What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

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He's stupid. What else is new?

John Green strikes me as kind of a cuck beta male orbitar, and seems to attract the same cult following as Harry Potter

I've never read his books but that's the gist I get


He can eat my cheerios after I'm done with them then I guess. They're not very appetizing the second time around though.

He's said somewhere that his wife wasn't interested in him at all until he'd become successful, at which point she suddenly wanted his dick. He has apparently never put any thought into this.


Sweden bringing the Keks

That doesn't really make him a cuck, just a tool

But if she is in fact gold digging then she's probably seeing jamal while he is toiling away on his next masterpiece huh

His logic accounts for just cereal he is having. Its more like some guy having a bowl of cereal, and a line of guys have their own spoon with them each taking turns trying the cereal and whenits his turn it'll be soggy, sloppy and gross.

It's kind of a strawman argument honestly.

The number doesn't matter so much as the fact that a certain count simply can't be attained through longterm, stable relationships.

Those are ONS notches. Those are "I fucked a stranger because he was hot" notches.

These are guys who she deemed worthy of her pussy simply for being who they are.

But then, at the same time, here's you: a guy that has to "earn" the right to get into her panties. Who YOU are isn't good enough for no-strings-attached sex. You've got to give her something else in return as well (time, money, resources etc.)

If you're one of the guys that has to "earn it", you're accepting her judgement of you as an inferior being. You have no self-respect and YOU are the real whore in that relationship. Whoreing out your time and resources for the same pussy that better men were given for free.


1. Daughters of single mothers.

Often means Daddy issues. And a mother who was dating a lot because Daddy was gone. Sleeping with a lot of dudes over time. Most of the men didn't stay. So Daughter grows up dealing with lots of tears and angst from a perpetually ditched Mom. And no good male supervision / role model. Some daughters of single mothers escape this (grandpa strong in her life; or a really good and stable stepfather before her wild years, maybe).

> #2. cutters

> #3. women with tattoos and eccentric piercings

> #4. women who have ever had an eating disorder

2-4 are self explanatory

> #5. Women who have had more than 5 lovers.

Studies have shown that a woman's ability to pairbond drops off significantly if she has had more than this. Which coincidentally matches Grandma's common-sense advice.

> #6. Redheads.

Hands down this one is the most controversial. To me it makes no sense, but I have never a redhead. Also, this probably refers to natural redheads.

> #7. Bi-sexuals.

Fun to sex with. A sheer disaster to marry. No bisex women.

> #8. seems to be often about attention-seeking.

> #9. Weaboos and Wapanese.

Western women who live only to anime and Cosplay and who believe Asian culture to be superior in all ways

> #10. Victim women.

Not referring to women who have been victims, necessarily, but referring to women with a "victim mentality".

Women who need rescuing will carry that need with them from relationship to relationship.

If my cereal had 47 dicks in it I wouldn't eat it.


>Whoreing out your time and resources for the same pussy that better men were given for free.

>open a bottle of coke
>drink it REALLY sloppy
>spit everywhere inside
>'hey dude do you want this half-drank coke'
>"hey do you want this non-virgin woman instead'
>'oh hell yeah nigga'

No.. My waifu..

When women get old, most of them get bitter and mean anyway.

>And some allow 4 brave men to get killed in a place called Benghazi and then lie about it

I lived with a woman one time. STEM woman, quiet.

She eventually opened up to me that she had had dozens of lovers.

Gangbangs. Group sex with many men and women in one house, swapping off all night.

I had to wait 2 weeks, but she had fucked guys she had known for 15 minutes.

Never marry a woman without knowing her very well, anons.

Never marry a woman with 5 lovers in her past.

Metaphors are a shitty way to make arguments for plebs to eat up. Any metaphor can be made to fit a world view.

So basically he's arguing that women being sluts isn't bad and shouldn't affect your relationship, sorry bud it does and you're a moron if you don't think otherwise.

If she's slept with dozens of men before settling for you, that usually means she's indecisive and immature. Also if those dozens of other men didn't want her they probably had a good reason for it.

metaphors/analogies are often just a way to avoid the question and make the position look ridiculous. As in this case.
>'oh, you're opposed to total gun control? well, if the cheerios you buy randomly kill a number of people who buy them after breakfast each day, you would keep buying that brand XD'