When will the sjw movement end?

When will the sjw movement end?

I think that one is just our sue happy society.

Not soon enough

Either a world war, the Islamisation of Europe or a slow decline as it ceases to be a worthwhile concept.

Women like this should have to talk to an actual rape victim and tell them their story.

This sounds less like SJW and more like NIG.

40% man 60% women inmigration

Women will have to fight between them and they will have to be more feminine and less bitchy.

What I want to know more is when will shilltrolls end.
After the election right?

It would literally take war at their doorsteps to snap them out of this shit. Even then most of them would probably die, if we're lucky.

Hard to say, but I believe we reached peak SJW in the 3rd or 4th quarter last year.

LMAO she bitched about it being an "adult toy" being used in front of children.

You're totally right lady. Children have no idea what it's like to pee. It should be sexual assault for young boys to use the men's restroom.

These things tend to last just under 6 years. That's about how long the first PC movement lasted, that's about how long 9-11 jingoism lasted.

Holy shit, someone getting triggered over a Hibachi grill.

First time I saw the grillboy use this I laughed.

Now all I want is Hibachi.

She should sue her own brain for making her think about sex constantly and making her distraught over every little thing in relation to her brain saying it's about sex.

It's here to stay. The liberals use it to distract rabble from its neocon tendencies and complicity in shifting wealth away from middle class.



It's not sexual assault, but it is assault like spitting on someone.

It wont.

It's been forced into the minds of Generation Y. I can tell you because I have seen it myself, I have sat in the classrooms that teach the next mayors, governors, the next house reps, the next congress members, and the next president these false beliefs. In my experience in high school, arguing with history "teachers" about a non-bias course of history has led in in house suspension or other disciplinary actions which are detrimental to young, free thinking individuals. It's far worse than you can imagine. I couldn't see it for what it actually was when I had the chance.

You're a fucking retard.

Fat leads to higher levels of estrogen.

nope, unless the water toy had bodily fluids inside it

honestly sjwism is no where near the norm like Sup Forums thinks. just today i heard a group of 16 yo girls on the bus talking about how trannies are weird and gross. they are just given a massive voice in parts of the media, it's all to protect the banks/elite and keep people who are interested in politics (like 5% of the population) arguing about bullshit.