

i feel sorry for you

I think about you every night

Sup Forums doesn't have a popular board dedicated to reddit

inb4 that's Sup Forums

More like the right side is reddit, and the Sup Forums user took the stairs because he's too anti-social to share an elevator with other people.

The point of this scene was always that Don says he doesn't think about him, when he obviously does

The whole episode was him trying to compete with Ginsberg, to the point that he left Ginsberg's idea in the car just so he couldn't compete with Don's

He was lying

reminder. you have to go back.

>negative opinion about pol makes me a redditor

maybe I dont want to fucking hear about politics when I go on Sup Forums maybe I want to talk about tv shows and movies ever think of that

Then Reddit would be a much better website for you. Not even memeing.

>Yet ANOTHER Don thread
>I'm still the only person on all of Sup Forums that likes Ken Cosgrove

please tell me this is b8

That image is old as fuck. Sup Forums wasn't pure, unfiltered reddit cancer then.

>Another Don thread
>No Ken Cosgrove thread

yeah. confirmed redditor

>Besides hating Nolan and Tarantino for some reason, bringing politics and race into Sup Forums
>"Anyone who disagrees with me is from Reddit"

You're retarded.

Wasn't Ginsberg insane though? Lol

Ken is underrated
I like the idea that the Chevy account is supposed to parallel the Vietnam War and Ken losing his eye is supposed to be part of that

Yes, and he's the best character


tapping a maple on a cold Vermont morning

What's incorrect about it?

Whining about Sup Forums whenever someone says something racist is peak reddit. you think racism on Sup Forums didn't exist before Sup Forums? lmao both newfag and reddit

>this triggers the Sup Forums

>alt-right pussies whine about everything

im only alt right for the lulz. idc about politics

>goes to another site
>tries to make it like the site he came from
Why do this? For what purpose?

Twin Peaks that kind of show that is similar to a root canal.

I just don't like it Sup Forums/

Can I opt out of this subject without lighting fires?

Sure stormdrone

Yeah just don't watch it. Most of us don't watch most shows.

Posts like these are a sure fire way to tell somebody is a newfag who started posting on Sup Forums in 2014 or so.

>n-no y-y-you haha g-gottem
t. you

Ken is one of my favorites. Maybe even, dare I say, /myguy/?

>maybe I dont want to fucking hear about politics when I go on Sup Forums maybe I want to talk about tv shows and movies ever think of that
unironically go to reddit

no u

could you imagine the person who takes this image seriously and follows it to the letter?