access it the usual way or is IRC required?

what is /cel/

Sup Forums got worse with the meme rap because now teenagers have infested the board constantly attempting to find reasons as to why their music taste is better and more eclectic than everyone elses

Only tripcode users with 100+ posts are allowed atm, with forced user

Sup Forums is the containment board for /film/


Good. Sup Forums was one of the best boards when it was full of pretentious hipster bullshit and slower than Sup Forums

Creating more boards doesn't solve anything. Hire better or more mods that actually do their job. I miss moot he would never let this happen

celebrities, so technically no more waifu cunny threads

ironically everyone there listens to the same albums that get praised by p4k and fantano

hiroshima, kudasai

>expecting something from someone who made /bant/

It's not going to work that way. You'll just have celebrity shitposting on both boards.

>hire more mods

Hi, I'm a Russian shitposter pretending to be an American who supports Trump. Which board should I spam with my annoying crap every day?

Thanks comrades and MAGA!


one board for kino, two boards for cunny. all according to keikaku

>when being a tripfag has positive repercussions
'tis the day sempai

So is it a real thing or not?

Sup Forums because like most anti-trump tourists you're here only for game of thrones


there's no way of verifying that you're a tripcode user without making a post with the code filled in and even if there was it's not like big users haven't had their codes leaked before

>Sup Forums.org/feedback

make it happen

Sup Forums has 3 contaiment board.
Sup Forums only have Sup Forums


We need /cel/ and /film/

The guy I responded too doesn't know that though.

Any one, just remember to show your support to Donalberg Trumpstein, everything you post.